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Saturday, 21. February 2004

Don't Blame The PRC

This is a humorous story based on true facts designed to make a point about the world we all share.

(IM) China announced this week that it imported more than 100 million tonnes of oil last year, over 30 per cent more than in 2002, underlying the extent of the country's reliance on obsolete sources of energy generated. This is generally unrealised and, as such, was not widely reported.

CHINA shares a situation with all other countries of the world: their reliance on obsolete and inneficcient energy sources creates a false panic augmented by a general fear of the new and developed technologies which could easily reduce this fake panic to a remberance of crises faced with intelligence and dealt with in more than enough time.

As usual: geothermal, wind and water-based sources of power are far more efficient, sustainable and earth friendly than petreoleum, also famously messy and foul-smelling.

THE REAL STORY is the addiction to lack and horror.

Addiction to horror is an unacknowledged disease facing the world emotional body but it is far from harmless. ADDICTION TO HORROR makes China, with all her rich traditions and history, and all her vaunted cultural diversity, no different from any other nation statre suffering from addiction to horror.

AND IT IS A HORROR STORY. As world oil reserves steadily plummet, it is an ADDICTION TO HORROR that keeps world governments from taking the natural steps towards refit towards geothermal, wind, water, and the so-obvious-it's easily-overlooked-year-after-year application of solar fuels.

In a related story, it was conjectured thatr solar power would probably run out in the year forty-two zillion or something.


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