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Tuesday, 4. June 2002

Black Hole = Electric Motor?

Black Hole - nasty jet

The magnetic fields extend for up to 10 million light years, and the energy is created by some form of dynamo in the center of the black hole.

Los Alamos researchers believe that a "sudden reconnection or fusing" of magnetic field lines creates cosmic rays. Powerful stuff going on.

Source: Cosmiverse

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Monday, 3. June 2002

Junk DNA....not junk?

...the study is the first to show in mammalian cells that some human LINE-1, or L1, elements can jump to chromosomes with broken strands of DNA, slip into the break and repair the damage...

Until now, everyone thought L1s were just intracellular parasites in our DNA – leftovers from the distant evolutionary past. The big question in the field is: Are they still there because we can’t get rid of them or do they have a function?...

"We are here today either because of, or in spite of, L1s"...

We have more L1s than any other species.

If they repair DNA in an intelligent manner, does mean we are more highly evolved because of the L1 elements? Is evoution a combination of high DNA mutation from radiation, combined with a repair system which leaves alone any beneficial mutations?

Sources: EurekAlert + NewsWise

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Sunday, 2. June 2002

Archaeological Cover-ups

The scientific establishment tends to reject, suppress or ignore evidence that conflicts with accepted theories, while denigrating or persecuting the messenger.

This article discusses what many of us already suspect - that unmistakable proof of ancient civilizations is unfairly negated. Discussed are the Stones of Ica, Age of the Sphinx, Forbidden Archeology, Darwinism, ancient New Zealand & geological dating.

Source: Nexus Magazine April/May 2002

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Saturday, 1. June 2002

Important new detectors

Gravity Waves. Albert Einstein predicted their discovery as part of his general theory of relativity.

A $300 million project called LIGO gets switched on in July. It consists of a wave antenna in two halves, one in New York and one in Livingston, La. A gravity wave is kind of like a space-quake, and will detect if a supernova occurs in our region. Or something undiscovered and just as dangerous?

Source: Seattle Post

Geomagnetic Field. SWARM is four satellites in two different polar orbits between 400 and 550 km altitude, which will make a global high-precision survey of the geomagnetic field. This will help scientists study the scary aspect of a magnetic pole shift.

Source: Alpha Galileo

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Friday, 31. May 2002

Solar flare silences Japan's Mars probe

A solar flare has silenced Japan's first Mars probe, cutting communications with Earth. Japanese officials say the spacecraft's computers can be reconfigured to fix the problem - but this may take six months.

But that might've only been a baby flare compared to what the sun has in store for us...

Source: New Scientist

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Thursday, 30. May 2002

Mayan Doomsday vs. Olympic Games

Recent Google searches for 2012 are bringing up this weblog as the first result. Previously, 3 2012 Olympics sites were ahead of it. This indicates to me that the Mayan date is the best interpretation for the number 2012. The word is spreading.

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White Dwarf Could Destroy Life on Earth

Chandra pic of a supernova
A white dwarf called HR8210, part of a binary star system just 150 light years away, was first spotted in 1993. By itself it is not large enough to evolve into a dangerous supernova; however, it is in a binary system with another aging star, which will dump its outer layers on HR8210 when it enters its final days.

They say it might take hundreds of millions of years before it goes supernova, but fail to give us any minimum...

Sources: Cosmiverse + New Scientist + (picture details)

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Wednesday, 29. May 2002

Colorado rainforest?

With current dry conditions, it's hard to believe that a tropical rain forest once existed in Colorado, but scientists say it's true and have found more evidence

Scientists have found fossilized trees of the type that grow in rainforests. 64 million years ago they say.

Source: The Denver Channel

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Tuesday, 28. May 2002

Early whales were wolves

Fossils show early whales became agile swimmers in a mere blink of evolution - about 10 million years.
The pictures in this BBC article show how whales once resembled wolves. Obviously they "crawled into the sea to escape predators or seek food", because a global flood never happened!
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Monday, 27. May 2002

Mayan Caves...

...good places to hide from cosmic rays!

Divers Discover Maya Relics in Caves That Became Rivers

"We have found hearths and human remains dating to a period when the caves were dry, an estimated 8,000 to 9,000 years ago," Mr. Meacham said. "We have also documented deposits of ceramics and human bones from the Maya period."
The ancient Maya may have dug caves with spiritual abandon
As he's probed the ancient Maya's sacred landscape, he's come to realize that this group's belief system invested immense supernatural power in caves and the mountains that surround them. ....some of the largest Maya outposts of the Classic period, which lasted from A.D. 200 to A.D. 900, were strategically oriented on and around natural and humanmade caves... Artificial caves were constructed...thousands of these artificial caves that have yet to be discovered

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Sunday, 26. May 2002

In brief...

Bald chicken

Featherless chicken - fattens quicker Reading does damage eyesight Weekends are wetter - it's official!

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NEAR Resurrection: Bringing Back the Dead Spacecraft

See this previous article mentioning the "conspiracy theory" about a Hall of Records, NEAR and Eros...

A death-defying comeback might be in store for NASA's Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft. The probe is now muted, quietly resting in a no-shout zone on the surface of asteroid 433 Eros.

An attempt to reconnect with NEAR may occur at year's end as the rocky world and Earth move into close proximity and sunlight washes over the spacecraft's energizing solar panels.

Sounds to me like they want an update, from a piece of rock where nothing should be happening.

