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Wednesday, 10. September 2003

Secret Chambers in Mexican Pyramid?

A clever experiment is taking place under the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico.

Artuto Menchaca is installing a cosmic ray detector in an ancient tunnel directly beneath the pyramid. If there is variation in the number of muons getting through from different directions, that will inidicate different densities and quite possibly a secret chamber. Once pin-pointed it could be excavated!

The results should be available mid-2004. A similar project he undertook found no evidence of chambers in the Pyramid of Kephren in Egypt.

More information in the July 26 2003 edition of New Scientist, or via the link below (translated from Spanish by Google).

Source: Academia Mexicana de Ciencias

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Friday, 5. September 2003

Wow - Sports Car / Speed Boat

This sports car can go over 30mph in the water The convertible Aquada Sports Amphibian, which can reach up to 100mph on land, uses a jet to propel it through water at speeds of over 30mph, and will only cost £150,000. According to the article it will be great for rich London commuters who can utilise the Thames.
Source: BBC

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Tuesday, 26. August 2003

The planets are aligning again...

Even come across a really bad book called 5-5-2000, about how the ligning up of the planets would cause a doomsday?

Well, I heard a scientist explain that the extra pull of gravity was less than that caused by a jumbo jet flying overhead, and when the dreaded day came, nothing happened. Apparantly the author had already book lecture dates for after the doomsday, so he hadn't even convinced himself!

The point is, they are aligning again tomorrow. See this graphic: Alignments

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Wednesday, 20. August 2003

Chimp / Gorilla Hybrid?

Baby mystery ape

This sounds like something from April 1, but several news sources have the info.

In darkest Africa an ape has been discovered which has the body of a gorilla and the face of a chimp.

"the animal has feet that are about two inches bigger than the average gorilla and is more flat-faced than other apes"

"The mystery ape often sleeps in big ground nests. Chimpanzees, for example, usually nest in trees to stay away from predators. And the mystery apes hoot when the moon rises and sets, something chimps don't do for fear of attracting lions and hyenas..."

Early humans would have howled at the moon...

"...one of these apes walked by in front of her. It was walking bipedally (upright) and was taller than her, and she's six feet tall..."

So, it could even be a relative of Bigfoot.

Source: CNN

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Tuesday, 12. August 2003

Hybrids speed evolution?

Hybrids - the children that result from the mating of closely-related species - usually fail. For example if you cross a donkey and a horse you get a mule, but mules are born sterile. Being born weak or sterile is useless if evolution depends on survival of the fittest...

But now some researchers, after pottering around with sunflowers for 15 years, have shown that:

"the sudden mixing and matching of different species' genes can create genetic super-combinations that are considerably more advantageous to the survival and reproduction of their owners than the gene combinations their parents possess."

It's not hybrids breeding with each other, its hybrids breeding with the species of one of the parents.

The implication is that early human species may have interbred to create us, the super hominids.

Source: Indiana University

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Sunday, 27. July 2003

Engineering feats of ancient Samos

I had not heard of this before, so I figured it was worth sharing. In ancient Greece there was a guy called Polycrates, and he managed to:

  • Build a harbour wall to protect his city and fleet which is said to run into 35m of water and have a total length of 400m, thus easily making it the biggest breakwater in the world

  • Build a tunnel nearly a mile long, eight feet wide and eight feet high, driven clean through the base of a hill nine hundred feet in height. Amazingly, they started tunnelling from both ends, and met in the middle.... precisely.

For the complete story follow the link below...

Source: Athens News

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Friday, 25. July 2003

Temple Mount slowly becoming less Jewish

The article is from a Jewish website, but I have read about this elsewhere. Regardless of your religion, it makes interesting reading, on just how delicate and confusing the religious aspects of Moslems and Jews co-exisitng in Israel can be.

In a nutshell, the Moslems are destroying any possible evidence that sacred Jewish temples were once on the Mount, and the Israeli government is letting them.

