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Saturday, 28. February 2004
2012, February 28, 2004 at 8:15:00 AM AEDTYou must see this movie! The Day After Tomorrow is a movie being released on May 28. This is the first day that Venus crosses the face of the sun (it will do it from May 28 - June 10). The next and only time it will do this is 2012. Supposedly Roland Emmerlich has a secret message in the movie regarding 2012. The movie is about a global cataclysm, and the trailer suggests one happened 10,000 years ago, and one is due very soon. We now have the propoganda to help get enough people to regard the potential disaster as a possibility. I am in shock that my cause has been given such a boost. link me Thursday, 26. February 2004
longshot, February 26, 2004 at 8:03:00 PM AEDT"The Highest Spirit of Reason" The word Apocalypse is interesting. Its vulgar meaning is misconstrued from the final book of the Bible, Revelations, which Saint John the Divine wrote after obtaining a vision whilst imprisoned in a cave on the Grecian isle of Patmos. The Saint describes an end of time, a resurrection of the souls of the dead, a divine last judgement, followed by a grand entry of the souls of the blessed into Paradise. Need we say more? R.D. Laing points out that if you scrutinise the text, you will not find a single indication that he was talking about an external phenomenon! The word itself, in Greek, simply means "revelation," or more precisely, the uncovering of something that was hidden. (44) Then there was also Saint Nicholas of Cusa, the mystic who said: "The gate of Paradise is guarded by the highest Spirit of Reason, who bars the way until he has been overcome." link me Wednesday, 25. February 2004
longshot, February 25, 2004 at 1:45:00 PM AEDTSolar Energy is the Energy by Hermann Scheer Future generations will certainly ask why both politics and economics in the 1970s, 1980s, and the beginning of the 1990s of the 20th century had been acting in such a passive and cowardly way with respect to the far-reaching opportunities offered by renewable energies. Therefore, the only open questions are
The economic and social advantages of renewable energies are enormous: for saving the earth's atmosphere; for the health of man; for an independent and safe, long-term energy supply as well as economic development; for new jobs in industry and for preventing a steadily increasing rate of unemployment; for recuperation of soil and water, for avoiding a global water crisis and for the economic liberation of agriculture. The fact that all these changes are being ignored because of one single factor - the current price of energy - which puts aside all the other aspects is a classic example of intellectual pygmyism. There might be an excuse if an individual producer or consumer of energy is acting in such a way. But it is absolutely incomprehensible when the same way of thinking exists even at the political level. Solar energy is the road which leads us away from the energy-consuming towards the energy-producing house and by that will automatically see a far-reaching structural change. Every structural change has winners and losers. It is not advisable to make the introduction of solar energy dependent on those who will be among the losers by such a structural change - from the oil-, coal- or countries or their contracting companies, or from those which operate large power plants. The solar future cannot be made dependent on the individual premises of one single branch of the economy. Even the current energy-supplying companies have the chance to participate in building up such a solar energy system: but rather through diversification than through structural conservatism - from the supplier or producer of oil to the producer of wind power plants, biomass-conversion plants, solar energy plants, producers of Stirling motors, solar cells or collectors. In order to promote renewable energies we need the appropriate political institutions that are able to overcome the existing particularism. It is intolerable that there is a UN Agency for Nuclear Power but still none for Renewable energies. We need new thinking in terms of nature conservation. So far it has been of very defensive character - in connection with preventing further measures destructive to nature, whereby those measures which had been already undertaken are accepted indirectly. The consequence is a decadent attitude of trying to prevent wind power plants for nature or scenery conservation reasons. The defense of the mini-biotop has to many minds priority over saving the global biotop. This is another example of lack of proportion - but it is primarily a mistaken philosophy, an underestimation of the real ecological dangers and a misunderstanding of the ecological circle. The 20th century became the century of the destruction of the ecosphere because of this intellectual hegemony of erroneous philosophies. We are now on the edge of a millennium of ecology. The philosophy of this new era begins with the basic assumption that renewable energies - coming from the sun - are not alternative energies; solar energy is the energy. Conventional energies were misleading alternatives. The more and the longer mankind has been following and believing in these alternatives, the more human civilization lost its ground, its basis. There is no doubt that in the future solar energy will be again the only energy used on earth. The only question is if this will happen with mankind or without mankind. We need the courage for a renewal of economy and politics. Therefor, we have to develop priorities for environmental policies. We have to recognize that economics is the hard core of society, and that energy is the hard core of economy. Due to this overall importance of the energy question we have to set up an Agenda 1 within the "Agenda 21" of the Earth Summit in Rio 1992 on this topic of renewable energy. Renewable energies are not an emergency exit from problems of energy supply and consumption. Renewable energies are the driving forces to renew our societies. It is not only an expert's approach, it is an approach for all human society. Solar energy is the energy of the people and we need the efforts of the people to introduce it. This is the reason why we must develop a grand strategy and a new movement - a solar strategy - for renewable energy introduction. link me pheonix, February 25, 2004 at 7:14:00 AM AEDT Your Attention One Moment Please Has the world gone totally mad? You all seem to be sitting here debating the finer points of the end of the world. Who? What? Where? Why? Why hasn't anyone got up and done anything about this? And before you mutter under your breaths about "How can we do anything if we don't know whats going to happen?". The clues are all around us, growing national tensions, the west pointing nuclear weapons at anyone who doesn't conform, you name the place theres a possible end of the world there. But why is no-one standing up and taking control of the situation? The problems caused by governments and idiots blowing each other up. You may not have noticed theres more of us than them! You need to stand up and take control! No event is set in stone, it's up to us to stop this from happening not deciding what hole to hide in when it does. link me Monday, 23. February 2004
RobertBast, February 23, 2004 at 9:26:00 AM AEDTMost luminous star discovered LBV 1806-20 is at least 5 million times brighter than the sun -- in the night sky. Dust particles between Earth and the star block out all of its visible light. Whereas the sun is located only 8.3 light minutes from Earth, the bright star is 45,000 light years away, on the other side of the galaxy. Luminous blue variable stars are extremely large, with LBV 1806-20 probably at least 150 times larger than the sun. The stars are also extremely young by stellar time. LBV 1806-20 is estimated at less than 2 million years old. The sun in our solar system, by contrast, is 5 billion years old. Typical stars, such as the sun, live 10 billion years. LBVs have “short and troubled lives,” as Eikenberry put it, because “the more mass you have, the more nuclear fuel you have, the faster you burn it up. They start blowing themselves to bits.” All very informative, but what I find interesting is that the previous record holder, another of these "luminous blue variables" that have short lives and then blow up, the Pistol Star, can be found in the center of our galaxy, a spot where I expect the big nasty to come from in 2012, if a big nasty is what really hits us. More on the Pistol Star later.
