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Giant Eagles in NZ

Gigantic eagles swooping from the skies to rescue Frodo and Sam in the Lord of the Rings may not be just the stuff of legends and fairytales, according to research published in the journal PloS Biology.

Weighing between 20 and 30 pounds, the enormous Haast's Eagle dominated its environment. It was 30 to 40 per cent heavier than the largest living bird of prey around today, the Harpy Eagle of Central and South America.

...extracted DNA from fossil eagle bones dating back about 2000 years.<

Source: McMaster University

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Repeated Instructions create Giants

A puzzle that has intrigued biologists since Darwin’s time is why the fossil record shows new species seem to emerge suddenly and rapidly – in contrast to the gradual process that evolution is supposed to be. Researchers at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, found an explanation in dog genes.

The explanation would be that many mutations occur in regions of the genes where a single, simple instruction is repeated many times. The mutations involve removing or adding one repeat. This differs substantially from what most scientists have traditionally considered the predominant mechanism of mutations, which alters only one “letter” of code changes at a time – a much smaller change.

The difference is somewhat like an instruction manual’s editor mistakenly changing the number of times an instruction is repeated, as opposed to changing one letter in the book. The former action is more likely to meaningfully alter the final result.

The chemical units that make up an organism’s DNA, or genetic code, are abbreviated with the letters A, C, T and G. Strings of these letters spell out the genetic instructions needed to carry out life’s functions. Many scientists believe evolution occurs through “single-point” mutations – a change from one letter to another among the billions of letters in the code.

The researchers found that bigger changes occur in genetic regions, called tandem repeat sequences, consisting of the same series of letters repeated many times over, for example, ACTACTACT. These mutations happen in these regions when such units – the ACT in the above example – are mistakenly added or subtracted as a group.

The researchers found that such changes help explain the length of dogs’ muzzles. The scientists combined genetic data from different dog breeds and data on the shapes of dog skulls, and found that that the length of a dog’s muzzle depends on the number of times specific tandem repeat units determining muzzle length are repeated.

Mutations in tandem repeat sequences occur up to 100,000 times more often than single point mutations, and are much more likely significantly change physical appearance, said John “Trey” Fondon, an evolutionary biologist and co-author of the study.

Which is why, in the past, we had mega-fauna, dragons and unicorns. Each were the result of a massive influx of cosmic rays, which caused mutations of the repeated instruction type - mutations that created giants (megafauna, dragons and biblical human giants) and horses with huge horns...

Source: World Science

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Alien message 'may be in our DNA'

This would be one of the most sensible alien theories I have come across:

Professor Paul Davies, from the Australian Centre for Astrobiology at Macquarie University in Sydney, believes a cosmic greeting card could have been left in every human cell.

The coded message would only be discovered once the human race had the technology to read and understand it. td>

It's the same as I suspect for the Nazca Lines - only people who can fly will see them, and perhaps people who fly are also smart enough to decode them...

Source: Mail & Guardian

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DNA conserved for what reason??

"... researchers revealed that they had deleted huge chunks of the genome of mice without it making any discernable difference to the animals.

The result is totally unexpected because the deleted sequences included so-called "conserved regions" thought to have important functions."

I believe that such DNA chunks are sitting there, waiting for the next influx of massive radiation. These DNA chunks are then used to create instant evolution.

Source: New Scientist

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Mutations not always random!

I have previously mentioned that our DNA repair mechanisms appear to pick and choose where and when they make repairs.

According to a recent paper:

"Natural selection... acts on the very mechanisms that copy and repair DNA. It makes perfect sense that these mechanisms would be subject to selection pressures: genomes that managed to steer their mutations, even a little, would have pulled way ahead of others that were throwing darts in the dark."

"Certain types of DNA sequence seem to invite mutation and others seem to repel it. One type of mutation-attracting sequence, found in bacteria as well as in us, is "slippery" DNA. Slippery sequences comprise a series of DNA's chemical bases or "letters" repeated over and over again. "

"The mutation rate of slippery DNA can be 1000 times higher than elsewhere in the genome, so in that sense it is not random."

So... when we get a massive influx of cosmic rays, our bodies pick and choose which mutations to repair, and which to experiment with. When we have regions of the DNA that are 1000 times more likely to mutate, then the number of different mutations become less. Taken to an extreme, this means few enough mutations for a new species to arrive at the time of a cosmic ray bombardment!

Source: New Scientist, March 6 2004, pages 42-45

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A Baby Dragon?

