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Amazing Mammoth News!

Well, we all know that they ate grasses that shouldn't have existed in Siberia (unless it was prior to a poleshift).

Now scientists are saying:

"Woolly mammoths, horses and bison that lived during the last Ice Age more than 24,000 years ago managed to survive by dining on a menu of grasses and prairie sage"

[ Well, der, it's what was in their stomachs! ]

"They think Beringia was covered with the vegetation even during the coldest part of the Ice Age which is how the ancient creatures survived. "

[ With no explanation given as to how the grass grew. Pole shift believers know the answer! ]

Source: CNN

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Vertical fossil trees

Conventional science says that sedimentary rocks form slowly over thousands of years. So how come we find fossilised trees standing upright in quarries? These "polystrate" fossils are excellent evidence of previous global catasrophes, where trees were entirely buried, whilst still standing.

"The immense size of many beds containing well preserved polystrate fossils, also points to rapid catastrophic deposition on a huge scale which does not support millions of years of sedimentary processes."

Here's an very good brochure from the folk at Creation Research.

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The Core: A Must-See Movie!

It's called The Core, and it opens in the USA this Friday.

"The Earth's core has inexplicably stopped spinning, causing a breakdown of the global magnetic field that has sheltered life from deadly solar and cosmic radiation for billions of years. Flocks of birds fly into buildings. Pacemaker wearers drop dead in the streets. Super-charged lightning batters the planet. The government mounts a desperate mission to tunnel more than 1,800 miles into the Earth to jump-start the stalled core and restore the planet's magnetic shield before all life is extinguished. ..."

OK, it's starting to sound silly, but the initial scenario is a very real possibility. I can't wait to see how the show the effects of cosmic radiation and global turmoil & terror.

Source: Baltimore Sun

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All will be fine in 2012 - Mayan priest

"Carlos Barrios was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands of Guatemala. His home was in Huehuetenango, also the dwelling place of the Maya Mam tribe. With other Maya and other indigenous tradition keepers, the Mam carry part of the old ways on Turtle Island (North America). They are keepers of time, authorities on remarkable calendars that are ancient, elegant and relevant."

"...Anthropologists visit the temple sites," Mr. Barrios says, "and read the stelas and inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It¹s just their imagination...Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed. The indigenous have the calendars, and know how to accurately interpret it, not others."

"Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration. This process has already begun, Mr. Barrios suggested. "Change is accelerating now, and it will continue to accelerate."

"...If the people of the earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape, without having destroyed too much of the Earth, Mr. Barrios said, we will rise to a new, higher level. But to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way. "

All power to anyone who promotes peace and environmental care. However, I have yet to read anywhere how alignment with the galactic centre (which doesn't happen precisely in 2012, and is all just relative anyway) can create vibrations that transform humans to a higher level.

However, a quick glance at his site shows that he is a much more genuine chap than most of the New Agers claiming to be, and cashing in on being, Mayan elders.

Source: Sacred Road

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Humans didn't kill the Mega-Beasts

One more nail in the coffin of the ridiculous idea that a few nomads from Asia could have eaten so much meat:

"Of the 76 localities with asserted associations between people and now-extinct Pleistocene mammals, we found only 14 (12 for mammoth, two for mastodon) with secure evidence linking the two in a way suggestive of predation," write Donald Grayson of the UW and David Meltzer of SMU in the current issue of the Journal of World Prehistory. "This result provides little support for the assertion that big-game hunting was a significant element in Clovis-age subsistence strategies. This is not to say that such hunting never occurred: we have clear evidence that proboscideans (mammoths and mastodons) were taken by Clovis groups. It just did not occur very often."

Source: Eurekalert

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Here come the Mammoths

According to the latest news, they can be re-made:

Discovered in Russia last summer, the well-preserved legs of a mammoth have yielded living cells that could allow for a cloning project to bring the creature back.

"We consider these cells conditionally alive," says Vladimir Repin, who led the research team. "The inner structure of these cells is undamaged."

I'll be interested if they put them in Siberia, which is apparantly their natural habitat!

Source: BetterHumans

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When was the last cataclysm?

Here is a concise summary from Diagnosis 2012. Each of the authors have books available at Amazon.


