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Monday, 2. February 2004


Some young people are gifted at getting decieved. And of course the decieved often make the best decievers.

Anarchosocialism exists. Anarchocommunism exists. They're kidding themselves though.

I LOVE it when i disagree with capitalists, and people who buy the capitalist ethos hook, line and sinker. They usually say are appear as if they are about to say: "what are ya, sme kinda commie?"

I wish i could explain with them the continual failure ito agree I have had with any people who buy into socialism and/or communism at all. IT'S ALL THE SAME. In the United States the proletariat, or "working classes" suppport and endorse people like George W. Bush: like him or hate him: there are people who work for a living: i can START with oil workers but it goes on: and they LOVE him. The proletarian dictator in the post USSR United States is whoever is sitting in that Commander In Chief's char, WHOEVER is sitting there.

I am an anarchist. to me: anarchism recognizes the failure of Socialist and Communist leaders such as Castro or Kruschev to provide ANY type of freedopm. Those philosophies are Totalitarian: their attitude can be reflected by the equally totalitarian attitude of "America, love it or leave it."

Anarchists don't respect any leaders: although we might respect the laws of nature (whatever they are.) But this is boring, isn't it?

Yes. Capitalism is BORING, Communism is BORING, Socialism is BORING.

They are all Statism: When trendpunk American Youth scream "Smash the State" at rallies or wherever they convene: all the point is is to replace it with a New state. They might call themselves anarchists but their leaders are friendly guys like Trotsky...Marx....their leaders are dead but their groupthink behavior is dictated by the dogmas and manifestoes that they created.

As an anarchist i KNOW that all politicians simply decieve to get what they want.

and as someone who would rather crack a few books or even dig into some web pages to learn about the world i find myself in: i KNOW that the hwole of Socialism was started by American industrialists.

that's right: Capitalism Begat Communism and Socialism. As simple: the American Industrialists -- and if you care this much and have read this far, you can look up the names: Amerian industrialists coopted the Bolshevik movement for the purpose of controlling those disgruntled with their wage-slave status in the late 1800s.

It worked: and now there are youth begging for a new sort of State, the Socialist or Communist ideal -- i don't CARE! It's not anarchism: anarchism is about the individual's right to live free. Communism, Socialism, Collectivsim -- they are groupthinck, they mirror with utter clarity the conformity that Capitalism constantly inflicts on all those who live underneath it. (Buy THESE products and become "khule.")

And of course there is Natrional Socialism. ANYWAY: yeah, I am bitter. I discovered a couple of gray hairs in my beard in the last week. But i LOVE them. I am bitterjust because I am anarchist: to me all nations are fallacies, ALL National boundaries are fallacies and used to herd masses of people into working for the military-industrail complex. Nationalism, always a scam. Another word you can look up is "jingoism" because if you don't get that Capitalism is constantly and always relying on deception to get people to buy in then why should I convince you? I am an anarchist.

Anarachism...once i merely SUSPECTED that anarchism was the true center between Left-wing and Right-wing totalitarianism. now i know that it is.

I don't want any leaders: and that means ideological forms of oppression, epistemological leaders like the Communist manifesto or the Bill of Rights.

People think that these papers grant the freedom. but Tom Jefferson knew that they were going into their new Constitutional republic on the backs of slaves: Tom Jefferson knew that the people who had been disenfranchised and genocided would never love the State that they were creating.

Patrick Henry made his famous speech about liberty or death with slaves perhaps in the next room preparing tea from Boston. It's not a fucking secret: it's a matter of public historical record and it should be. But people are BORN with freedom: Government takes freedom away. ALL Governments tell people what they can NOT do.

So while i understand and relate to the bitching and whining of the alleged anarchosocialists -- i have come to view them as people with their hearts in theright place who are choking on spotty education. And of course counterculture conformists are still conformists, right? A suit is a suit is a suit: in the US of A those who are running for office wear suits.

I like to wear black: to wear all black to me us the uniform of an artist, and I am an artist.

The trick of military states from either polarity is to foment hatred for the other side. to me there are no races: there are only Human beings. To me there are no nations, there is only mother earth. Basically i know that those who use political episteme are really only concerned about power, keeping it and getting more. I will believe that Statists love the countries that they represent when they do more healing than hurting. But they don't HAVE to.

To a real: honest: true anarchist respect for free will and the rights of the individual is paramount. To me. I respect the anarchosocialists rights to their opinion. But i also recognize the totalitarian bent in ther statements that ALL anarchists are communists and socialists, and this makes me think of gutter slang -- i just don;t really wantto talk to them.

Is it because i am a gemini that i see both sides of the story? Maybe. But it is Capitalism with its emphasis on military coercion that causes me to reject its ethics for my own personal self.

When people adopt an epistemology and refuse to allow it to evolve, grow and develop than it doesn't serve ME as a person who wants to live in a free world. and i KNOW that until my fellow human beings are free to love as they will than I am not truly free either. yes, my attitude is bleak. I believe it reflects the times in which we live.