I highly doubt it, but it is a bloody good fake. Follow the link below to see a close-up.

"A metal tin found with the dragon contained paperwork in old-fashioned German of the 1890s..."

"The dragon is flawless, from the tiny teeth to the umbilical cord. It could be made from indiarubber, because Germany was the world's leading manufacturer of it at the time, or it could be made of wax. It has to be fake. No one has ever proved scientifically that dragons exist. But everyone who sees it immediately asks, 'Is it real?' "
Source: Rense

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Water on Mars= Evolutionary clue


Ever since NASA finally admitted that there was concrete evidence that water was/or is present on Mars, I feel that I have experienced a subtle, elevated sense of consciousness (am I the only one?). I am realizing that an important piece to the evolutionary puzzle has just been put in place, but I am still not able to fully appreciate the potential rammifications.

I feel that in some ways a crucial clue to the purpose of life has been exposed and that more amazing discoveries will be found on Mars in the near future. I am confident that we will find indisputable proof that intelligent life had existed on Mars. I predict widespread broadcast of this undeniable evidence will serve to accelerate the "quickening" process, ultimately resulting in our future being guided down a more positive path.

This is based on my belief that we are in control of our own destiny and that on an individual basis or as a species, consciousness of the quickening begins with the realization of ones own evolution. In turn, a higher state of consciousness would hopefully result in humanity developing a greater willingness to put forth the effort to ensure our own survival. Am I a freakin' lunatic or does any of this make some sense? Stayin' optomistic-

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Solar Energy is the Energy by Hermann Scheer

Future generations will certainly ask why both politics and economics in the 1970s, 1980s, and the beginning of the 1990s of the 20th century had been acting in such a passive and cowardly way with respect to the far-reaching opportunities offered by renewable energies. Therefore, the only open questions are

* whether the majority of our present decision-makers will be asked these questions in a bitter and accusing way due to the fact that an endless decline with innumerable catastrophes has taken place in the meantime which is caused by ignoring the solar option, or

* whether they will be asked with an ironic smile due to the fact that maybe by the turn of the century the political and economic priorities had been changed in time in favor of solar energy by establishing a global solar energy system within the first decades of the 21st century, having made a start in the present decade.

The economic and social advantages of renewable energies are enormous: for saving the earth's atmosphere; for the health of man; for an independent and safe, long-term energy supply as well as economic development; for new jobs in industry and for preventing a steadily increasing rate of unemployment; for recuperation of soil and water, for avoiding a global water crisis and for the economic liberation of agriculture. The fact that all these changes are being ignored because of one single factor - the current price of energy - which puts aside all the other aspects is a classic example of intellectual pygmyism. There might be an excuse if an individual producer or consumer of energy is acting in such a way. But it is absolutely incomprehensible when the same way of thinking exists even at the political level.

Solar energy is the road which leads us away from the energy-consuming towards the energy-producing house and by that will automatically see a far-reaching structural change. Every structural change has winners and losers. It is not advisable to make the introduction of solar energy dependent on those who will be among the losers by such a structural change - from the oil-, coal- or countries or their contracting companies, or from those which operate large power plants. The solar future cannot be made dependent on the individual premises of one single branch of the economy. Even the current energy-supplying companies have the chance to participate in building up such a solar energy system: but rather through diversification than through structural conservatism - from the supplier or producer of oil to the producer of wind power plants, biomass-conversion plants, solar energy plants, producers of Stirling motors, solar cells or collectors.

In order to promote renewable energies we need the appropriate political institutions that are able to overcome the existing particularism. It is intolerable that there is a UN Agency for Nuclear Power but still none for Renewable energies.

We need new thinking in terms of nature conservation. So far it has been of very defensive character - in connection with preventing further measures destructive to nature, whereby those measures which had been already undertaken are accepted indirectly. The consequence is a decadent attitude of trying to prevent wind power plants for nature or scenery conservation reasons. The defense of the mini-biotop has to many minds priority over saving the global biotop. This is another example of lack of proportion - but it is primarily a mistaken philosophy, an underestimation of the real ecological dangers and a misunderstanding of the ecological circle.

The 20th century became the century of the destruction of the ecosphere because of this intellectual hegemony of erroneous philosophies. We are now on the edge of a millennium of ecology. The philosophy of this new era begins with the basic assumption that renewable energies - coming from the sun - are not alternative energies; solar energy is the energy. Conventional energies were misleading alternatives. The more and the longer mankind has been following and believing in these alternatives, the more human civilization lost its ground, its basis. There is no doubt that in the future solar energy will be again the only energy used on earth. The only question is if this will happen with mankind or without mankind.

