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Wednesday, 15. May 2002

Cosmic catastrophe "a certainty"

According to Dr Arnon Dar, of the Technion Space Research Institute, Israel, a particular type of exploding star going off anywhere in our region of the Universe would devastate our planet.
A collapsed supermassive star would create a black hole that would "send out a beam of destructive radiation and particles that would sterilise any planet in its path"

He has calculated that it would happen to Earth once every 100 million years or so. Article at BBC or Cosmiverse or Unknown Country

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Gulf of Cambay: Artifacts or Geofacts?

It must be remembered, that it can be quite easy and is quite common for nongeologists to be confused by natural rock formations. When confronted with natural phenomenon they are unfamiliar with, even the best of scientists can be mislead.
Visit Graham Hancock's gallery of images from the Gulf of Cambay, and then read this well written article, so that you can make up your own mind...
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Tuesday, 14. May 2002

Earth expels gas

The Earth reacts so strongly to the solar wind that it helps create space storms that disrupt electricity grids and satellite and radio communications, surprised NASA scientists said on Thursday.

The Earth's outer atmosphere works as a heat shield to deflect and absorb some of the damaging energy, but in the process creates a billion-degree cloud of electrified gas that sets up loops of multimillion amp electric current.

It's chaos up there! - story at CNN and NASA

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Sunday, 12. May 2002

Life-supporting ecosystem for space

Cary Mitchell
Purdue [University] will help design a self-sustaining environment for future space colonies. Residents will grow their own crops and live inside fully enclosed habitats in which all wastes are constantly being recycled and purified. Plants will provide foods and oxygen for humans, microbes will be used to break down wastes, and other technologies will be needed to remove impurities from the air and water.
Good news for anyone planning on evacuating Earth in an emergency
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Saturday, 11. May 2002

In brief...

Satellite measures gravity field Satellite photographs Everest Russian satellite seeks aliens

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Friday, 10. May 2002

Protecting Cosmonauts from Cosmic Rays

When on the Earth, atmosphere and magnetosphere reliably protect people from the solar cosmic rays ruinous for all living beings. Out in the interplanetary space cosmonauts are vulnerable, unless special protection measures are involved. To fully shield human beings from space radiation the spaceship body should be about three meters thick, but the engine able to launch such a huge spaceship has not been invented yet. Certainly, the cosmonauts are shielded both by the environmental suits and by the spaceship body, but the protection is not sufficient. So, what can be the solution to the problem?
Solution...They place radiation detectors throughout the spacecraft, so that the cosmonauts can hang-out in the least affected areas. Kinda like using the shadow of a tree as shade - when the shadow moves, you move too.

NASA are working on it too:

"On a trip to Mars and back, without the appropriate shielding, about every cell in the body would be traversed by one of these heavier articles."
Read more about why having a roof 3 metres thick would be sensible if a pole shift removed the Earth's protection for a while:

Radiation Hazards to Crews of Interplanetary Missions: Biological Issues and Research Strategies (1997)

Space Daily

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Thursday, 9. May 2002


Rats controlled by implants in their brains could one day be used to search for landmines or the buried victims of earthquakes. Researchers have created 5 of these ratbots and succeeded in steering them through an obstacle course by remote control.
There are also some killer squirrels and fish that glow in the dark in the news this week
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Wednesday, 8. May 2002

In brief...

Liposuction = stem cells Fluoride = poison Wine and cannabis = long life

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Tuesday, 7. May 2002

X-Ray Flashes & Gamma-Ray Bursts may be related

Researchers have concluded tentatively that X-ray flashes are the low-energy relatives of gamma-ray bursts, created by similar mechanisms.

This implies that there are different degrees of ray bursts from neutron stars, black holes, and quasars - and that there's a good chance we haven't observed a big one yet.

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Monday, 6. May 2002

Artifacts From Cuban Atlantis

orion tile A number of artifacts have been recovered, including the tile above, with markings that match the layout of the Giza pyramids. Be sure to read the footnotes ;)
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Sunday, 5. May 2002

Off Topic - 11 mysterious biologist deaths

It's a tale only the best conspiracy theorist could dream up....

Eleven microbiologists mysteriously dead over the span of just five months. Some of them world leaders in developing weapons-grade biological plagues. Others the best in figuring out how to stop millions from dying because of biological weapons. Still others, experts in the theory of bioterrorism.