What I feel is happening, is that a lot of serious stuff will go down there, prior to 2012. These religious groups will feel the end of the world a'coming, and they will want to have control of sacred places.

Source: Moment Magazine

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Thursday, 24. July 2003

Japan Researchers Cloning Mammoths...

"Japanese scientists hoping to clone prehistoric woolly mammoths are preparing their first frozen DNA samples in bid to bring the beasts back to life.

The bone marrow, muscle and skin specimens were unearthed last August in the Siberian tundra where they had been preserved in ice for thousands of years.

Researchers ... want to use the genetic material encased within the cells to clone a woolly mammoth...

But first, they must determine whether the five specimens airlifted from Russia are really from mammoths. If so, they must then decide whether the DNA locked inside is well enough preserved to self-replicate.

After that, it could take years to actually produce an animal."

Cool - then we can send the mammoths to Siberia and find out if they really do like living in frozen wastelands, with no buttercups to munch on.

Source: Ireland Online

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Sunday, 13. July 2003

"The Orion Prophecy"

The Orion Prophecy,(2001)By Patrick Geryl&Gino Ratinckx contains all the data on the coming pole shift on Dec.21/22,2012.These men have done a remarkable job of research and thus far I have found their data indisputable.I have checked out numerous other end prophecies and they all were bunk.This one,as far as I and my calculator can tell is the real thing.One place that this book is available is www.adventuresunlimitedpress.com.I got mine from another sourse,a paperback cover,270 pages,cost 16.90. Once having read this book you will understand why it is very,very importand to shut down ALL the nuclear power plants on earth and cap all the oil wells.If this is not done there will be no living specie able to survive al all.I'm 63 years old and have never read a book that has had such an impact on me,even though I read and adverage of three books a month and havefor years,fiction and nonfiction. My very first blog. Thankyou.

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Thursday, 10. July 2003

Clownfish change sex, size at will


Clownfish, the aquarium pet of choice since the release of Disney's "Finding Nemo", live in such a rigid social structure in the wild that if one of the dominant breeding adults is removed, the size, status and even sex of the other clownfish change rapidly to return the group to the status quo.

"If the female of the group dies, the male changes sex and becomes the breeding female," said Cornell University evolutionary biologist Peter Buston, "while the largest non-breeder becomes the breeding male."

So, if these fish can change in real-time, surely it's plausible for humans to evolve within the timeframe of two generations?

Source: NewsDay

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Sunday, 6. July 2003

Cosmic Rays cause climate change?

"The latest research by the University of Ottawa geologist suggests that the driving force behind climate change during the past 545 million years has been "galactic cosmic ray flux" -- the fluctuating intensity of thermal energy from the sun and stars -- rather than carbon dioxide levels in the Earth's atmosphere."

Source: Star Phoenix

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Thursday, 3. July 2003

Possible to live on water & sunlight alone?

A guy in India says he does, and NASA are taking him seriously:

Hira Ratan Manek - a 64-year-old mechanical engineer went on a pilgrimage to the Himalayas in 1995 and stopped eating completely on his return.

His wife, Vimla, said: "Every evening he looks at the sun for one hour without batting an eyelid. It is his main food. Occasionally he takes coffee, tea or some other liquid."

Last June, scientists from the US space agency verified that Manek spent 130 days surviving only on water, the report said.

They even named this subsistence on water and solar energy after him: The HRM (Hira Ratan Manek) Phenomenon.

Mr Manek is now in the US to show NASA's scientists how he survives without food.

Source: Sydney Morning Herald

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Tuesday, 24. June 2003

Inca binary books?

It's been accepted for quite a while that their knotted strings (khipu) were more than just decorative. Now a scholar is suggesting they contain complete books, like simplistic braille.

"Gary Urton, professor of anthropology at Harvard University, has re-analysed the complicated knotted strings of the Inca - decorative objects called khipu - and found they contain a seven-bit binary code capable of conveying more than 1,500 separate units of information.