We need the courage for a renewal of economy and politics. Therefor, we have to develop priorities for environmental policies. We have to recognize that economics is the hard core of society, and that energy is the hard core of economy. Due to this overall importance of the energy question we have to set up an Agenda 1 within the "Agenda 21" of the Earth Summit in Rio 1992 on this topic of renewable energy. Renewable energies are not an emergency exit from problems of energy supply and consumption. Renewable energies are the driving forces to renew our societies. It is not only an expert's approach, it is an approach for all human society. Solar energy is the energy of the people and we need the efforts of the people to introduce it. This is the reason why we must develop a grand strategy and a new movement - a solar strategy - for renewable energy introduction.


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My Y2K

My Y2K

We were all ready for anything.

We huddled around the radio: we were sort of drunk and scared. The date: December 31, 1999.

What were you doing and thinking around that time? Were you preparing for the worst, making your peace with God, contemplating suicide, saying "it's all just a scam or a red herring anyway?"

January 1, 2000.

We sat and cracked open the MREs and ate the little snack cakes. they were actually sort of tasty.

now another scary date is approaching.

"I have confidence in humanity's ability to use its determination, its intelligence and adaptability to find the answers to the challenges of the modern world."

-Some Politician

"...I presume the cultural and spiritual desire to be one's self without interference from others: that they enjoy that anarchy of the spirit which is inevitably the goal of all consciousness." W. E. B DuBois

WAIT A MINUTE: I've got it: I'll talk to myself about things seemingly only I care about!

"...and then they all choked on their arrogance and discorporated."

It was a party, and it lasted -- who knows how long? Thousands of years?

It was finally the end of the ages of evil. We had a great time.

All over the Earth people who once celebrated their differences began to celebrate their fundamental Oneness: all over the Earth, places that used to call themselves different places began to celebrate their membership in the Earth community. It was really wonderful.

We drank toasts to the arrogant racists who had gone away. They were extinct: gone like the dinosaurs.

We were all glad to see them go and we celebrated our one humanity.

"See this place? they used to call it 'Japan'."

"I love it here on Earth."

"See this place? They used to call it 'America'."

"What a wonderful planet."

"Remember when they used to call this place 'Russia'?"

But instead of losing their uniquness: places gained even more awareness of their distinctiveness: their uniqueness, their specialness.

It was the unity within diversity that the people all began to honor--no one was trying to create divisions that were unnecessary: and causing more suffering than was necessary.

All those people were GONE. they were EXTINCT. There was no more suffering and everyone celebrated.

The oppressors and their values were obsolete. they were gone away..

There was no more misogyny, no more rape, no more child abuse: no more war. And no one else lying and saying that those things were necessary and HAD to be that way. No more did anyone speak the lie "well, it just HAS to be that way." It was the way that it was, no longer. It was FUN!

People did what they wanted to.

No one hurt anybody else. Why? that would be pointless, absurd. bizzare.

It was actually real humanity actually being one people. The racists were all DEAD.

And there were so many people!

The Earth was TEEMING with life. Varigated cultures: civilizations within civilizations --

Innovation, invention, creativity, happiness, joy, peace, and yes, naturally: enlightenment.

I may or may not have erected a small shrine to my friend Kathy.

I may have but I may not have. It all depends!

I am making al this up: i am obviously insane.

Oh come on.

Money makes the world go around! War is just necessary. It's even GOOD! it's "righteous."

Only the insane are pacifists. I know that I am insane. I've been diagnosed: I am chronically depressed.

And if YOU were a pacifist, living in the year 1999, you, too, would be depressed.

Or bitterly enraged!

Or a little of both.

The best worst part was the people who lied. I mean the best worst part: I mean the best of the worst.

Oh, how they lied. They would lie insinuatively

They'd want you to think it was clever lying -- but if they had not been so stupid there would have been no need for them to be so dishonest. It was a sneering, soaring arrogance coupled with overt deception all the time.

But they all died.

It was tricks, dirty rotten tricks. bad; rotten, no fun. Dirty tricks.

I stopped calling it clever.

Honesty is clever. Innocence is intelligent.

Oh, so many lies. The Devil's so smart, they would say: they were lying of course.