Report from FarShores

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Saturday, 4. May 2002


Two ancient maps have appeared in the news this week:

3-D Russian Map (120 million years old) Dating based on some shells, 3-D technology requires super-computers even today, all quite unbelievable, link has pictures, but bigger pictures are here, and a discussion here...

(2200 years old) Oldest Chinese map found to date, nothing particularly amazing about it, aside from its antiquity

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Friday, 3. May 2002

Mayan solar observations confirmed

Honduran scientists have replicated observations of the sun's movements that the ancient Mayas made centuries ago from the ceremonial plaza at Copan, the ruins of an ancient city in western Honduras.

The discoveries, especially the notations made Tuesday, reaffirm once again that the Mayas, whose civilization reached its peak between 250 and 900 A.D., were great astronomers.

Comes as no surprise really...[ article ] + [ another article ]

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Wednesday, 1. May 2002

Hot new Hubble pics

Tadpole galaxy Four striking images have been posted online, taken by the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), which was installed aboard the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope in March during Servicing Mission 3B.

The one above is of the strange "Tadpole Galaxy". See the images, read the story...

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Tuesday, 30. April 2002

In brief...animal antics

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Monday, 29. April 2002

Eve described


Scientists may have reconstructed the face of Eve, the mother of modern man.

By combining genetics, archeology, climatology and anthropology, they conclude the offspring of Eve -- who was taller and larger than a modern woman -- migrated out of Africa 80,000 years ago.

After examining DNA passed through the female line, they believe she would have looked like the reconstruction pictured.

Doco "The Real Eve" screened in the USA on Discovery channel last week. Here are some links:

Factor in a global cataclysm and some cosmic rays to speed up the mutation/evolution and this is evidence for a handful of people surviving a pole shift just 12,000 years ago
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Saturday, 27. April 2002

Cosmic ray mystery solved?

The highest-energy particles in the Universe, known as galactic cosmic rays, have always puzzled scientists. The particles' source must be within 200 million light years of Earth, because cosmic rays from beyond this distance would lose energy as they traveled through cosmic microwave radiation. It has been uncertain what kinds of objects within this distance could generate such energetic particles.

Answer: "retired" quasars - galaxies containing supermassive black holes that now appear lifeless

"Each contains a central black hole of at least 100 million solar masses that, if spinning, could form a colossal battery sending atomic particles, like sparks, shooting off towards Earth at near-light speed,"
The if is important, but their argument is sound enough...BBC or Cosmiverse

BUT WAIT! They come from supernovas.....

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Friday, 26. April 2002

Bonus neutrinos

Neutrinos, previously thought to be massless have been observed in a new way that tells scientists there are probably three times as many emitted form the Sun as previously believed and that they may change from one type to another before reaching Earth.
Scientists have long puzzled over why we only receive one-thrid of the neutrinos expected from the Sun. They now know it's because two-thirds of them change into close relatives, the muon and the tau.

Interesting numbers - three varieties of neutrino, and equal numbers of each variety arrive here. Perhaps they are in some kind of random quantum state until observed? The articles, at Cosmiverse, BBC, Unisci and AlphaGalileo, don't mention any explanation of what causes the neutrinos to change...

This also means that the Universe just got heavier

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Thursday, 25. April 2002

New order of insects

Insect Note: new order, not species...

Researchers have discovered a living population of the insects in the southwest African nation of Namibia

The insects, described as a predator that resembles a mix between a stick insect and a preying mantis, were placed in the new category "mantophasmatodea."

The discovery "tells us that there are places on Earth that act as protective pockets, preserving tiny glimpses of what life was like millions of years ago..."

It would of course be naive to think that anything bigger could be found anew...

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Wednesday, 24. April 2002

Neutron Star 3 Hour "Superburst"

NASA scientists have observed a rare thermonuclear explosion on a neutron star that brightened it for so long that they could detect its motion as it moved towards and away from us on its orbit around a companion star.

"Because the burst was so powerful -- a trillion times greater than the total U.S. energy consumption last year -- we could study the neutron star for much longer than usual...."

They have observed bursts from this star before, but usually for only 10 seconds, underlining the incredible unpredictability of such objects.

... from NASA or same article with pictures at Cosmiverse

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