Hapgood 14,500-12,500

Braden 11,200

Sitchin 11,000

Alford 10,983

LaViolette 10,700

Hancock 10,500

Geryl & Ratinckx 9,792

Allan & Delair 9,500

Gaspar 9,500

Collins 8,600-8,500

Knight & Lomas 7,640

Source: Diagnosis 2012

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2012 - worry or not?

“The world won’t end in 2012," laughed Gomez, who teaches in UA’s astronomy and physics department. “I can assure you of that."

Gomez said no one knows for sure if the Mayans intended to portend the end of the world on that particular day."

This non-story comes from Tuscaloosa, possibly in response to a piece about myself which seems to have ended up in the "amusing stories from around the world" section of a few newspapers...

KENSINGTON, Australia -- There are only 10 years left before the world ends. That's if you follow the ancient Mayan calendar, which is considered one of the most accurate ever and mysteriously ends on a date that scientists say corresponds to December 21, 2012, on the western calendar. As a result, many people believe the world will end on that date and one person who is preparing for the worst is Australian-based doomsday researcher Robert Bast. He believes the ancient Mayans had the ability to scientifically predict a major cataclysmic event that will destroy Earth. The smart money is on a polar ice shift, but Bast says a magnetic pole shift may also cause the equivalent of a nuclear war. Bast plans to move to a secret mountaintop in West Africa, which, according to his research, is the safest spot in the world.

Sources: Tuscaloosa News + Salt Lake Tribune

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Antarctic Ice Sheet steadily melting

According to Hapgood and the Flem-Aths, Lesser Antarctica was outside the Arctic Circle up until the poleshift 10,000 odd years ago. This explains why the thickness of ice is greater in Greater Antarctica.

This doesn't explain the claims of American scientists that the ice in Lesser Antarctica has been steadily melting for the last 10,000 years:

"In a study appearing Friday in the journal Science, researchers say that geochemical measurements of when mountainside rocks first become free of ice near the south pole show that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet began melting about 10,000 years ago and is still shrinking. "

Map at Flem-Ath.com

** Lesser Antarctica is basically the bits closest to South America

Source: CNN

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Atlantis Under Antarctica?

The Russians are a bit slow this time (the Flem-Aths came up with this idea years ago), but they add this piece of evidence (?) which I have not previously come across:

"In 1949, Admiral Baird’s expedition bore holes into the Ross Sea in three spots, where Orontheus Phynius marked river-beds. In the cuts, fine-grained layers were found, obviously brought to the sea with rivers, whose sources were situated in temperate latitudes (i.e. free of glaciers).

While using the nuclear dating method of doctor U. Oury from the Karnegy Institute in Washington, scientists discovered that Antarctica’s rivers, which were sources of fine-dyspersated deposits, were flowing as depicted on the Phynius map, about 6,000 years ago. About 4000 years B. C., glacial sediments started to accumulate on the bottom of Ross Sea. Kernels show that before this, there was a long warm period. "

"According to Doctor Jacob Hock from Illinois University, the deposits in-question could be 6 to 12 thousand years old."

Source: Pravda

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Glaciers formed 11,700 years ago

"A detailed analysis of six cores retrieved from the rapidly shrinking ice fields atop Tanzania's Mount Kilimanjaro shows that those tropical glaciers began to form about 11,700 years ago."

Which is roughly when the last poleshift occured - locations changed and so did climates...

Source: Ohio State University / ScienceDaily

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If you want to be the first on your block to have radiation-proof clothing, get on the Radiation Shield Technologies mailing list.

Or just browse their site to learn more about the new wonder-fabric, Demron.

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Start saving up for your radiation-proof suit

I guess if stops gamma and x-rays it will stop cosmic rays as well. This is excellent news, no reason why it won't be available to the public by 2012.

I'm posting the complete article here in case in disappears online...

Report: New Fabric Protects Against Radiation

LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists have created what is claimed to be the world's first radiation-proof fabric which provides as much protection as a lead vest but at a fraction of the weight.

Instead of heavy metals to block radiation and X-rays, the new fabric called Demron is non toxic, lead-free and fused between two layers of woven fabric.

