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Tuesday, 21. January 2003

More swimming mammals

A simplistic view of the Aquatic Ape theory - hairless mammals spent a long time living in the water, once upon a time. Elephants are amazing swimmers, and it surprises me that scientists are surprised to find that the ancestors of elephants could also swim:

"A prehistoric ancestor of the elephant may have roamed — and perhaps swum — farther than experts once imagined. "

The fossil of a 7 million year old Deinotherium Gigantisimum, 15 feet tall, found in Crete,

"suggest the mammal moved around larger areas of Europe than previously believed, possibly swimming long distances in search of food. "

They also believe that skulls of the animal, with a large hole for where the trunk connected, gave rise to the myth of Cyclops.

Source: ABC

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Saturday, 18. January 2003

Paradigmatic Parallels - part 1 - The Silent Word

Jonathan McGregor Bethel & Michael Scott McDaniel

“There is more to the picture than meets the eye." The wisdom that emanates as aesthetics from a great artists painting not only coveys hidden messages of the artist, but it exudes information from an altogether trans-temporal dimension. The writer, like the artist, is somewhat of an oracle, in that; to be creative is to be prophetic. As Safaratti showed, information, unlike matter, is in instant connection and can travel faster than the speed of light. This is known as the Bell space, the all encompassing universal field of pure information.

To become aware of this Bell space is major paradigm shift from the outworn modes of thought, determinism and reductionism, and leads to a heightened state of responsibility. What we do today not only affects the future, but through faster than light transmissions, it ultimately effects the past. Quite often, we see modern archetypes reflected in the archaic works of antiquity, and as if by osmosis, these sacred works of art speak directly to the soul in an unadulterated timeless quality.

Full Story - -> Omega Point 2012

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Friday, 17. January 2003

Scary galaxy

Could Eta Carinae explode soon? Scientists have noticed that it is pumping out X-Rays every 5.52 years, which means it will do so again in the Nothern Hemisphere summer of 2003, then winter of 2008/2009, then summer 2014.

Anyone looking at it can sense that it is soon to blow, and possibly directly affect us, or trigger something else.

Eta Carinae Pic

Source: NASA

"Giant jets of subatomic particles moving at nearly the speed of light have been found coming from thousands of galaxies across the Universe, but always from elliptical galaxies or galaxies in the process of merging — until now. "

But now, for the first time, jets have been observed from a spiral galaxy. And guess what type of galaxy we live in???

Source: HubbleSite

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Wednesday, 15. January 2003

Radiation-proof Superbug

SuperBug A radiation-proof superbug that could survive a nuclear holocaust with ease has given up its secrets to scientists. It can withstand 1,000 times more radiation than any other living thing. The secret: the cell structure seems to be like a modern car windscreen - you can smash it, but it stays in one piece.
Source: Ananova

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Tuesday, 14. January 2003

Novelty and the Wave Harmonic of History

Jonathan Bethel & Michael McDaniel

Scanning the Mayan 13 baktun cycle wave harmonic of history - the last 5,100 years - it becomes apparent that specific points along the timeline vibrate with increased innovation, change, and synchronicity. Terence Mckenna and his TimeWave Zero has definitively shown the resonant qualities of specific periods of increased novelty. This ingression of cosmic ingenuity is speeding up and moving toward the apogee of infinite complexity, the dawning of the Techno New Jerusalem, or Cyber-Zion. It cannot be overstated that this novel conscrescence, this omega point, will transform our species into something completely unimaginable. With the advent of nanotechnology and further advances in cyber tech, in addition to the acceleration in various other fields, the possibilities for our future existence now have no conceivable limit. The empire of pure information, unfettered by the inertia of the neophobic herd, will enable the primate human to transform into Homo Sapiens Cyberneticus, the divine man. This Techno-Ubermench was first glimpsed in the misty imagination of science fiction writers and the philosophical promulgations of the existentialists.

Full Story - - > Omega Point 2012

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Friday, 10. January 2003

In Brief - A long long time ago...