link me longshot, February 23, 2004 at 3:53:00 AM AEDT FDA Clears Implantable Chip for Market in United States (i KNEW this would happen.) FDA Clears Implantable Chip for Market in United States The Associated Press Apr 4, 2002 13:40 EST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Dow Jones/AP) - The Food and Drug Administration has cleared the way for Applied Digital Solutions Inc. to begin selling an implantable chip that would contain personal identification and medical data, the company said Thursday. Applied Digital, Palm Beach, said it had received a letter indicating that the FDA does not consider the chip a medical device under its jurisdiction. VeriChip, a small device about the size of a grain of rice, emits a radio signal and has been derided by some for its "Big Brother" implications. Applied Digital has said it could prove invaluable in emergency situations when a patient is either unconscious or can't otherwise reveal information. VeriChip is expected to sell for about $200. A scanner used to read information contained in the chip would cost between $1,000 and $3,000. Shares of Applied Digital rose 4 cents, or 8 percent, to 52 cents in Thursday midday trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market. link me squidlet, February 23, 2004 at 12:18:00 AM AEDT End, or New Begining? There are some great articles on this blog but according to my understanding the reason the Mayan's Calendar only goes to the year 2012 is because they believed that this would be the begining of a new cycle. link me Saturday, 21. February 2004
longshot, February 21, 2004 at 12:42:00 AM AEDTDon't Blame The PRC This is a humorous story based on true facts designed to make a point about the world we all share.(IM) China announced this week that it imported more than 100 million tonnes of oil last year, over 30 per cent more than in 2002, underlying the extent of the country's reliance on obsolete sources of energy generated. This is generally unrealised and, as such, was not widely reported. CHINA shares a situation with all other countries of the world: their reliance on obsolete and inneficcient energy sources creates a false panic augmented by a general fear of the new and developed technologies which could easily reduce this fake panic to a remberance of crises faced with intelligence and dealt with in more than enough time. As usual: geothermal, wind and water-based sources of power are far more efficient, sustainable and earth friendly than petreoleum, also famously messy and foul-smelling. THE REAL STORY is the addiction to lack and horror. Addiction to horror is an unacknowledged disease facing the world emotional body but it is far from harmless. ADDICTION TO HORROR makes China, with all her rich traditions and history, and all her vaunted cultural diversity, no different from any other nation statre suffering from addiction to horror. AND IT IS A HORROR STORY. As world oil reserves steadily plummet, it is an ADDICTION TO HORROR that keeps world governments from taking the natural steps towards refit towards geothermal, wind, water, and the so-obvious-it's easily-overlooked-year-after-year application of solar fuels. In a related story, it was conjectured thatr solar power would probably run out in the year forty-two zillion or something. Alas. link me Friday, 20. February 2004
RobertBast, February 20, 2004 at 8:24:00 AM AEDTIt has begun... There has been an unexpected increase of cosmic rays bombarding earth. And they are coming from the centre of our galaxy. I have being saying for years that 2012 will involve a massive amount of cosmic rays hitting our planet, which will result in evolutionary mutations. I have also suggested that a possible source is the Galactic Center, probably the black hole the resides there. There is no current scientific knowledge that supports this. Follow the link below for a paper that mentions the increase...
link me RobertBast, February 20, 2004 at 12:01:00 AM AEDT Gaia’s Rebirth: A 2012 novel
More here There's other novels with a similar 2012 theme, and 2012: Dire Gnosis is THE place where you find them all. link me Wednesday, 18. February 2004
RobertBast, February 18, 2004 at 7:20:00 AM AEDTA simple pole shift cycle Right now the magnetic pole is moving towards the physical pole. It "sounds" right - the two poles belong together and wish to be together. But they are doomed to be apart! There was a poleshift... The magnetic pole found itself out of alignment. It has spent the last 10,000 years slowly moving back into position. When it gets there, the equilibrium somehow causes another poleshift... link me Tuesday, 10. February 2004
RobertBast, February 10, 2004 at 3:28:00 PM AEDTNASA's expenditure This is doing the rounds in emails: When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ball-point pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 C. The Russians used a pencil. link me Friday, 6. February 2004
2012, February 6, 2004 at 3:52:00 PM AEDTBush and 2012 In recent years I have become increasingly fascinated with US politics, to the point that (if I weren't so lazy) I'd start up a campaign to allow everyobe in the world to vore for US president - after all the US president runs the world. Anyway, increasingly I have this idea in my head, which may end up being the focus of my book (due any year now), that everything that is going on right now - Bush. Middle East. Terrorism - is related to some secret prohecy that Armageddon will occur in 2012, and whoever controls the Temple Mount will get eternal heaven. For info on George W Bush and Jews, follow this link: link me Thursday, 5. February 2004
longshot, February 5, 2004 at 11:53:00 PM AEDTMy Y2K My Y2K We were all ready for anything. We huddled around the radio: we were sort of drunk and scared. The date: December 31, 1999. What were you doing and thinking around that time? Were you preparing for the worst, making your peace with God, contemplating suicide, saying "it's all just a scam or a red herring anyway?" January 1, 2000. We sat and cracked open the MREs and ate the little snack cakes. they were actually sort of tasty. now another scary date is approaching. "I have confidence in humanity's ability to use its determination, its intelligence and adaptability to find the answers to the challenges of the modern world." -Some Politician "...I presume the cultural and spiritual desire to be one's self without interference from others: that they enjoy that anarchy of the spirit which is inevitably the goal of all consciousness." W. E. B DuBois WAIT A MINUTE: I've got it: I'll talk to myself about things seemingly only I care about! "...and then they all choked on their arrogance and discorporated." It was a party, and it lasted -- who knows how long? Thousands of years? It was finally the end of the ages of evil. We had a great time. All over the Earth people who once celebrated their differences began to celebrate their fundamental Oneness: all over the Earth, places that used to call themselves different places began to celebrate their membership in the Earth community. It was really wonderful. We drank toasts to the arrogant racists who had gone away. They were extinct: gone like the dinosaurs. We were all glad to see them go and we celebrated our