The Devil is stupid: perhaps the stupidest thing in all creation. Conceited: arrogant. Its major stupidity is to reject God. God's beauty, God's givingness, God's love. That's what MAKES the Devil stupid.

The Devil is famous for being the Lord of Lies. So that means that...the things that are not the devil are actually intelligent...and beautiful, and good.

But this was the time BEFORE the good time, when the hatefilled liars and those they had lied to had done their thing so effectively

--that people generally believed that only the hatefilled liars were the bearers of truth.

It was horrible and there was DISCORD.

Bad craziness. Harsh sadness. Confusion. Blindly walking into walls labyrinths of misfortune. Which way do we go....

It wasn't a miracle that they all went away: it was simply nature.

They all went away and people were so glad that they were gone that they just didn't start the old practices again!

Instead: new foundations for life were created that were based on sharing: equanimity: peace and creating joy. All the time. It was enlightenment.

There were so many people: the earth was teeming with humanity. Everywhere.

But it was good! people got along harmoniously. People shared! everyone was respected equally.

And it was a happy time.

And of course the hate filled liars were DEAD. (they wouldn't have liked it; and this is why they all died)

But it wasn't a holocaust or a wave of humanity that wiped them all out. They just died. They didn't come back.

And the rest of humanity wised up, and stopped acting that way.


It was so beautiful. It was great! It was like a party all the time: but a great party. no hangovers, no fights, no recriminations or regret, just joy all the time.

Happy to see each other: every day.

Happy. Smiling.

Happy to see each other every day.

"hey, look! a stranger! hello!"

And they smiled.

Such happiness.

Because the Evil Insane had become extinct, and died; and did not come back.

They were finally GONE: and everyone else was really happy.

I may or may not have recovered from my chronic depression. I don't know, because I'm making all this up.

It was BEAUTIFUL. there were no problems. it was Humanity the way that humanity should have been: everyone got along.

I may, or may not have drank coffee. I'm not sure. Perhaps I drank coffee.

Perhaps I drank soy coffee. Who's to say?

Oh, It was a great time. Everyone smiled. There was no more envy and no more jealousy because there was no more competition. Everyone was working for the same outcome: the happiness of everyone all the time.

There was no more war because there was nothing to fight about. It was one world. "Oh, see this place? They used to call it 'America'. They still do." "Oh, yes. This is obviously America. I recognize it now." "Oh, this place? Once they called it Japan." "It's a paradise. It's so beautiful. I love it here." Everyone smiled. "This place, here? It was once called 'Russia'." "What a beautiful place! I'm having a ball here. I love it." "This place they used to call 'Africa'." "Oh, Africa! I recognize that name. What a wonderful place. I love it here!" It was the same wherever you'd go in the new world, after all the evil peple were extinct.

The PEOPLE weren't extinct. Humanity throve like never before.

There was a big secret. Shall I tell you now? Shall I share it with you? It was a big secret.

Maybe I'll keep it to myself.

Okay, FINE. I've decided to share it with you after all. (You've read this far.)

It was a big secret that totally ANIHILATED ALL EVIL. And Humanity prospered forever after. I mean For Ever. the prosperity. never. ended.

But before that time there was grimness and misery, gnashing of teeth, rending of garments and much distress.

But there was a SECRET that pretty much eradicated all of the evil on the planet. Shall I tell you what it was?

Oh, all right. I'll tell you.

The Earth was a place of infinite, unlimited resources for all. There was a total supply of everything all the time. No lack!

But those who had greedily coveted power kept this a secret. They feared being stripped of their positions of power and control.

But THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED: and everyone benefitted.

Oh, yes. There were some big secrets floating around: but that one: the secret that Mother Earth held resources for all on an inexhaustible nature: was "that last straw": once it got out it was the end of the reign of the secret international tyrants.

Their lie was that this had been their home theirs to own, and do with as they deemed. It had been EVERYONE'S home and so they magnified illusory lack to maintain the rule of terror.

Real stewards of human resources appeared: with no desire to suborn the free will of other people and no desire to greedily control the resources of Mother Earth.

And once it was revealed to the people that not only was there enough to go around and there ALWAYS had been --

people simply began LIVING that way and for the harsh and cruel tyrants who ruled by tyranny and secret, the game was over.

They were obsolete: they had been unneccesary for a really long time -- and the time before their deception was ultimately revealed was a time when their lies became even more bold and deceptive on purpose.

It was them, the secret tyrants, and the many that they had successfully decieved -- conditioned via the use of tyranny to get them to accept their deceptions as the only truth.