Pothead Jesus - Jesus was almost certainly a cannabis user and an early proponent of the medicinal properties of the drug, according to a study of scriptural texts published this month. Guardian

World's unluckiest church - It was founded on what is now a cliff top because unfortunately that is where its patron saint was martyred. It was wrecked by two earthquakes, a flood, and a landslide – all of which happened while it was still being built. It became an opium den and after its eventual abandonment ended up being washed away by the sea….EurekAlert

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Thursday, 9. January 2003

Star to supernova soon

"The star, called Rho Cassiopeia, is a hypergiant with 20 to 40 times the mass of the sun. "

"Eventually, perhaps in a few thousand years, Dupree said Rho Cas will erupt into a supernova explosion, one of the most powerful releases of energy in the universe. That will rip the star apart in one final, gigantic spasm of violence."

In a few thousand years, or perhaps tomorrow?

Source: AP / SFGate

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Tuesday, 7. January 2003

2012 - worry or not?

“The world won’t end in 2012," laughed Gomez, who teaches in UA’s astronomy and physics department. “I can assure you of that."

Gomez said no one knows for sure if the Mayans intended to portend the end of the world on that particular day."

This non-story comes from Tuscaloosa, possibly in response to a piece about myself which seems to have ended up in the "amusing stories from around the world" section of a few newspapers...

KENSINGTON, Australia -- There are only 10 years left before the world ends. That's if you follow the ancient Mayan calendar, which is considered one of the most accurate ever and mysteriously ends on a date that scientists say corresponds to December 21, 2012, on the western calendar. As a result, many people believe the world will end on that date and one person who is preparing for the worst is Australian-based doomsday researcher Robert Bast. He believes the ancient Mayans had the ability to scientifically predict a major cataclysmic event that will destroy Earth. The smart money is on a polar ice shift, but Bast says a magnetic pole shift may also cause the equivalent of a nuclear war. Bast plans to move to a secret mountaintop in West Africa, which, according to his research, is the safest spot in the world.

Sources: Tuscaloosa News + Salt Lake Tribune

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Saturday, 4. January 2003

Antarctic Ice Sheet steadily melting

According to Hapgood and the Flem-Aths, Lesser Antarctica was outside the Arctic Circle up until the poleshift 10,000 odd years ago. This explains why the thickness of ice is greater in Greater Antarctica.

This doesn't explain the claims of American scientists that the ice in Lesser Antarctica has been steadily melting for the last 10,000 years:

"In a study appearing Friday in the journal Science, researchers say that geochemical measurements of when mountainside rocks first become free of ice near the south pole show that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet began melting about 10,000 years ago and is still shrinking. "

Map at Flem-Ath.com

** Lesser Antarctica is basically the bits closest to South America

Source: CNN

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Sunday, 22. December 2002

Petroglyph Mania!

Petroglyph from Pakistan

The good folk at ViewZone have put together a compilation of ancient rock art from around the world. The above image is from Pakistan, and they have pictures from another 20 countries...

Source: ViewZone

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Saturday, 21. December 2002

East & West traded 5,000 years ago

That's 3,000 years earlier than previously thought. Relics, including a dozen mace heads extremely similar to those used by kings of ancient Egypt, have been excavated along the famous Silk Road in northwest China.

Source: Xinhua

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Thursday, 19. December 2002

Ancient NZ visitors

I've found a site which details theories and evidence supporting visitors to New Zealand prior to the Maori and Morioris. Click on "radical" when you get there, to read about how prior visitors may have included:

The Phoenicians c 666BC Mauryans c 240BC Ptolemaic Greeks c 180BC The Celts c 300 The Arabs c 790 Waitaha c 850 Tamils c 1170

Source: Radical NZ History

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Wednesday, 18. December 2002

Ancient News

Giant 200kg geese fossils found in Australia

Germany: 32cm bronze-and-gold disc is a star map from 3600 years ago

Humans drank beer in 9000 BC, before they invented bread!