one humanity. "See this place? they used to call it 'Japan'." "I love it here on Earth." "See this place? They used to call it 'America'." "What a wonderful planet." "Remember when they used to call this place 'Russia'?" But instead of losing their uniquness: places gained even more awareness of their distinctiveness: their uniqueness, their specialness. It was the unity within diversity that the people all began to honor--no one was trying to create divisions that were unnecessary: and causing more suffering than was necessary. All those people were GONE. they were EXTINCT. There was no more suffering and everyone celebrated. The oppressors and their values were obsolete. they were gone away.. There was no more misogyny, no more rape, no more child abuse: no more war. And no one else lying and saying that those things were necessary and HAD to be that way. No more did anyone speak the lie "well, it just HAS to be that way." It was the way that it was, no longer. It was FUN! People did what they wanted to. No one hurt anybody else. Why? that would be pointless, absurd. bizzare. It was actually real humanity actually being one people. The racists were all DEAD. And there were so many people! The Earth was TEEMING with life. Varigated cultures: civilizations within civilizations -- Innovation, invention, creativity, happiness, joy, peace, and yes, naturally: enlightenment. I may or may not have erected a small shrine to my friend Kathy. I may have but I may not have. It all depends! I am making al this up: i am obviously insane. Oh come on. Money makes the world go around! War is just necessary. It's even GOOD! it's "righteous." Only the insane are pacifists. I know that I am insane. I've been diagnosed: I am chronically depressed. And if YOU were a pacifist, living in the year 1999, you, too, would be depressed. Or bitterly enraged! Or a little of both. The best worst part was the people who lied. I mean the best worst part: I mean the best of the worst. Oh, how they lied. They would lie insinuatively They'd want you to think it was clever lying -- but if they had not been so stupid there would have been no need for them to be so dishonest. It was a sneering, soaring arrogance coupled with overt deception all the time. But they all died. It was tricks, dirty rotten tricks. bad; rotten, no fun. Dirty tricks. I stopped calling it clever. Honesty is clever. Innocence is intelligent. Oh, so many lies. The Devil's so smart, they would say: they were lying of course. The Devil is stupid: perhaps the stupidest thing in all creation. Conceited: arrogant. Its major stupidity is to reject God. God's beauty, God's givingness, God's love. That's what MAKES the Devil stupid. The Devil is famous for being the Lord of Lies. So that means that...the things that are not the devil are actually intelligent...and beautiful, and good. But this was the time BEFORE the good time, when the hatefilled liars and those they had lied to had done their thing so effectively --that people generally believed that only the hatefilled liars were the bearers of truth. It was horrible and there was DISCORD. Bad craziness. Harsh sadness. Confusion. Blindly walking into walls labyrinths of misfortune. Which way do we go.... It wasn't a miracle that they all went away: it was simply nature. They all went away and people were so glad that they were gone that they just didn't start the old practices again! Instead: new foundations for life were created that were based on sharing: equanimity: peace and creating joy. All the time. It was enlightenment. There were so many people: the earth was teeming with humanity. Everywhere. But it was good! people got along harmoniously. People shared! everyone was respected equally. And it was a happy time. And of course the hate filled liars were DEAD. (they wouldn't have liked it; and this is why they all died) But it wasn't a holocaust or a wave of humanity that wiped them all out. They just died. They didn't come back. And the rest of humanity wised up, and stopped acting that way. AND LIFE IMPROVED. It was so beautiful. It was great! It was like a party all the time: but a great party. no hangovers, no fights, no recriminations or regret, just joy all the time. Happy to see each other: every day. Happy. Smiling. Happy to see each other every day. "hey, look! a stranger! hello!" And they smiled. Such happiness. Because the Evil Insane had become extinct, and died; and did not come back. They were finally GONE: and everyone else was really happy. I may or may not have recovered from my chronic depression. I don't know, because I'm making all this up. It was BEAUTIFUL. there were no problems. it was Humanity the way that humanity should have been: everyone got along. I may, or may not have drank coffee. I'm not sure. Perhaps I drank coffee. Perhaps I drank soy coffee. Who's to say? Oh, It was a great time. Everyone smiled. There was no more envy and no more jealousy because there was no more competition. Everyone was working for the same outcome: the happiness of everyone all the time. There was no more war because there was nothing to fight about. It was one world. "Oh, see this place? They used to call it 'America'. They still do." "Oh, yes. This is obviously America. I recognize it now." "Oh, this place? Once they called it Japan." "It's a paradise. It's so beautiful. I love it here." Everyone smiled. "This place, here? It was once called 'Russia'." "What a beautiful place! I'm having a ball here. I love it." "This place they used to call 'Africa'." "Oh, Africa! I recognize that name. What a wonderful place. I love it here!" It was the same wherever you'd go in the new world, after all the evil peple were extinct. The PEOPLE weren't extinct. Humanity throve like never before. There was a big secret. Shall I tell you now? Shall I share it with you? It was a big secret. Maybe I'll keep it to myself. Okay, FINE. I've decided to share it with you after all. (You've read this far.) It was a big secret that totally ANIHILATED ALL EVIL. And Humanity prospered forever after. I mean For Ever. the prosperity. never. ended. But before that time there was grimness and misery, gnashing of teeth, rending of garments and much distress. But there was a SECRET that pretty much eradicated all of the evil on the planet. Shall I tell you what it was? Oh, all right. I'll tell you. The Earth was a place of infinite, unlimited resources for all. There was a total supply of everything all the time. No lack! But those who had greedily coveted power kept this a secret. They feared being stripped of their positions of power and control. But THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED: and everyone benefitted. Oh, yes. There were some big secrets floating around: but that one: the secret that Mother Earth held resources for all on an inexhaustible nature: was "that last straw": once it got out it was the end of the reign of the secret international tyrants. Their lie was that this had been their home theirs to own, and do with as they deemed. It had been EVERYONE'S home and so they magnified illusory lack to maintain the rule of terror. Real stewards of human resources appeared: with no desire to suborn the free will of other people and no desire to greedily control the resources