But the big secret came out and basically people were happy.

It was an "enemy" that they could not overcome. The enemy was human happiness: people were suddenly enamored of the Earth, their mother, and for the tyrants who greedily created ideas of false lack for so to manipluate and decieve the people there was just no way anymore.

It took a while.

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Some young people are gifted at getting decieved. And of course the decieved often make the best decievers.

Anarchosocialism exists. Anarchocommunism exists. They're kidding themselves though.

I LOVE it when i disagree with capitalists, and people who buy the capitalist ethos hook, line and sinker. They usually say are appear as if they are about to say: "what are ya, sme kinda commie?"

I wish i could explain with them the continual failure ito agree I have had with any people who buy into socialism and/or communism at all. IT'S ALL THE SAME. In the United States the proletariat, or "working classes" suppport and endorse people like George W. Bush: like him or hate him: there are people who work for a living: i can START with oil workers but it goes on: and they LOVE him. The proletarian dictator in the post USSR United States is whoever is sitting in that Commander In Chief's char, WHOEVER is sitting there.

I am an anarchist. to me: anarchism recognizes the failure of Socialist and Communist leaders such as Castro or Kruschev to provide ANY type of freedopm. Those philosophies are Totalitarian: their attitude can be reflected by the equally totalitarian attitude of "America, love it or leave it."

Anarchists don't respect any leaders: although we might respect the laws of nature (whatever they are.) But this is boring, isn't it?

Yes. Capitalism is BORING, Communism is BORING, Socialism is BORING.

They are all Statism: When trendpunk American Youth scream "Smash the State" at rallies or wherever they convene: all the point is is to replace it with a New state. They might call themselves anarchists but their leaders are friendly guys like Trotsky...Marx....their leaders are dead but their groupthink behavior is dictated by the dogmas and manifestoes that they created.

As an anarchist i KNOW that all politicians simply decieve to get what they want.

and as someone who would rather crack a few books or even dig into some web pages to learn about the world i find myself in: i KNOW that the hwole of Socialism was started by American industrialists.

that's right: Capitalism Begat Communism and Socialism. As simple: the American Industrialists -- and if you care this much and have read this far, you can look up the names: Amerian industrialists coopted the Bolshevik movement for the purpose of controlling those disgruntled with their wage-slave status in the late 1800s.

It worked: and now there are youth begging for a new sort of State, the Socialist or Communist ideal -- i don't CARE! It's not anarchism: anarchism is about the individual's right to live free. Communism, Socialism, Collectivsim -- they are groupthinck, they mirror with utter clarity the conformity that Capitalism constantly inflicts on all those who live underneath it. (Buy THESE products and become "khule.")

And of course there is Natrional Socialism. ANYWAY: yeah, I am bitter. I discovered a couple of gray hairs in my beard in the last week. But i LOVE them. I am bitterjust because I am anarchist: to me all nations are fallacies, ALL National boundaries are fallacies and used to herd masses of people into working for the military-industrail complex. Nationalism, always a scam. Another word you can look up is "jingoism" because if you don't get that Capitalism is constantly and always relying on deception to get people to buy in then why should I convince you? I am an anarchist.

Anarachism...once i merely SUSPECTED that anarchism was the true center between Left-wing and Right-wing totalitarianism. now i know that it is.

I don't want any leaders: and that means ideological forms of oppression, epistemological leaders like the Communist manifesto or the Bill of Rights.

People think that these papers grant the freedom. but Tom Jefferson knew that they were going into their new Constitutional republic on the backs of slaves: Tom Jefferson knew that the people who had been disenfranchised and genocided would never love the State that they were creating.

Patrick Henry made his famous speech about liberty or death with slaves perhaps in the next room preparing tea from Boston. It's not a fucking secret: it's a matter of public historical record and it should be. But people are BORN with freedom: Government takes freedom away. ALL Governments tell people what they can NOT do.

So while i understand and relate to the bitching and whining of the alleged anarchosocialists -- i have come to view them as people with their hearts in theright place who are choking on spotty education. And of course counterculture conformists are still conformists, right? A suit is a suit is a suit: in the US of A those who are running for office wear suits.

I like to wear black: to wear all black to me us the uniform of an artist, and I am an artist.

The trick of military states from either polarity is to foment hatred for the other side. to me there are no races: there are only Human beings. To me there are no nations, there is only mother earth. Basically i know that those who use political episteme are really only concerned about power, keeping it and getting more. I will believe that Statists love the countries that they represent when they do more healing than hurting. But they don't HAVE to.

