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Thursday, 5. February 2004

My Y2K

My Y2K

We were all ready for anything.

We huddled around the radio: we were sort of drunk and scared. The date: December 31, 1999.

What were you doing and thinking around that time? Were you preparing for the worst, making your peace with God, contemplating suicide, saying "it's all just a scam or a red herring anyway?"

January 1, 2000.

We sat and cracked open the MREs and ate the little snack cakes. they were actually sort of tasty.

now another scary date is approaching.

"I have confidence in humanity's ability to use its determination, its intelligence and adaptability to find the answers to the challenges of the modern world."

-Some Politician

"...I presume the cultural and spiritual desire to be one's self without interference from others: that they enjoy that anarchy of the spirit which is inevitably the goal of all consciousness." W. E. B DuBois

WAIT A MINUTE: I've got it: I'll talk to myself about things seemingly only I care about!

"...and then they all choked on their arrogance and discorporated."

It was a party, and it lasted -- who knows how long? Thousands of years?

It was finally the end of the ages of evil. We had a great time.

All over the Earth people who once celebrated their differences began to celebrate their fundamental Oneness: all over the Earth, places that used to call themselves different places began to celebrate their membership in the Earth community. It was really wonderful.

We drank toasts to the arrogant racists who had gone away. They were extinct: gone like the dinosaurs.

We were all glad to see them go and we celebrated our one humanity.

"See this place? they used to call it 'Japan'."

"I love it here on Earth."

"See this place? They used to call it 'America'."

"What a wonderful planet."

"Remember when they used to call this place 'Russia'?"

But instead of losing their uniquness: places gained even more awareness of their distinctiveness: their uniqueness, their specialness.

It was the unity within diversity that the people all began to honor--no one was trying to create divisions that were unnecessary: and causing more suffering than was necessary.

All those people were GONE. they were EXTINCT. There was no more suffering and everyone celebrated.

The oppressors and their values were obsolete. they were gone away..

There was no more misogyny, no more rape, no more child abuse: no more war. And no one else lying and saying that those things were necessary and HAD to be that way. No more did anyone speak the lie "well, it just HAS to be that way." It was the way that it was, no longer. It was FUN!

People did what they wanted to.

No one hurt anybody else. Why? that would be pointless, absurd. bizzare.

It was actually real humanity actually being one people. The racists were all DEAD.

And there were so many people!

The Earth was TEEMING with life. Varigated cultures: civilizations within civilizations --

Innovation, invention, creativity, happiness, joy, peace, and yes, naturally: enlightenment.

I may or may not have erected a small shrine to my friend Kathy.

I may have but I may not have. It all depends!

I am making al this up: i am obviously insane.

Oh come on.

Money makes the world go around! War is just necessary. It's even GOOD! it's "righteous."

Only the insane are pacifists. I know that I am insane. I've been diagnosed: I am chronically depressed.

And if YOU were a pacifist, living in the year 1999, you, too, would be depressed.

Or bitterly enraged!

Or a little of both.

The best worst part was the people who lied. I mean the best worst part: I mean the best of the worst.

Oh, how they lied. They would lie insinuatively

They'd want you to think it was clever lying -- but if they had not been so stupid there would have been no need for them to be so dishonest. It was a sneering, soaring arrogance coupled with overt deception all the time.

But they all died.

It was tricks, dirty rotten tricks. bad; rotten, no fun. Dirty tricks.

I stopped calling it clever.

Honesty is clever. Innocence is intelligent.

Oh, so many lies. The Devil's so smart, they would say: they were lying of course.

The Devil is stupid: perhaps the stupidest thing in all creation. Conceited: arrogant. Its major stupidity is to reject God. God's beauty, God's givingness, God's love. That's what MAKES the Devil stupid.

The Devil is famous for being the Lord of Lies. So that means that...the things that are not the devil are actually intelligent...and beautiful, and good.

But this was the time BEFORE the good time, when the hatefilled liars and those they had lied to had done their thing so effectively

--that people generally believed that only the hatefilled liars were the bearers of truth.

It was horrible and there was DISCORD.

Bad craziness. Harsh sadness. Confusion. Blindly walking into walls labyrinths of misfortune. Which way do we go....