of Mother Earth. And once it was revealed to the people that not only was there enough to go around and there ALWAYS had been -- people simply began LIVING that way and for the harsh and cruel tyrants who ruled by tyranny and secret, the game was over. They were obsolete: they had been unneccesary for a really long time -- and the time before their deception was ultimately revealed was a time when their lies became even more bold and deceptive on purpose. It was them, the secret tyrants, and the many that they had successfully decieved -- conditioned via the use of tyranny to get them to accept their deceptions as the only truth. But the big secret came out and basically people were happy. It was an "enemy" that they could not overcome. The enemy was human happiness: people were suddenly enamored of the Earth, their mother, and for the tyrants who greedily created ideas of false lack for so to manipluate and decieve the people there was just no way anymore. It took a while. link me longshot, February 5, 2004 at 11:25:00 PM AEDT Russian scientist says planets' atmospheres are changing This is the Russian perspective on earth changes Hard facts that are going unreported in America The atmospheres of the planets are changing Dr. Dmitriev's work shows that the planets themselves are changing. They are undergoing changes in their atmospheres For example the Martian atmosphere is getting sizably thicker than it was before. The Mars observer probe in 1997 lost one of its mirrors, which caused it to crash, because the atmosphere was about twice as dense as they calculated, and basically the wind on that little mirror was so high that it blew it right off the device. Earth's moon is growing an atmosphere Also, the moon is growing an atmosphere that's made up of a compound Dmitriev refers to as ''Natrium.'' Dmitriev says that, around the moon, there is this 6,000-kilometer-deep layer of Natrium that wasn't there before. And we're having this kind of change in Earth's atmosphere in the upper levels, where HO gas is forming that wasn't there before; it simply did not exist in the quantity that it does now. It's not related to global warming and it's not related to CFCs or fluorocarbon emissions or any of that stuff. It's just showing up. Magnetic fields and brightness of the planets are changing. The planets are experiencing sizable changes in their overall brightness. Venus, for example, is showing us marked increases in its overall brightness. Jupiter has gotten to have such a high energetic charge that there is actually a visible tube of ionizing radiation that's formed between its moon, Io. You can actually see the luminous energy tube in photographs that have been taken more recently. And the planets are having a change in their fields. The magnetic fields are becoming stronger. Jupiter's magnetic field has more than doubled. Uranus's magnetic field is changing. Neptune's magnetic field is increasing. These planets are becoming brighter. Their magnetic field strength is getting higher. Their atmospheric qualities are changing. Uranus and Neptune appear to have had recent pole shifts. When the Voyager 2 space probe flew past Uranus and Neptune, the apparent north and south magnetic poles were sizably offset from where the rotational pole was. In one case, it was 50 degrees off, and in the other case the difference was around 40 degrees, both of which are pretty big changes. The overall changes could essentially be broken down into three categories: Energy field changes, luminosity changes, and atmospheric changes. Overall volcanic activity has increased 500 percent since 1975 On the Earth, we're seeing the changes even more completely. For example, Michael Mandeville has done research that has shown that the overall volcanic activity on the Earth since 1875 has increased by roughly 500 percent. The overall earthquake activity has increased by 400 percent just since 1973. Natural disasters increased 410 percent between 1963 and 1993 Dr. Dmitriev did a very elaborate calculation of natural disasters. He showed that if you compare the years 1963 through 1993, the overall amount of natural disasters of all different kinds - whether you are talking hurricanes, typhoons, mud slides, tidal waves, you name it - have increased by 410 percent. The Sun's magnetic field increased by 230 percent since 1901 There's a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories in California, who has been investigating the Sun. He has discovered that since 1901, the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become 230 percent stronger than it was before. More than just Earth Changes So, all in all, what we're seeing is a lot more than just what they call Earth Changes. Some people get into the idea that there is an interaction between the Earth and the Sun that's going on here. Very, very few people are aware of the work that is being done in the Russian National Academy of Sciences in Siberia, specifically in Novosibirsk, where they are doing this research. They've come to the conclusion that the only possible thing that could be causing this energetic change all throughout the Solar System is that we are moving into an area of energy that is different - that is higher. The glowing plasma at the leading edge of our Solar System has recently increased 1000 percent Now, check this out. The Sun itself has a magnetic field, of course, and that magnetic field creates an egg around the Solar System, which is known as the heliosphere. The heliosphere is shaped like a teardrop, with the long and thin end of the drop pointing in the opposite direction from the direction that we're traveling. It's just like a comet, where the tail is always pointing away from the Sun. The Russians have looked at the leading edge of this heliosphere, and they have observed glowing, excited plasma energy there. This plasma energy used to be 10 astronomical units deep (an astronomical unit is the distance from the Earth to the Sun, 93,000,000 miles). So ten astronomical units represents the normal thickness of this glowing energy that we used to see at the front end of the Solar System. Today, that glowing plasma has gone to 100 astronomical units deep. Although Dmitriev's paper does not give an exact timeline, we can assume that this increase happened in the same 1963 to 1993 period as the increase he found in natural disasters. Whenever it happened, that's a 1,000 percent increase in the overall brightness of the energy at the front end of the Solar System. And this means that the Solar System itself is moving into an area where the energy is more highly charged. That higher-charged energy is in turn exciting the plasma and causing more of it to form, so you see more luminosity, more brightness. This energy is then flowing into the Sun, which in turn emits the energy and spreads it out along its equatorial plane, which is called the Ecliptic. This in turn is saturating interplanetary space, which causes the solar emissions to travel more quickly and charge up the energy on the planets. And this is conscious energy that is changing how the planet works, how it functions, and what kind of life it supports. The harmonics of the DNA spiral itself are altering. That's the real, hidden cause of spontaneous mass evolutions in previous epochs of time. All this is happening all at the same time, and it's all working up to a crescendo where there is going to be a sudden shift. In other words, we will get to the point where we are so far into the new level of energy that there will be a sudden expansion of the basic harmonic wavelengths that the Sun emits as it radiates energy out of itself. This increase in energy emission will change the basic nature of all matter in the Solar System. The planets are pushed slightly farther away from the Sun and the atoms and molecules that make them up actually expand in terms of their physical size. link me Wednesday, 4. February 2004