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Friday, 24. May 2002

CME on its way

A solar coronal mass ejection (CME) is heading toward Earth. Sky watchers should be alert for auroras after sunset on Thursday, May 23rd, and again on Friday, May 24th. Forecasters estimate a 25% chance of severe geomagnetic activity at middle latitudes when the CME arrives.


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Thursday, 23. May 2002

Mesoamerica's jade source found

Well, this is a bit of a blow for those like myself who believe in contact between ancient cultures....

For half a century, scholars have searched in vain for the source of the jade that the early civilizations of the Americas prized above all else and fashioned into precious objects of worship, trade and adornment.

The searchers found some clues to where the Olmecs and Mayas might have obtained their jadeite, as the precious rock is known. But no lost mines came to light.

Now, scientists exploring the wilds of Guatemala say they have found the mother lode — a mountainous region roughly the size of Rhode Island strewn with huge jade boulders, other rocky treasures and signs of ancient mining. It was discovered after a hurricane tore through the landscape and exposed the veins of jade, some of which turned up in stores, arousing the curiosity of scientists.

Previously non-orthodox researchers suggested that it must have come from overseas, perhaps Burma.

(Thanks TomNadeau)

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Wednesday, 22. May 2002

NASA To Test Microwave Effects On Plants

NASA are considering the idea of transmitting power from satellites to Earth via microwaves.

"One of our main questions is how organisms will respond to sustained microwave exposure because the beam from space will be on all the time," said scientist Jay Skiles of NASA Ames Research Center in California's Silicon Valley.
This may be all well and true, but could there be a further reason for this experiment, something to do with fears of space radiation increasing... (probably not, I'm no conspiracy freak!)

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Tuesday, 21. May 2002

Gamma Ray Bursts are from Supernovae

Long been guessed at, finally proven (well as much as space scientists prove anything)

New Scientist Cosmiverse

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Monday, 20. May 2002

Mutations Can Carry Over Generations

The finding is "a complete nightmare," says Dubrova... "I expected to find nothing in the grandchildren" of irradiated mice, he says, "but no, they show exactly the same increase in germ line mutation rate."

"The remarkable finding that radiation-induced germ-line instability persists for at least two generations raises important issues of risk evaluation in humans," the journal report says.

The researchers stated that inherited mutations were subtle and involved DNA that had "no apparent function".

Rays from space cause inheritable good mutations = evolution? - Hundreds of scientists are studying outbursts of mutation causing rays from the Sun, stars and black holes. Other scholars are trying to prove that our DNA repair system can be selective, and leave good mutations unrepaired. And now we have the first evidence of (good?) mutations being passed down through generations.

Washington Post HealthScout

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Sunday, 19. May 2002

Oronteus Finaeus Map = Australia?

Oronteus Finaeus Map After decades of debate over whether this map is of an ice-free Antarctica or not, a new theory has arrived from an Italian researcher. This article by Diego Cuoghi shows at the bottom of the second page that the word Java on the map actually refers to Indonesia, and therefore the focus of the map is Australia and not Antarctica.

[ the article is in Italian, but he hopes to have an English translation done soon - in the meantime, use the tools at Searchenginez to translate entire web pages ]

My input: The Tropic of Capricorn grazes the top of "Antarctica" which would make Antarctica much, much larger than it really is. The Tropic does however pass through northern Australia, which is a much closer fit.

And: The centre of the map, the South Pole, could be a confusion. The Aboriginal people of Australia have their most sacred place right in the center - Uluru (previously known as Ayers Rock)

1996 article against it being Antarctica - by Paul Heinrich High res image of map - 510K Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings - by Charles Hapgood

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Saturday, 18. May 2002

Giant star plays bass

Click here to hear it (MP3) -->starbass (audio/mpeg, 254 KB)

Stars make sounds. The discipline of asteroseismology measures the oscillations. The internet lets you hear them!

The new observations demonstrate that xi Hya oscillates with several periods of around 3 hours.

It is well worth downloading the tune it makes (look for the link at ESO). Okay, it's speeded up a million times, but it has a rocking rhythm!

European Southern Observatory Cosmiverse

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Friday, 17. May 2002

'Strangelets from outer space attacking Earth'

Once or twice a year a strange, heavy "nugget" from outer space, as small as a blood cell but weighing about a tonne, may zoom through the Earth at up to 1,500,000 kmh.

American scientists believe two earthquakes in 1993 were caused by these "strangelets" - an exotic form of matter that has not been directly detected yet.

They say that in October, 1993, a strangelet entered the planet near Antarctica in a violent explosion and exited south of India 27 seconds later. A month later, another hit the Pacific Ocean and left via Antarctica 19 seconds later. Shock waves were recorded in Australia and Bolivia.

How scary is that?

The culprits are apparantly "strange quark nuggets"--exotic bits of matter hypothesized to drift through space, but never detected. First proposed by Witten in 1984. Other physicists have calculated that they would dash through Earth with dramatic effect: a 1-ton fleck would unleash the energy of a 50-kiloton nuclear bomb, spread along its entire threadlike path.

The scientists looked at hundreds of thousands of unexplained seismic events and found a few that could possibly be caused by such a hypothetical happening. (Or by chance!)

Geologist Eugene Herrin, of the Southern Methodist University in Texas says "There would probably be a tiny crater but it would be virtually impossible to find anything."

Australian physicist Anthony Thomas says "I don't think our knowledge of the structure of matter is good enough to know whether they (strangelets) do or don't exist."

Telegraph Ananova InScight The Age

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