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Tuesday, 17. December 2002

New Tunguska Hypothesis

"A geologist from Novosibirsk has set up a new hypothesis of the explosion in Podkamennaya Tunguska, which took place on June 30, 1908. It was not a meteorite that caused such extensive destructions and conflagration, but a fluid jet, which had shot up under high pressure from the interior of the Earth.

...The scientist assumes that the gases associated with the oil deposits, and methane produced in the depths of coal beds were accumulated under a thick cover of basalts and then they broke free one day. It seems that a moderate earthquake could have promoted the process. "

Source: Informnauka

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Monday, 16. December 2002

Rapid plates

"...evidence that some dramatic features of the earth's surface could be the result of relatively rapid shifts in the direction in which crustal plates move. Rather than simply drifting along in straight lines over millions of years, plates can be pushed aside or even be made to reverse direction due to convection in the mantle far beneath them."

Ever wondered why there are volcanoes in Hawaii, in the middle of the plate, whereas all the others are along the Pacific rim?

They are above a big hot spot in the mantle. By following the trail of extinct volcanoes in the area, scientists (or even you and I) can see the movement of the crust, and how long it took to move.

As usual for this type of story, they don't say how much more rapidly, just more than thought.

Source: Purdue University

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Saturday, 14. December 2002

The DNA of I Ching

This still amazes me and offers amazing evidence for those who believe that some ancients were highly advanced. Here's a snippet from an article worth reading:

"Bio-chemists, such as Dr. Martin Schonberger in his book The I Ching & the Genetic Code, have commented on the similarity of the primal linear order and the sequence of transfer RNA needed to develop living organisms from the DNA blueprint. Fu Hsi, the Embodied Wisdom, seems to have been telling us that the wisdom is also encoded within all of us. Indeed, the archaic pictogram for the oracle resembles nothing so much as a way to align the I, or cosmic center, with the unfolded spirals of DNA derived life."

Source: The I Ching As The Super-Computer Of Destiny

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Friday, 13. December 2002

Atlantis Under Antarctica?

The Russians are a bit slow this time (the Flem-Aths came up with this idea years ago), but they add this piece of evidence (?) which I have not previously come across:

"In 1949, Admiral Baird’s expedition bore holes into the Ross Sea in three spots, where Orontheus Phynius marked river-beds. In the cuts, fine-grained layers were found, obviously brought to the sea with rivers, whose sources were situated in temperate latitudes (i.e. free of glaciers).

While using the nuclear dating method of doctor U. Oury from the Karnegy Institute in Washington, scientists discovered that Antarctica’s rivers, which were sources of fine-dyspersated deposits, were flowing as depicted on the Phynius map, about 6,000 years ago. About 4000 years B. C., glacial sediments started to accumulate on the bottom of Ross Sea. Kernels show that before this, there was a long warm period. "

"According to Doctor Jacob Hock from Illinois University, the deposits in-question could be 6 to 12 thousand years old."

Source: Pravda

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Wednesday, 11. December 2002

In Brief - Bear Suit

Bear Suit

How does one survive a bear attack, or the attack of a mutant monster?

Put on one of Troy's suits! His latest model is made from stainless steel, heavy-gauge aluminum, and cast titanium. It features a built-in video screen, a cooling system, pressure-bearing titanium struts, advanced protective airbags, shock absorbers, fingered hands, swivel shoulders and built-in arms.

Source: Hot Air

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Saturday, 7. December 2002

NASA radiation studies

NASA is spending $44 million to simulate the effects of various types of space radiation - presumably because the only other examples of harm from radiation come from atomic bomb survivors. It's quite possible that they'll discover that low-energy, long-term radiation exposure can cause beneficial mutations.

Also in the article, he best shielding against cosmic radiation is liquid hydrogen.

Source: UPI

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Friday, 6. December 2002

Mexico City: 13,000 years old skull

Scientists have identified North America's oldest resident, 2000 years older than any previously found.

Interestingly, the skull is not Asian shaped, but Caucasian - it doesn't belong to those who supposedly crossed into America from Asia across the Bering Strait ice-bridge.

So what is it...

Atlantis survivor? Traveller from Europe? Original inhabitant?

Sources: Independent + BBC

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