RobertBast, February 4, 2004 at 3:50:00 PM AEDTIdeal size for survival clans Scenario: The big cataclysm occurs in 2012, and the vast majority of life is wiped out. Groups of clever people have planned for this and camped out at spots predicted to be safe. And they survive. Life afterwards will have all the social problems of today. Size of groups? I was reading New Scientist (20/27 Dec 2003, pages 60-61) - an article about the ideal size of human tribes, clans etc. After studying other primates, "Dunbar then predicts that humans should have social networks of about 150 people. Support for this number comes from tribal societies and from history. Modern hunters and gatherers typically live in clans of about 150 members (although they can range from 90 to 200). ....The size of hunter-gatherer groups... is constrained by the amount of territory people can cover and its productivity in terms of food." The article began by saying that for christmas cards, taking into account that it is common for say a couple to send a card to a family of four, we each typically send Xmas wishes to about 150 people - the ideal size of a social network. So come 2012, do we prepare in clans of 150, or do we be very practical and ghoulish and have large clans, with the expectation that some might not survive a cataclysm? link me longshot, February 4, 2004 at 4:03:00 AM AEDT Nazis In the United States it was not yetr the United States. It was a green continent, mostly unspoiled ripe for takeover. First there were MANY slayings of the native people. THEN they filled ships up with slaves from ANOTHER relatively unspoiled continent and putthem to work. THEN they had a revolution against the tyrants they'd left behind in Britain (their cousins, brothers and sisters) and said it was for Liberty, Justice and Freedom. without the sytematic genocide of many people it would have been impossible, including British as well as slaves who died in misery. The United States was thusly born. SO? Genghis Khan. Alexander the Great. Mass Murderers have for whatever damned reason, been painted as heroes after their conquests. it always involved blood. When people say that America is nothing like Nazi Germany was at the height of its infamy I have to laugh: because history shows differently. But i realise that of course secrets and lies have made a lot of this possible. FORTUNATELTY this is the 21st century: so instead of just intuitively shooting my mouth off i can show you the proof. yes, it is true horror. There are racists of every race: they almost always hide their racism under a pretense of righteousness. People do get to make their own decisions in life no matter who says otherwise. But -- humanity will figure out alternatives to war. We can tell by listening to the arguments of those who say that such is "impossible' -- and then, if we really care, look into the statements of the people who have spoken out against war. Basically it is women and children who suffer the most in ANY armed conflict. Have some respect for women and children before saying that war is inevitable: because you are saying then that the lives of children and women are expendable things: easily replaced by another big push. think about it! Because there is a man in power today whose grandfather was tried for selling steel and war supplies to the country his country, the United States of American, was fighting against. Prescott bush is his name. In the American Revolution: famous traitor Benedict Arnold was hanged for treason. Prescott Bush got a cash fine (he was rich: he paid it off) and went on to found the USO and maneuver his son and grandson into...well you've heard of geroge Bush, right? wake up. link me Tuesday, 3. February 2004
longshot, February 3, 2004 at 2:54:00 AM AEDTif a cataclysm catch a cataclysm comin' through the rye. The question was "If a cataclysm destroys modern civilization, and perhaps even makes humans extinct, what will be the root cause?" I was glad to see that my answer was the most popular one. All the other ones are closer to bunk: than the truth. The truth is that whatever happens will be the choice of the planet: and part of the planet is the human factor. It Is As Simple As that. So while people are pointing to 2012 as the end of the world on the advice of a bunch of people who aren't around anymore: hat is actually happening? people are giving up hope. People are giving up hope and using the old round calendar to decide: well: it ends here. and the subconscious consensus grows by leaps and bounds. Whether or not humans accept their status as part and parcel of the entire earth package: we are. We are not te entire biosphere, but: neither is plankton. neither are wolves or tres, clouds, iron or television. It's called a biosphere because all of the discrete elements make up ONE element. The paradigm shift has been termed a choice for the collective of humanity: it is. The era in history termed the Rennaisance was a burst in human achievement in thoughts and ideas. but now that some linear time has pased on the old gregorian calendar: it is much easier to see the flaw in judgment of the rennaisance thinkers: the basic attitude was that MANkind had the capability to make HIMself the master of his environment: to make Mother earth a docile servant that would do HIS bidding. In a sort of greed for experiences brought on by Rennasiance realisation: MEN went out of their way to create more inventions, and their goals were inevitably created to contribute to the unsustainable mess we have created: and that is human beings dominating the earth, ruling over the earth instead of learning to live in harmony with nature. Some wil go on arguing this point. there are many hurdles yet to cross: but i venture to say that it is an outright LIE that humanity CANNOT survive past -- LONG past the year 2012. the date is just a date. denial of human choice is ultimately an act of INDIVIDUALS. As is acknowledgement and the choice to accept the power of human choice. it has been called a sacred power. And there will be those whose hearts are truly weary with the suffering that human existance has been who will reject the power of human choice and choose to cling to prophecies: and prophecy DEFINITELY prohibits inhibits and crucifies human choice as a factor. There are people who simply accept and love mother Earth: they love the planet on which they live, they love the ground upon which they walk. This is not a bad thing: yet one can imagine the straining of religion addicts to find a way to reject that love: to look for any way they can to say that the