It wasn't a miracle that they all went away: it was simply nature.

They all went away and people were so glad that they were gone that they just didn't start the old practices again!

Instead: new foundations for life were created that were based on sharing: equanimity: peace and creating joy. All the time. It was enlightenment.

There were so many people: the earth was teeming with humanity. Everywhere.

But it was good! people got along harmoniously. People shared! everyone was respected equally.

And it was a happy time.

And of course the hate filled liars were DEAD. (they wouldn't have liked it; and this is why they all died)

But it wasn't a holocaust or a wave of humanity that wiped them all out. They just died. They didn't come back.

And the rest of humanity wised up, and stopped acting that way.


It was so beautiful. It was great! It was like a party all the time: but a great party. no hangovers, no fights, no recriminations or regret, just joy all the time.

Happy to see each other: every day.

Happy. Smiling.

Happy to see each other every day.

"hey, look! a stranger! hello!"

And they smiled.

Such happiness.

Because the Evil Insane had become extinct, and died; and did not come back.

They were finally GONE: and everyone else was really happy.

I may or may not have recovered from my chronic depression. I don't know, because I'm making all this up.

It was BEAUTIFUL. there were no problems. it was Humanity the way that humanity should have been: everyone got along.

I may, or may not have drank coffee. I'm not sure. Perhaps I drank coffee.

Perhaps I drank soy coffee. Who's to say?

Oh, It was a great time. Everyone smiled. There was no more envy and no more jealousy because there was no more competition. Everyone was working for the same outcome: the happiness of everyone all the time.

There was no more war because there was nothing to fight about. It was one world. "Oh, see this place? They used to call it 'America'. They still do." "Oh, yes. This is obviously America. I recognize it now." "Oh, this place? Once they called it Japan." "It's a paradise. It's so beautiful. I love it here." Everyone smiled. "This place, here? It was once called 'Russia'." "What a beautiful place! I'm having a ball here. I love it." "This place they used to call 'Africa'." "Oh, Africa! I recognize that name. What a wonderful place. I love it here!" It was the same wherever you'd go in the new world, after all the evil peple were extinct.

The PEOPLE weren't extinct. Humanity throve like never before.

There was a big secret. Shall I tell you now? Shall I share it with you? It was a big secret.

Maybe I'll keep it to myself.

Okay, FINE. I've decided to share it with you after all. (You've read this far.)

It was a big secret that totally ANIHILATED ALL EVIL. And Humanity prospered forever after. I mean For Ever. the prosperity. never. ended.

But before that time there was grimness and misery, gnashing of teeth, rending of garments and much distress.

But there was a SECRET that pretty much eradicated all of the evil on the planet. Shall I tell you what it was?

Oh, all right. I'll tell you.

The Earth was a place of infinite, unlimited resources for all. There was a total supply of everything all the time. No lack!

But those who had greedily coveted power kept this a secret. They feared being stripped of their positions of power and control.

But THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED: and everyone benefitted.

Oh, yes. There were some big secrets floating around: but that one: the secret that Mother Earth held resources for all on an inexhaustible nature: was "that last straw": once it got out it was the end of the reign of the secret international tyrants.

Their lie was that this had been their home theirs to own, and do with as they deemed. It had been EVERYONE'S home and so they magnified illusory lack to maintain the rule of terror.

Real stewards of human resources appeared: with no desire to suborn the free will of other people and no desire to greedily control the resources of Mother Earth.

And once it was revealed to the people that not only was there enough to go around and there ALWAYS had been --

people simply began LIVING that way and for the harsh and cruel tyrants who ruled by tyranny and secret, the game was over.

They were obsolete: they had been unneccesary for a really long time -- and the time before their deception was ultimately revealed was a time when their lies became even more bold and deceptive on purpose.

It was them, the secret tyrants, and the many that they had successfully decieved -- conditioned via the use of tyranny to get them to accept their deceptions as the only truth.

But the big secret came out and basically people were happy.

It was an "enemy" that they could not overcome. The enemy was human happiness: people were suddenly enamored of the Earth, their mother, and for the tyrants who greedily created ideas of false lack for so to manipluate and decieve the people there was just no way anymore.

It took a while.

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last updated: 8/20/10, 3:53 PM
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