To a real: honest: true anarchist respect for free will and the rights of the individual is paramount. To me. I respect the anarchosocialists rights to their opinion. But i also recognize the totalitarian bent in ther statements that ALL anarchists are communists and socialists, and this makes me think of gutter slang -- i just don;t really wantto talk to them.

Is it because i am a gemini that i see both sides of the story? Maybe. But it is Capitalism with its emphasis on military coercion that causes me to reject its ethics for my own personal self.

When people adopt an epistemology and refuse to allow it to evolve, grow and develop than it doesn't serve ME as a person who wants to live in a free world. and i KNOW that until my fellow human beings are free to love as they will than I am not truly free either. yes, my attitude is bleak. I believe it reflects the times in which we live.

All the time living on a beautiful, beautiful, beautifuk mother planet.

With infinite resources. but maybe you should look into Buck Fuller's work for my evidence of that: Capitalism depends on dearth AND waste simultaneously: any concept that there are infinite sources of abundance:as primal cultures have always held to -- is hushed up by their grim and rapacious competitive episteme.

My problem is: I believe in God.

Capitalism is slavery. Objectively.

if you don't work you are spit on, criticized: an outcaste!

Capitalism's method of maintaining the military industrial complex (M/I C) is coerced labor. and what coerced labor does is convince the individual that they don't have time to figure out what they would do that would bring them joy: instead: they had better learn to enjoy what they do. The kicker is that a person living under a capitalist Regime (you, probably) ALWAYS has a gun poimnted at their head silently pressuring their actions, in the way that the pressure of starlight can change the course of huge comets over huge measures of spatial distance.

This leads to: depression. Unhappiness. shortened lifespans. and of course Capitalism is always hard at work creating unhealthy CRAP for people to EAT. I mean literally: crap.

no one NEEDS doritos. But those Doritos factories have to stay open: cause that's JOBS.

The famous example is the Pogue Carburator, getting around 200 miles per gallon in the thirties: it was bought up by Automotive and Petrleum investors and hidden away. (oh. You say there's no such thing? That it's made up, X-Files, that I am thinking of Raiders of the Lost Ark? Why did you read this far?)

Now i am disgusted by my tobacco habit. A pack a day. i don't like smoking: i KNOW that I am an addict. In my poorest days i go into the street and scavenge butts, and i put that in my pipe and smoke it. It is filthy. My wind is not gone but it ain't what it should be after almost fifteen years at a pack a day. I despise the smell.

I like taking breaks...

now what IF say a few of those tabacco factories wereclosed: and a COMPASSIONATE Government who had the attitude of stewarding esources rather than domination and control were to open a few factories for fabrication of bogue carburatures and refitting of automobiles?

Perhaps a few cancer deaths might be avoided. perhaps people could learn to enjoy more challenging and better paying work. Perhaps even Capitalists and Politicians could "breathe easier".

People can CONVINCE themselves that they like drudge work, scut work for a barely servicable wage.

Or: they can become so obsessed with earning more and more that a) the family is put in the backseat and business takes precedence: but this reduces the true quality of life: people learn to love money and then are puzzled or else become hard and noncomittal when they fail to have real lasting love in their personal lives. This is what Capitalism does to all who are under its spell: this is what Capitalism does to all who are enslaved by it.

Some will say that capitalism is not slavery. They have a God-given right to. But "wage slave" was an established term in the American vocabulary long, long before I was born at the end of the 1960s.

What enrages the left wing Radicals is something that I as a Centist Radical can see quite well: Capitalism dehumanizes those on the TOP of the economic pyramid as well. I KNOW that all presidents suffer. I know because all human beings suffer. George W. Bush suffers. Human beihngs suffer. I know beause I watched Jimmy Carter's hair turn white dealing with the Iran Hostage crisis that ended his term. (I guess Clinton was watching, too.)

A numbing happens: the attituide becomes : suffering is inevitable and so empathy, ctrue compassion for their own constituents famously becomes part of :the price we pay." This is FAMOUS in the history of Democracy/Constitutional Republic.

This is about depolarization: The reason the American Two -Party system is in decline is because it was never really necessary.

The polarization turns both the Left wing Radical and the Right wing radical into haters of those who oppose them: falsely they demonize the other side and the result is a huge gaping blind spot.

In the middle.Where a bottom feeding anarchist like myself has and shall dwelt til the end of his days!