love of the earth is in some way wrong, irrelevant or evil.. But they're just wrong. let's acknowledge them: too: and acknowledge that tension builds momentum. Human evolution IS occurring: it simply is and now humanity is AWARE of its own evolution: which hastens the process. This phenomenon has been called "Quickening" among other things. If a cataclysm destroys modern civilization, and perhaps even makes humans extinct, what will be the root cause?" That was the question put to me and frankly i was glad to see that my response was winning. so i guess that's why no one emailed me. but fuck waiting. anyway: if a cataclysm destroys modern civilization it will be because humans subconsciously willed it to happen. (but it won't.) all this Long Count ending jazz is about is a paradigm shift, a leap in human conscious understanding of its own evolution. (i find it a little ironic that so many people are sitting around waiting for a bunch of people who couldn't make it on earth to let us know when it's OUR turn to go.) maybe they stubbornly refused to meet the demands of the universe and evolve, even to the pint of realising that they were done, but others would be around and they said "let's fuck them over." Whatever their point we are the people here now. MY POINT BEING is that people are assuming that the end is coming...it's a little arrogant. it's arrogant, it's short sighted, it's a weird combination of arrogance and self-effacing humility. There's a paradigm: people whose attitudes average out cynical, negative or fatalist will judge the agurments of those who disagree with them as optimist, overconfident or naive. People whose attitudes average out optimistic and confident about the future tend to judge the skepticism of those who disagree with them as fatalistic, naysaying or just a bummer. There has been a middle way FOREVER. Compulsive liars in any walk of life invariably get caught. I daresay if there is any reason to abandon hope for the future, consciously or SUBCONSCIOUSLY, then it ain't 'cause "everyone else is doing it." There is a conceit that goes along with the Reannaisance view of the world that humanity has become creepingly more conscious of: it has polarized humanity to a great extreme. Polarities are part of nature: however: as sure as there is a North and South magnetic pole: as sure as there are man and woman. or to put it another way: the question that I will pose instead of answering the question above is: if humanity were to avert cataclysm and continue moving on for another one, two, or three thousand years of recordable history: what would be the means by which we would leap the 2012 "hurdle" (which I'll remind the assembled that NOT EVERYON ON EARTH HAS HEAD OF. And i will also, in praising and respecting the ancestors, remind us all that the Maya were the Maya. that's not a bad thing: maya in some cultures is the name of a Goddess: Maya rhymes with Gaia...and what if I AM saying that just to be cute? I daresay that we could forseeably at this date run the risk of following in the exact direction as the Maya by doing things exactly as they set before us on their stone calendars. We run the risk of behaving, out of fear of the judgment of the rigid and famously closed minded people in history, of DENYING that there has been a TRACE of human evolution since the Maya were here. or we can look below our feet and above our heads at Gaia,. the biosphere, we can look below our feet and above our heads and into our mirrors and ask questions about solutions instead of collecting bets on just how the world will end. Do you see what i am getting at? We can ask questions like: what changes could be made between now and 2012 to make human life more comfortable? i am SURE that R. Buckminster Fuller's genius can point us in some directions, or even simply inspire us to higher cognitive leaps in that direction. the Jurassic Park films are films about man made biological disasters. Butthe author uses Jeff Goldblum's character, the Chaotician, to make an important point: we stand on the shoulders or giants. No one is in danger of having too much compassion or too much intellect on this planet. You see this vast resource, the internet? WHERE is the information? Where is it? Where? We all stand on ths shoulders of giants. All the great geniuses of recorded history and all the cultures that existed who have died still are ready to serve the current generation. i percieve that a great FEAR stands between human beings of the current era and breakthrough realisations: after all: Einsten is dead, Copernicus is Dead, marie curie and albert Scweitzer are dead: and it is death that is what we all fear as we gaze at all the possibilities of the zeropoint. but it's just not necessarily the end. a lot of people want to live and have something to live for. i daresay that those who invest a great deal of time in making pursuit of intellectual passions seem weak, and dry are not as much friends of the earth and the future as they could be, and perhaps by that token should not be taken quite as seriously. link me Monday, 2. February 2004
longshot, February 2, 2004 at 7:11:00 PM AEDTExonomics Some young people are gifted at getting decieved. And of course the decieved often make the best decievers. Anarchosocialism exists. Anarchocommunism exists. They're kidding themselves though. I LOVE it when i disagree with capitalists, and people who buy the capitalist ethos hook, line and sinker. They usually say are appear as if they are about to say: "what are ya, sme kinda commie?" I wish i could explain with them the continual failure ito agree I have had with any people who buy into socialism and/or communism at all. IT'S ALL THE SAME. In the United States the proletariat, or "working classes" suppport and endorse people like George W. Bush: like him or hate him: there are people who work for a living: i can START with oil workers but it goes on: and they LOVE him. The proletarian dictator in the post USSR United States is whoever is sitting in that Commander In Chief's char, WHOEVER is sitting there. I am an anarchist. to me: anarchism recognizes the failure of Socialist and Communist leaders such as Castro or Kruschev to provide ANY type of freedopm. Those philosophies are Totalitarian: their attitude can be reflected by the equally totalitarian attitude of "America, love it or leave it." Anarchists don't respect any leaders: although we might respect the laws of nature (whatever they are.) But this is boring, isn't it? Yes. Capitalism is BORING, Communism is BORING, Socialism is BORING. They are all Statism: When trendpunk American Youth scream "Smash the State" at rallies or wherever they convene: all the point is is to replace it with a New state. They might call themselves anarchists but their leaders are friendly guys like Trotsky...Marx....their leaders are dead but their groupthink behavior is dictated by the dogmas and manifestoes that they created. As an anarchist i KNOW that all politicians simply decieve to get what they want. and as someone who would rather crack a few books or even dig into some web pages to learn about the world i find myself in: i KNOW that the hwole of Socialism was started by American industrialists. that's right: Capitalism Begat Communism