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Astrogeological signs

Geoff Stray posted this at TimeWave2012 group:

EARTH Earthquakes have increased by over 400% since 1963;

Volcanic activity has increased by over 500% in the last 100 years;

Major flooding: in the fifties,they occurred every 4 years; in the sixties: every 2 years; 1967-1974 it was 1 major flood per year; now often more than one per year;

Tornadoes: 1936-1945:1514 recorded 1946-1955:2989 recorded 1956-1965: 6581 recorded 1966-1974:7082 recorded

The movement of the magnetic poles is currently accelerating by 3km per year; pilots' maps are being re-drawn & runways re-painted; racing pigeons are getting lost;

The global temperature is rising; 2002 was the 2nd hottest year on record www.earth-policy.org ; a global temperature rise of 4-7 degrees is predicted for the next 100 years: www.ucar.edu


Solar activity has increased - record CMEs, flares, sunspot numbers, polar auroras during the last cycle; In fact, george Withbroe, director of NASA's Sun-Earth Connection Program, said at the Feb 2001 Solar Max,

"This is a unique solar maximum in history. the images and the data are beyond the wildest expectations of the astronomers of a generation ago."


Changes to other planets include: Mercury is growing an atmosphere; Venus' atmosphere has changed, its got brighter & spots have appeared; Mars ' atmosphere was twice as thick as expected, causing the crash of the Mars probe, plus warming has caused the polar ice caps to start melting; both Jupiter & Saturn have brightened & auroras have appeared, plus Jupiter's mag. field has doubled; both Uranus & Neptune have brightened, had mag. field changes and magnetic pole shifts, and Pluto has grown dark spots.


Rho Cassiopeiae, a star in this galaxy, at a distance of 10,000 light years "may explode any day" (4th Feb 2003) www.abc.net.au

Largest gamma-ray burst ever seen signals death of a star 2 billion light years away (April 6 2003) www.physics.lsa.umich.edu

Eta Carinae (7,500 light years away) shows signs of going HYPER-nova www.diagnosis2012.co.uk

Source: TimeWave2012

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Deap Sea Invasion

There was a great episode of NOVA about a new "alien" invader of our seas. Amazingly, a toxic aquarium plant is accidentally released into the Mediterranean, overwhelming marine life and threatening to spread worldwide.

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Heralding the Omega Point: pt1-Chardin and the Noosphere

Jonathan Mcgregor Bethel

With the convenience of modern telecommunications and cyber technology, it is now possible to interact and communicate with anyone in the world instantly. The distance gap between people has been closed and now brain can speak to brain directly. Vast webs of knowledge are now being created through the collaborative sharing of ideas. The many nodes and interconnections of this global network are rapidly increasing and proliferating throughout society. Many speculate that this super network is the central nervous system of the burgeoning global brain. According to futurists, this sheath of technology covering the planet, this technosphere, is the material basis of the now awakening Noosphere, earth’s mental envelope or field.

Full Story - -> Omega Point 2012

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New Tunguska Hypothesis

"A geologist from Novosibirsk has set up a new hypothesis of the explosion in Podkamennaya Tunguska, which took place on June 30, 1908. It was not a meteorite that caused such extensive destructions and conflagration, but a fluid jet, which had shot up under high pressure from the interior of the Earth.

...The scientist assumes that the gases associated with the oil deposits, and methane produced in the depths of coal beds were accumulated under a thick cover of basalts and then they broke free one day. It seems that a moderate earthquake could have promoted the process. "

Source: Informnauka

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Rapid plates

"...evidence that some dramatic features of the earth's surface could be the result of relatively rapid shifts in the direction in which crustal plates move. Rather than simply drifting along in straight lines over millions of years, plates can be pushed aside or even be made to reverse direction due to convection in the mantle far beneath them."

Ever wondered why there are volcanoes in Hawaii, in the middle of the plate, whereas all the others are along the Pacific rim?

They are above a big hot spot in the mantle. By following the trail of extinct volcanoes in the area, scientists (or even you and I) can see the movement of the crust, and how long it took to move.