I look at any war that any government is waging on any other state and I see Statism at war with humanity. That is what I see: an epistemology sweeping human beings along to destruy their fellow human beings. So ultimatly all the rot about Communists, Capitalists: It's rot to me. They're all Ceasar. I know that America is no better than any other country on the ace of the earth, In a way they are all the same: This is one world and always has been. Globalism is merely about domination by force. Sadly, however there is an ideological tyranny that fails to recognize the free will of individuals: and this is why Communism and Socialism will always fail to produce anything Greater than Castro's Cuba...

and Castro is Bush, and Bush is Kim-Jong Il and Kim Jong Il is Putin: THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. Men with a lot of Guns behind them: having fooled many people into believing that they care for anything but power.

In 1789 The Constitutional Congress was split because they could not agree on the value of an African human slave. (all human life is beyond price: that is to say: priceless. When and if the petrol runs out: human life will still be the worlds most valuable natural resource.) It was concluded after debate that the value of an african slave was three fifths that of a person who could vote.

Also being taxed without representation despite a bloody struggle for alleged freedom were the woman and the child.

And it is the child who in trouble in a capitalist regime. In a capitalist regime indoctrination begins swiftly.

some Capitalist might say that "regime" and "indoctrination" are harsh words. Knowing what they are doing while children suicide every year in grad school through college is much more harsh than just pointing it out.

But the children are our future. The youths who are yet unborn will inevitably be the leaders of future generations because that is what humans do. Anarchists will always be rare.

I have discussed cigarettes because I as an anarchist understand my role in human society: and i have worked at many different jobs.

I am a canary in a coal mine.

And I have difficulty breathing.

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precession of equinoxes

one day i won't be mad about this anymore. it concerns mostly the revelations i had upon installing and using StarryNight Freeman, which FORCED me to look at the stars. i wanted to anyway. So whatever, so what? Maybe the old system of symbols/consciousness archetypers is breaking up anyway. maybe there is some ego-death that has to happen to people when they look: for example, at the stars when they were born...

i was born at 1:05 AM EDT July 8 1969. Means my sun sign is cancer, right? NO. It means the sun was deep in the heart of Gemini when i was born. But i had to go throug hmost of my life thinking I was a Cancerian...and I like cancerians..whatever they are...

so anyway, i also have read about something calle dthe "AQUARIAN MUTATION."

Once at a party there were maybe ten of us and i started singing "this is the dawning of the age of your hairy ass..." and some people joined in. By the time we got to the whole room singing "YOUR HA-A-AIRY ASS..." everyone was singing along. (which is maybe what aquarius is all about?)

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Junk DNA not junk?

It has long been thought that most of our DNA is just evolutionary garbage, it's there but is no longer useful for anything. But some Japanese researchers have fiddled with a piece of this "junk DNA" in some mice, and it killed them - proving that the piece of junk was actually doing something.

My proposition is that junk DNA is a storehouse of bits and pieces for the future, that cosmic radiation can cause overnight evolution via intelligent, deliberate mutation.

This is the from the piece I found in Scientific American:

The failure to recognize the importance of introns “may well go down as one of the biggest mistakes in the history of molecular biology.”

As an example of the unappreciated power of RNA, consider pseudogenes. Surveys of human DNA have found in it almost equal numbers of genes and pseudogenes--defective copies of functional genes. For decades, pseudogenes have been written off as molecular fossils, the remains of genes that were broken by mutation and abandoned by evolution. But this past May a group of Japanese geneticists led by Shinji Hirotsune of the Saitama Medical School reported their discovery of the first functional pseudogene.

Hirotsune was genetically engineering mice to carry a fruit fly gene called sex-lethal. Most mice did fine with this foreign gene, but in one strain sex-lethal lived up to its name; all the mice died in infancy. Looking closer, the scientists discovered that in those mice sex-lethal happened to get inserted right into the middle of a pseudogene, clobbering it. This pseudogene (named makorin1p1) is a greatly shortened copy of makorin1, an ancient gene that mice share with fruit flies, worms and many other species. Although researchers don't know what makorin1 does, they do know that mice have lots of makorin1 pseudogenes and that none of them can make proteins. But if pseudogenes do nothing, why were these mice dying when they lost one?

For some reason, makorin1--and apparently only makorin1 all but shuts down when its pseudogene pl is knocked out. RNA made from the pseudogene, in other words, controls the expression of the "real" gene whose sequence it mimics, even though the two lie on different chromosomes. There is nothing pseudo about that.