and Socialism. As simple: the American Industrialists -- and if you care this much and have read this far, you can look up the names: Amerian industrialists coopted the Bolshevik movement for the purpose of controlling those disgruntled with their wage-slave status in the late 1800s. It worked: and now there are youth begging for a new sort of State, the Socialist or Communist ideal -- i don't CARE! It's not anarchism: anarchism is about the individual's right to live free. Communism, Socialism, Collectivsim -- they are groupthinck, they mirror with utter clarity the conformity that Capitalism constantly inflicts on all those who live underneath it. (Buy THESE products and become "khule.") And of course there is Natrional Socialism. ANYWAY: yeah, I am bitter. I discovered a couple of gray hairs in my beard in the last week. But i LOVE them. I am bitterjust because I am anarchist: to me all nations are fallacies, ALL National boundaries are fallacies and used to herd masses of people into working for the military-industrail complex. Nationalism, always a scam. Another word you can look up is "jingoism" because if you don't get that Capitalism is constantly and always relying on deception to get people to buy in then why should I convince you? I am an anarchist. Anarachism...once i merely SUSPECTED that anarchism was the true center between Left-wing and Right-wing totalitarianism. now i know that it is. I don't want any leaders: and that means ideological forms of oppression, epistemological leaders like the Communist manifesto or the Bill of Rights. People think that these papers grant the freedom. but Tom Jefferson knew that they were going into their new Constitutional republic on the backs of slaves: Tom Jefferson knew that the people who had been disenfranchised and genocided would never love the State that they were creating. Patrick Henry made his famous speech about liberty or death with slaves perhaps in the next room preparing tea from Boston. It's not a fucking secret: it's a matter of public historical record and it should be. But people are BORN with freedom: Government takes freedom away. ALL Governments tell people what they can NOT do. So while i understand and relate to the bitching and whining of the alleged anarchosocialists -- i have come to view them as people with their hearts in theright place who are choking on spotty education. And of course counterculture conformists are still conformists, right? A suit is a suit is a suit: in the US of A those who are running for office wear suits. I like to wear black: to wear all black to me us the uniform of an artist, and I am an artist. The trick of military states from either polarity is to foment hatred for the other side. to me there are no races: there are only Human beings. To me there are no nations, there is only mother earth. Basically i know that those who use political episteme are really only concerned about power, keeping it and getting more. I will believe that Statists love the countries that they represent when they do more healing than hurting. But they don't HAVE to. To a real: honest: true anarchist respect for free will and the rights of the individual is paramount. To me. I respect the anarchosocialists rights to their opinion. But i also recognize the totalitarian bent in ther statements that ALL anarchists are communists and socialists, and this makes me think of gutter slang -- i just don;t really wantto talk to them. Is it because i am a gemini that i see both sides of the story? Maybe. But it is Capitalism with its emphasis on military coercion that causes me to reject its ethics for my own personal self. When people adopt an epistemology and refuse to allow it to evolve, grow and develop than it doesn't serve ME as a person who wants to live in a free world. and i KNOW that until my fellow human beings are free to love as they will than I am not truly free either. yes, my attitude is bleak. I believe it reflects the times in which we live. All the time living on a beautiful, beautiful, beautifuk mother planet. With infinite resources. but maybe you should look into Buck Fuller's work for my evidence of that: Capitalism depends on dearth AND waste simultaneously: any concept that there are infinite sources of abundance:as primal cultures have always held to -- is hushed up by their grim and rapacious competitive episteme. My problem is: I believe in God. Capitalism is slavery. Objectively. if you don't work you are spit on, criticized: an outcaste! Capitalism's method of maintaining the military industrial complex (M/I C) is coerced labor. and what coerced labor does is convince the individual that they don't have time to figure out what they would do that would bring them joy: instead: they had better learn to enjoy what they do. The kicker is that a person living under a capitalist Regime (you, probably) ALWAYS has a gun poimnted at their head silently pressuring their actions, in the way that the pressure of starlight can change the course of huge comets over huge measures of spatial distance. This leads to: depression. Unhappiness. shortened lifespans. and of course Capitalism is always hard at work creating unhealthy CRAP for people to EAT. I mean literally: crap. no one NEEDS doritos. But those Doritos factories have to stay open: cause that's JOBS. The famous example is the Pogue Carburator, getting around 200 miles per gallon in the thirties: it was bought up by Automotive and Petrleum investors and hidden away. (oh. You say there's no such thing? That it's made up, X-Files, that I am thinking of Raiders of the Lost Ark? Why did you read this far?) Now i am disgusted by my tobacco habit. A pack a day. i don't like smoking: i KNOW that I am an addict. In my poorest days i go into the street and scavenge butts, and i put that in my pipe and smoke it. It is filthy. My wind is not gone but it ain't what it should be after almost fifteen years at a pack a day. I despise the smell. I like taking breaks... now what IF say a few of those tabacco factories wereclosed: and a COMPASSIONATE Government who had the attitude of stewarding esources rather than domination and control were to open a few factories for fabrication of bogue carburatures and refitting of automobiles? Perhaps a few cancer deaths might be avoided. perhaps people could learn to enjoy more challenging and better paying work. Perhaps even Capitalists and Politicians could "breathe easier". People can CONVINCE themselves that they like drudge work, scut work for a barely servicable wage. Or: they can become so obsessed with earning more and more that a) the family is put in the backseat and business takes precedence: but this reduces the true quality of life: people learn to love money and then are puzzled or else become hard and noncomittal when they fail to have real lasting love in their personal lives. This is what Capitalism does to all who are under its spell: this is what Capitalism does to all who are enslaved by it. Some will say that capitalism is not slavery. They have a God-given right to. But "wage slave" was an established term in the American vocabulary long, long before I was born at the end of the 1960s. What enrages the left wing Radicals is something that I as a Centist Radical can see quite