As usual for this type of story, they don't say how much more rapidly, just more than thought.

Source: Purdue University

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Magnetic Poleshift update

Even Scientific American is writing about it. Scientists are saying it could happen in 1,000 years time. But what do they base that on? A slow gradual decline? Perhaps the reversal will sneak up on us like an earthquake, and the current rate of decline is just a little tremor that comes before the big change, happening in 2012 perhaps.

Follow the link below for more on this.

Source: Observer

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Yikes!: Remove Earth's Radiation Belts?

"By using highly charged orbiting space tethers, the Earth's cocoon of menacing and deadly radiation belts might be easily and largely aced out.

For one, satellites in the future could live longer not having to fend off the frenzy of energetic particles. Moreover, human-carrying spacecraft would be far safer zooming about in Earth orbit or speeding outward to distant destinations.

The novel concept is called the High Voltage Orbiting Long Tether (HiVOLT) System - a proposal from Tethers Unlimited, Inc. of Lynnwood, Washington."


Please, please, please don't let scientists tinker with anything that could affect the entire planet!

Source: Yahoo

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Earth has a new moon

"Much uncertainty surrounds the mysterious object, designated J002E3. It could be a passing chunk of rock captured by the Earth's gravity, or it could be a discarded rocket casing coming back to our region of space."

It is in a 50 day orbit, and if it is natural the estimated size is a metre 50 metres diameter.

If it proves to be something not man-made, it will be our third moon - discovered in 1986 was Cruithne.

UPDATE: It is space junk after all.

Source: BBC + Guardian

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Earth's love handles

Ever since the beginning of the Space Age, scientists have known that our planet is not round, but spherical with a slight bulge at the equator - it is 0.3% wider than it is high.

But now that bulge is rapidly getting bigger, even though it was slimming up until 1998.

You won't notice the difference when you step outside each morning... But the sudden change is at least twice as large as the effect of ice-cap melting.

This could very very very likely be connected to an upcoming magnetic pole flip.

Sources: NASA + Nature + MSNBC/Space.com

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Nuke powers Earth's magnetic field

Thousands of miles beneath our feet, a giant nuclear reactor seems to be at work deep within Earth's core, and preliminary research suggests it may be the mysterious power source behind the planet's magnetic field and thermal energy, upon which all life on the planet depends for its survival...

A ball of uranium 5 miles in diameter could be the generator of Earth's magnetic field. It's hard to prove (!) but makes a lot of sense.

Because "a nuclear reactor can decrease power output -- and even shut itself down -- and come back to life again", it could explain why our magnetic poles flip regularly.

Source: TechReview / UIP

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Magnetic Storms And Earthquakes

Some Russian scientists believe that there is a link between magnetic storms and earthquakes

It has been assumed that the fields, generated due to the solar activity, earth flows fluctuations, the Earth`s speed of rotation and even the launch of magnetohydrodynamic generators affect the strained state of the earth`s crust, these fields `pumping` additional energy into the crust. Normally the aroused earthquakes are recorded several days after the provoking key event.
They have compared the data of 14,000 earthquakes and 350 magnetic storms - short report at AlphaGalileo
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North Pole leaving Canada

The North Magnetic Pole could soon abandon Canada, migrate north of Alaska and eventually wind up in Russia, according to a Canadian scientist.

The magnetic pole, which has steadily drifted for decades, has picked up its pace in recent years and could exit Canadian territory as soon as 2004.

...and some crazy couples have been trying to conceive their child right on the North Magnetic Pole....

Report is at CNN and Unknown Country

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Global Warming.....Not!

MSNBC reports:

The study, appearing in Friday’s issue of the journal Science, analyzed ancient tree rings from 14 sites on three continents in the northern hemisphere and concluded that temperatures in an era known as the Medieval Warm Period 800 to 1,000 years ago closely matched the warming trend of the 20th century.

...the study shows Earth to be “capable of rapid changes and long periods of above average warmth on its own without greenhouse warming."