Source: Access Research Network

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Humans missing a gene

It popped into my head this weekend that the difference between humans and other animals is not something extra that we have - but rather a missing gene. We lack the gene of contentedness. We are the most unhappy species, and we are constantly trying to improve our lot - that is why we improved from apes into humans. Think about cats - they love being cats and have no desire to change a thing. They are content.

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Moth Communication

I kid you not. As time progresses, moths are starting to look like humans. Many examples can be found by following the link below.
Source: Butterfly Alphabet

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Big Rat thing!

"It would be an exterminator's worst nightmare: A 700 kilogram rodent with a voracious appetite and big teeth.

Resembling a guinea pig grown to the size of a buffalo, the animal lived millions of years ago in a South American swamp and is thought to be history's biggest rodent, researchers say this week in the journal Science."

Yet another big thing that didn't survive the last cataclysm, or the one before that... They say it existed millions of years ago, but fossils are such rare things, and judging the timespan of an entire species based on a sample of one is kinda tricky

Source: Sydney Morning Herald

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Clownfish change sex, size at will


Clownfish, the aquarium pet of choice since the release of Disney's "Finding Nemo", live in such a rigid social structure in the wild that if one of the dominant breeding adults is removed, the size, status and even sex of the other clownfish change rapidly to return the group to the status quo.

"If the female of the group dies, the male changes sex and becomes the breeding female," said Cornell University evolutionary biologist Peter Buston, "while the largest non-breeder becomes the breeding male."

So, if these fish can change in real-time, surely it's plausible for humans to evolve within the timeframe of two generations?

Source: NewsDay

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"Intelligent" DNA repair

More evidence surfacing that helps support my theory that evolution is a combination of cosmic ray mutation and intelligent repair mechanisms, culminating in new species. This from a recent issue of New Scientist, not available online.

"Nevertheless, it looks suspiciously as if the mitochondrial genome has evolved the ability to resist attack in some areas and succumb in others. I believe the same thing may be happening in nuclear DNA, although the mechanisms may be different. If genomes do focus mutations at hot spots and reduce them in areas where they are likely to threaten survival, then mutation is not random. What's more, it looks as though genomes that take control in this way are fitter than those that bend to the vagaries of random mutation."

"Death and Desctruction" by Tom Gilbert New Scientist, May 31 2003, pages 32-35

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Aquatic Ape article

There is a nice piece on Elaine Morgan in the Guardian. I am a great fan of her aquatic ape theory and plan to have a chapter on it in my book.

Philip Tobias is mentioned in the article - he has an online book (.pdf) on the topic:

Aquatic Ape and African Eve

Source: Guardian

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Make a New Species: Just shift about some genes

"Researchers from three British centers have put the natural course of events in reverse to reveal how a rearrangement of genetic matter could help drive evolution.

Working with baker's yeast, investigators from the University of Manchester, the University of Leicester and the Institute of Food Research in Norwich, England, found swapping large chunks of genetic material might spur the split of one species into two."

"...With some repositioning of their genetic material, the two species took on such a similarity they were able to interbreed -- although with less than 100 percent success. The observations suggest chromosomal rearrangement, or translocation, might play an important role in the evolution of new species, geneticists said. "

So.... another piece of evidence. It won't be long before scientists work out that some of that "junk DNA" is really evolutionary options. And when something triggers it (radiation?), our bodies choose to evolve into a new species. Pre-planned evolution, happening all of a sudden, by choice.

Source: Life Sciences Network

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DNA junk

"Scientists in the past decade have discovered that remnants of ancient germ line infections called human endogenous retroviruses make up a substantial part of the human genome. Once thought to be merely "junk" DNA and inactive, many of these elements, in fact, perform functions in human cells.

Now, a new study...suggests for the first time that a burst of transpositional activity occurred at the same time humans and chimps are believed to have diverged from a common ancestor — 6 million years ago. "

The key word is "burst". Junk DNA activating and evolving humans. What was the trigger?

Source: University of Georgia

"Results of a new University of Michigan study suggest that junk DNA - dismissed by many scientists as mere strings of meaningless genetic code - could have a darker side.

... in cultured human cancer cells, segments of junk DNA called LINE-1 elements can delete DNA when they jump to a new location - possibly knocking out genes or creating devastating mutations in the process."

More "junk" DNA causing mutations.

Sources: University of Michigan & Science Daily

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