"Demron's potential applications range from lightweight full-body suits -- that would allow the wearer to move unencumbered in high-radiation areas -- to protective tents and radiation-proof linings for aircraft and spacecraft," New Scientist magazine said Wednesday.

Unlike traditional protective clothing that only protects against alpha radiation, the new fabric developed by the Florida-based company Radiation Shield Technologies also blocks beta and gamma rays. All three are emitted by the decay of radioactive substances and X-rays.

The fabric was originally designed to protect medical staff from X-ray radiation in operating rooms but its creators believe it will also be useful in the nuclear industry.

But Janine Claber, of British Nuclear Fuels, said the real test of how good the fabric is will depend on the level of protection it offers and how it reacts when subjected to radiation.

Sources: Lycos + Yahoo

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Must've been some hurricane!

No numbers given, but one volunteer "said he has been shocked by the volume of bones discovered during the past month" in a South Carolina limestone quarry.

"The archaeologists think the animals may have been killed by a hurricane or died in various locations and washed downstream to one area."

That would explain why we see piles of dead animals after hurricanes in our day and age!

Tweak the dating a little and this is yet more evidence of a massive cataclysm 10 or 12 thousand years ago.

Source: The State

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Possible poleshift precursor found

This article presents evidence that “upheavals” may have begun in the inner Earth between 1998 and 2002, where the liquid outer core meets the overlying plastic mantle.

And concludes that, although more supporting evidence is needed:

"What is tantalizingly clear, however, is that measurable changes in Earth's mass distribution -- that may be precursors of larger motions leading directly to pole shift -- did in fact begin to occur almost exactly as predicted [by Cayce], around 1998."

Source: Hutton Commentaries

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Sun causing floods

"In June 2002 there had been strong perturbation of geomagnetic field, in fact, the strongest for over a hundred years. It was preceded by extremely high solar activity."

This is being touted as the cause of major flooding in Europe at that time. If 2012 combines much greater solar activity with the ever increasing pertubations of the geomagnetic field, maybe there'll be a flood of bblical proportions in 2012?

Source: AlphaGalileo

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Giant Airbag for Earth?

Giant airbags could one day save the world from the disaster of a cosmic collision with a giant comet, according to Hermann Burchard of Oklahoma State University.

"... send up a space ship equipped with a massive airbag that could be inflated to several miles wide and used to gently buffet the invading solar body away from a collision course with earth."

"However, he admitted there were still numerous details to be worked out including the material for the airbag which had to be light enough to cart into space yet strong enough to bounce the comet off its course to earth."

Source: Yahoo

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Grand Canyon just lost a few years

Growing numbers of geologists now believe that Marble Canyon and the Inner Gorge may be no more than 700,000 years old -- veritable infants on the geologic time scale, and much younger than the earlier 3-million- to 5-million-year-old estimates. Some scientists now believe that a third of the canyon's depth may have been cut in the blink of a geologic eye -- perhaps during the past 600,000 to 700,000 years.

As time goes on, catastrophism is becoming more, and more, and more accepted...

"Large sustained floods can cause rapid downcutting in bedrock"

Source: University of Arizona

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More pole shift news

The Earth could be about to turn upside down. The planet's magnetic field is showing signs of wanting to make a gigantic somersault, so that magnetic north heads towards Antarctica, and magnetic south goes north. Compasses will point the wrong way, and migrating birds, fish and turtles are going to be very confused. Just when this will happen, how long it will take and what the consequences will be, is difficult to fathom. What is not in doubt, though, is that it will happen. About every half a million years or so, the Earth's magnetic field flips upside down.

Two overviews related to the evidence found in April, that the magnetic pole reversal had begun.

Sources: Guardian + Unknown Country

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Earth recovers rapidly (kind of...)

Scientists digging south of Denver say they have uncovered evidence of a lush and vibrant rainforest that emerged surprisingly soon after the asteroid collision that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

Instead of a 10 million year recovery period, it is now thought that it only took 1.4 million years!

What is more interesting is the tree fossils with a 6 metre diameter, and that the rainforest that re-emerged did not contain the same species that were mostly wiped out.

Sources: CNN + Cosmiverse + MSNBC

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