Wait, there's more...Ice shelf stories misled the public Plus...Tuvalu isn't sinking after all

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Blue jets & Earth's electric circuit

"In the past decade, high-speed, light-sensitive cameras have allowed scientists to describe a menagerie of electrical phenomena, which bear names that would be more at home in a Tolkien novel than a physics textbook. Sprites, blue jets and associated flashes called elves, crawlers, trolls and pixies are all fleeting electrical discharges that accompany thunderstorms.

All these phenomena are hard to spot, as they last for less than a blink of an eye and are obscured from below by cloud. They can be glimpsed along storm fronts and from aeroplanes flying above the clouds." Blue Jet "Video images captured in Puerto Rico suggest that blue flashes of light, much like lightning, feed energy from thunderstorms up into the Earth's ionosphere - a blanket of electrically charged air some 70 kilometres above the ground."

The event "was detected on 24 video frames, each lasting 33 milliseconds each" - reports at BBC and Nature.com

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Wacky Earth

The November 2001 through January 2002 is the hottest winter on record in the United States - 4.3 degrees F above the average temperatures.

January 2002 was the warmest on record globally, 1.24 degrees F. above normal.

Scientists report that Antarctica is becoming too hot for the penguins. All from Earthfiles

Is Europe about to freeze? One of the odd possibilities that could emerge from global warming is that much of Europe, robbed of the ocean current patterns that help keep it warm, could rather abruptly enter a deep freeze and have a climate that more closely resembles Alaska than the modest temperatures it now enjoys.

NASA have made the most detailed true-color image of the entire Earth to date. Using a collection of satellite-based observations, scientists and visualizers stitched together months of observations of the land surface, oceans, sea ice, and clouds into a seamless, true-color mosaic of every square kilometer of our planet. These images are freely available to educators, scientists, museums, and the public. Preview images and links to full resolution versions—up to 21,600 pixels across—are here

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It ain't so hot...

Any climate change info needs to be viewed from a wide angle, needs to be compared to the data of a millenium, not just a century. lots of weather I'm not disputing man-made global warming, but it appears that if we were ever to make such a mess of things, now is a relatively cool time to do so.

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Seismoelectromagnetics - Earthquake side-effects

I have long subscribed to the idea that UFOs are just hallucinations caused by movements of the ground below us - after reading the work of Paul Devereux. Now there is scientific evidence. A labratory experiment has produced lights and electromagnetic effects from earthquakes.

"In a recent issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research, physicist Friedemann Freund theorizes that positive charges can be generated when huge stresses are generated along faults in the Earth's crust. The rocks in the crust normally act as insulators that conduct electrical charges only poorly. But under the severe stress generated before an earthquake, these rocks may behave briefly like 'p-type semiconductors" found in computer chips, capable of releasing large numbers of positive charges referred to as "holes.'

These charges speed upward toward the surface of the Earth at between 220 and 660 mph.

Freund, a professor at San Jose State University in California, thinks they ionize the atmosphere upon reaching the air, accounting for the bizarre effects -- radio interference and colored streamers, flashes and glows reported by thousands of observers."

The Anchorage Daily News has more...

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Continental Drift Wrong?

"Geologists once thought magma plates such as the one that created the Hawaiian Islands stay in one spot as the plates of the Earth's crust move over them. For years, they used these hot spots as a fixed point of reference to measure the motion of the plates in relation to the Earth's core"

But it is the hot spots, not the plates, that are moving. More in this New Scientist article

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Global Warming.....Not!

The composite global temperature for 2001 was 0.06 degrees C (about 0.11 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the 20-year (1979-to-1998) average, says a report from the University of Alabama. Sounds like normal variances for a stable planet to me. Elsewhere I have learnt that although a lot of human activity warms the planet up, the biggest culprits are forest fires and cows farting. And human activity can cool things down due to sulfur emissions (although they give us acid rain).

And Nature magazine is telling us that Antarctica is getting colder by 0.7C a decade. But then a week later we are told it is warming up again

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Milankovitch theory flawed

The most accepted theory for the comings and goings of Ice Ages has been found to be imperfect. Coral data suggests that glacial thawing (they don't dare say flooding) occurs more rapidly than the Milankovitch theory predicts

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