In the search for definitive proof of his discovery, which will be detailed in a book, Professor Urton believes he is close to finding the "Rosetta stone" of South America, a khipu story that was translated into Spanish more than 400 years ago."

Source: Independent

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Monday, 23. June 2003

Ignore this - testing

Nice place to stay in Paris

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Thursday, 19. June 2003

New 2012 Book

Cosmic Locusts by Joel Keene

"Cosmic Locusts is the story of an apocalyptic vision of humankind's approaching traumatic rebirth based on a pattern of numerous Nostradamus' quatrains, the biblical book of Joel, and the Mayan calendar. These diverse ancient sources converge in the tale of a scientist turned reluctant prophet in which the end of everththing is only the beginning.

With a one-two punch, earth's close encounter with a comet and an energy burst from the Milky Way's black hole center ends life, as it was known before. All of man's technological devices are gone. With old distractions removed and new gifts bestowed in the form of spiritual acuity, man is left to develop a new worldview."

Lots of joy for doomsday aficionados!

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Monday, 16. June 2003

"Intelligent" DNA repair

More evidence surfacing that helps support my theory that evolution is a combination of cosmic ray mutation and intelligent repair mechanisms, culminating in new species. This from a recent issue of New Scientist, not available online.

"Nevertheless, it looks suspiciously as if the mitochondrial genome has evolved the ability to resist attack in some areas and succumb in others. I believe the same thing may be happening in nuclear DNA, although the mechanisms may be different. If genomes do focus mutations at hot spots and reduce them in areas where they are likely to threaten survival, then mutation is not random. What's more, it looks as though genomes that take control in this way are fitter than those that bend to the vagaries of random mutation."

"Death and Desctruction" by Tom Gilbert New Scientist, May 31 2003, pages 32-35

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Friday, 13. June 2003

Amazing Mammoth News!

Well, we all know that they ate grasses that shouldn't have existed in Siberia (unless it was prior to a poleshift).

Now scientists are saying:

"Woolly mammoths, horses and bison that lived during the last Ice Age more than 24,000 years ago managed to survive by dining on a menu of grasses and prairie sage"

[ Well, der, it's what was in their stomachs! ]

"They think Beringia was covered with the vegetation even during the coldest part of the Ice Age which is how the ancient creatures survived. "

[ With no explanation given as to how the grass grew. Pole shift believers know the answer! ]

Source: CNN

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Humans almost extinct 70,000 years ago

"Humans may have come close to extinction about 70,000 years ago, according to the latest genetic research.

The study suggests that at one point there may have been only 2,000 individuals alive as our species teetered on the brink.

This means that, for a while, humanity was in a perilous state, vulnerable to disease, environmental disasters and conflict. If any of these factors had turned against us, we would not be here."

Of course there is no suggestion that a global cataclysm could have caused not only the reduction in numbers, but also the reason for venturing out of Africa.

So, what happened 70,000 years ago?

Source: BBC

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Thursday, 29. May 2003

Measuring Radiation Exposure

How much damage does cosmic radiation do to frequent flyers?

I don't really understand the explanation of how they are planning to measure a person's radiation exposure from the past - painting chromosomes or something - but it is good news:

"If this works, we'll be able to take a measurement and see the lifetime exposure in that person," says David Brenner of Columbia University in New York. "Often there is no other reliable record of individual exposure."

Source: New Scientist

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Friday, 23. May 2003

Six more Stonehenge bodies

Archaeologists who last year unearthed the remains of a Bronze Age archer at Stonehenge said this week that they have found the remains of four adults and two children, about half a mile from that of the archer.

"The grave contained four pots belonging to the Beaker Culture that flourished in the Swiss Alps during the Bronze Age, some flint tools, one flint arrowhead and a bone toggle for fastening clothing, Wessex Archaeology said."

Source: CNN (Thanks Jeff)

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