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Mutation passed to kids

People exposed to radioactive fallout from weapons tests in the former Soviet Union passed on genetic mutations to their children and grandchildren, says study

Of course the research only focuses on negative mutations and is flawed due to radiation still existing in the area, but I am like a magnet to any evidence that this can occur.

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Genesis by comets?

NASA reports that comets could have delivered important organic molecules to Earth -- sowing the seeds for life.

Genesis by comets is a controversial idea, but it has received an important boost with the knowledge that a NASA supported experiment has revealed that complex molecules hitchhiking aboard a comet could have survived an impact with Earth. The next test will be bacterial spores...

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Humans stopped evolving?

This article from the Observer suggests that we have reached the end of our evolutionary path.

"A generation ago, men and women rarely mated with anyone from a different town or city. Hence, the blending of our genes which will soon produce a uniformly brown-skinned population. Apart from that, there will be little change in the species."

And "survival of the fittest" no longer matters:

"virtually everybody's genes are making it to the next generation, not only those who are best adapted to their environments."

Of course the entire debate ignores the possibility that gradual evolution is an illusion, which is the most obvious reason for it not happening within the modern era.

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Humans are changing

From Nando Times

While it had long been accepted that North Americans have grown several inches on average during the 20th century, a lot more than size has changed.

The changes are apparent in the shapes and sizes of certain bones in the legs and forearms, which have changed in proportion to the rest of the body.

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