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Friday, 3. September 2004

My 2012 demise

Before I tell my story let me say that I knew nothing about the possible things that could happen in 2012 or the Myan Calendar until this last month (August ’04).

About a year ago I was playing around on the Internet and I stumbled across this site that could supposedly tell you when you were going to die, so for fun I thought I’d play along. The site asked specific medical and health (like, do you smoke?, what’s your general health? What’s your mental attitude? Do you suffer from depression?, etc). I am a healthy optimistic non-smoking male and after I answered all the questions the site shot back to me that I would die somewhere between September and December of 2012 (8 years!!!). I didn’t like that answer so I re-answered the same questions several times only I gave false answers to the questions about my health and I got back varying times of my death all beyond 2012 (2020 and up). Then I answered the questions again (several times) but answering the questions truthfully and each time I was told I would die in 2012. None of this bothered my however as I did not believe it. When I would allow myself to entertain the thought that I’d die in 2012 I envisioned that I would come down with cancer or something and die that way.

Then last month I was watching this program on the History Channel and it talked about how in 2012 the earth was going to go through horrific changes due to severe weather and quakes and the world we know will go through profound changes. I remembered that a year ago that Internet site told me that I would die in 2012. Now I’m interested in this 2012 business, the Mayan Calendar, etc and that’s how I ended up at this site. Now I’m beginning to wonder is there something to all this and if that site (that told me I would die in 2012) was correct would I not die from illness but due to the changing of the earth? If the Mississippi river becomes an inland sea and splits the nation in two (as the History Channel predicted) or California splits off from the rest of the nation (also predicted on the History Channel) will I be killed in all the earth’s upheavals?

This is frightening and exciting at the same time, but am I making too much of some silly Internet prediction? Should I be concerned? Does any of this really mean anything? Can anyone shed any light?


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