well: Capitalism dehumanizes those on the TOP of the economic pyramid as well. I KNOW that all presidents suffer. I know because all human beings suffer. George W. Bush suffers. Human beihngs suffer. I know beause I watched Jimmy Carter's hair turn white dealing with the Iran Hostage crisis that ended his term. (I guess Clinton was watching, too.) A numbing happens: the attituide becomes : suffering is inevitable and so empathy, ctrue compassion for their own constituents famously becomes part of :the price we pay." This is FAMOUS in the history of Democracy/Constitutional Republic. This is about depolarization: The reason the American Two -Party system is in decline is because it was never really necessary. The polarization turns both the Left wing Radical and the Right wing radical into haters of those who oppose them: falsely they demonize the other side and the result is a huge gaping blind spot. In the middle.Where a bottom feeding anarchist like myself has and shall dwelt til the end of his days! I look at any war that any government is waging on any other state and I see Statism at war with humanity. That is what I see: an epistemology sweeping human beings along to destruy their fellow human beings. So ultimatly all the rot about Communists, Capitalists: It's rot to me. They're all Ceasar. I know that America is no better than any other country on the ace of the earth, In a way they are all the same: This is one world and always has been. Globalism is merely about domination by force. Sadly, however there is an ideological tyranny that fails to recognize the free will of individuals: and this is why Communism and Socialism will always fail to produce anything Greater than Castro's Cuba... and Castro is Bush, and Bush is Kim-Jong Il and Kim Jong Il is Putin: THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. Men with a lot of Guns behind them: having fooled many people into believing that they care for anything but power.In 1789 The Constitutional Congress was split because they could not agree on the value of an African human slave. (all human life is beyond price: that is to say: priceless. When and if the petrol runs out: human life will still be the worlds most valuable natural resource.) It was concluded after debate that the value of an african slave was three fifths that of a person who could vote. Also being taxed without representation despite a bloody struggle for alleged freedom were the woman and the child. And it is the child who in trouble in a capitalist regime. In a capitalist regime indoctrination begins swiftly. some Capitalist might say that "regime" and "indoctrination" are harsh words. Knowing what they are doing while children suicide every year in grad school through college is much more harsh than just pointing it out. But the children are our future. The youths who are yet unborn will inevitably be the leaders of future generations because that is what humans do. Anarchists will always be rare. I have discussed cigarettes because I as an anarchist understand my role in human society: and i have worked at many different jobs. I am a canary in a coal mine. And I have difficulty breathing. link me Saturday, 31. January 2004
longshot, January 31, 2004 at 11:11:00 PM AEDTHow Bush Could Save His Legacy once I had this vision: GWB is in Hawaii, wearing a lei and drinking a mai tai. He's retired and people love him. I didn't know how he could get there exactly but I was thinking -- "the USA has so many secrets and so much wealth. All he could have to do is have a Ebenezer scrooge type of moment and decide to turn around and be the peace maker president. You know, share huge sums of money with poor countries...share technology and start waging peace..." but this was a couple of years ago when i was struggling to keep myself from hating the guy and the many people like him. I was pissed about he election: no one will ever convince me that there wasn't a cheat involved. But it wasn't until i discovered NESARA that i realised how it could ACTUALLY HAPPEN. I mean, this is just hitting me now. If Bush decided to become the champion of the NESARA it would make a scene on Earth sort of like the end of Return of the Jedi. International celebration, happiness... Also it would "trickel down" to all his functionaies and representatives who have never known the feeling of SINCERE gratitude and thanks from their constituents. Fact is, a lot of those guys are cold-hearted Scrooges and everyone knows it. Of course this is all the aftermath of the last play I will ever be in, which was a version of A Christmas Carol in which seen actrors got to play all the parts. I got to be Jacob Marley... And the Ghost of Marley, well, I have played in dinky little children's theater shows and played cartoon animals -- I was Scooby Doo in a mall tour once, I am not kidding. And I have been in hokey musicals playing comic relief and character parts. Carol was the first play I was ever in where i didn't have a song, i got to be scary and yet still not the bad guy -- It's A christmas Carol and it is part of the fabric of the western culture's archetypal understanding of story. ("They can't see you. No one can see you or hear you but me." How many stories has THAT been in? And where do you think the term cam, "scared the Dickens out of me?) I was so happy to play that partr I will never be in another play again...i finaly got my artistic rocks off, so to speak. I was always that actor who was thinking "I could paly that role," but as i did all my theater with almost no exceptions in white areas as an actor of color, there were no romantic leads or serious parts for me. usually I was the one who had to dance. That's not important though. What's important is the NATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY AND RESTORATION ACT: which basically: among other things, promises to forgive ALL CREDIT CARD DEBT NATIONWIDE. Some very determined people are working to push this through and I think it could make a very big difference in what happens to the world between now and 2012. A HUGE difference. if you are interested you can check it out at i don't really know how to do that funky href stuff off the top of my head. don't really appreciate html. Anyway... The tragic flaw of capitalists is that they believe that their phiosophy -- that is all capitalism is, a philosophy -- is the easiest way to prosperity. They don't realise that sharing the wealth ultimately makes the whole world wealthier. I'm very pleased to say that I did NOT come up with NESARA: i don't have thedeep know-how of economics and politics necessary. deeper and deeper: the fact is that NESARA has existed since 2000 and there have been a lot of moves by people to block its pubicization. But I like it! Because everyone is familiar with the term "wage slave"...it's not slang, that term. I don't want to get into an indepth discussion of Deleuze and Guattari, but slavery was ALLEGEDLY abolished. Sadly people have become so depressed they just carry it. They don't expect that the burden of feeling opprssed bu their day - to - day existances can be lifted...so that they often reject good ideas because they are so overburdened. link me ... Next page
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