All the time living on a beautiful, beautiful, beautifuk mother planet.

With infinite resources. but maybe you should look into Buck Fuller's work for my evidence of that: Capitalism depends on dearth AND waste simultaneously: any concept that there are infinite sources of abundance:as primal cultures have always held to -- is hushed up by their grim and rapacious competitive episteme.

My problem is: I believe in God.

Capitalism is slavery. Objectively.

if you don't work you are spit on, criticized: an outcaste!

Capitalism's method of maintaining the military industrial complex (M/I C) is coerced labor. and what coerced labor does is convince the individual that they don't have time to figure out what they would do that would bring them joy: instead: they had better learn to enjoy what they do. The kicker is that a person living under a capitalist Regime (you, probably) ALWAYS has a gun poimnted at their head silently pressuring their actions, in the way that the pressure of starlight can change the course of huge comets over huge measures of spatial distance.

This leads to: depression. Unhappiness. shortened lifespans. and of course Capitalism is always hard at work creating unhealthy CRAP for people to EAT. I mean literally: crap.

no one NEEDS doritos. But those Doritos factories have to stay open: cause that's JOBS.

The famous example is the Pogue Carburator, getting around 200 miles per gallon in the thirties: it was bought up by Automotive and Petrleum investors and hidden away. (oh. You say there's no such thing? That it's made up, X-Files, that I am thinking of Raiders of the Lost Ark? Why did you read this far?)

Now i am disgusted by my tobacco habit. A pack a day. i don't like smoking: i KNOW that I am an addict. In my poorest days i go into the street and scavenge butts, and i put that in my pipe and smoke it. It is filthy. My wind is not gone but it ain't what it should be after almost fifteen years at a pack a day. I despise the smell.

I like taking breaks...

now what IF say a few of those tabacco factories wereclosed: and a COMPASSIONATE Government who had the attitude of stewarding esources rather than domination and control were to open a few factories for fabrication of bogue carburatures and refitting of automobiles?

Perhaps a few cancer deaths might be avoided. perhaps people could learn to enjoy more challenging and better paying work. Perhaps even Capitalists and Politicians could "breathe easier".

People can CONVINCE themselves that they like drudge work, scut work for a barely servicable wage.

Or: they can become so obsessed with earning more and more that a) the family is put in the backseat and business takes precedence: but this reduces the true quality of life: people learn to love money and then are puzzled or else become hard and noncomittal when they fail to have real lasting love in their personal lives. This is what Capitalism does to all who are under its spell: this is what Capitalism does to all who are enslaved by it.

Some will say that capitalism is not slavery. They have a God-given right to. But "wage slave" was an established term in the American vocabulary long, long before I was born at the end of the 1960s.

What enrages the left wing Radicals is something that I as a Centist Radical can see quite well: Capitalism dehumanizes those on the TOP of the economic pyramid as well. I KNOW that all presidents suffer. I know because all human beings suffer. George W. Bush suffers. Human beihngs suffer. I know beause I watched Jimmy Carter's hair turn white dealing with the Iran Hostage crisis that ended his term. (I guess Clinton was watching, too.)

A numbing happens: the attituide becomes : suffering is inevitable and so empathy, ctrue compassion for their own constituents famously becomes part of :the price we pay." This is FAMOUS in the history of Democracy/Constitutional Republic.

This is about depolarization: The reason the American Two -Party system is in decline is because it was never really necessary.

The polarization turns both the Left wing Radical and the Right wing radical into haters of those who oppose them: falsely they demonize the other side and the result is a huge gaping blind spot.

In the middle.Where a bottom feeding anarchist like myself has and shall dwelt til the end of his days!

I look at any war that any government is waging on any other state and I see Statism at war with humanity. That is what I see: an epistemology sweeping human beings along to destruy their fellow human beings. So ultimatly all the rot about Communists, Capitalists: It's rot to me. They're all Ceasar. I know that America is no better than any other country on the ace of the earth, In a way they are all the same: This is one world and always has been. Globalism is merely about domination by force. Sadly, however there is an ideological tyranny that fails to recognize the free will of individuals: and this is why Communism and Socialism will always fail to produce anything Greater than Castro's Cuba...

and Castro is Bush, and Bush is Kim-Jong Il and Kim Jong Il is Putin: THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. Men with a lot of Guns behind them: having fooled many people into believing that they care for anything but power.

In 1789 The Constitutional Congress was split because they could not agree on the value of an African human slave. (all human life is beyond price: that is to say: priceless. When and if the petrol runs out: human life will still be the worlds most valuable natural resource.) It was concluded after debate that the value of an african slave was three fifths that of a person who could vote.

Also being taxed without representation despite a bloody struggle for alleged freedom were the woman and the child.

And it is the child who in trouble in a capitalist regime. In a capitalist regime indoctrination begins swiftly.

some Capitalist might say that "regime" and "indoctrination" are harsh words. Knowing what they are doing while children suicide every year in grad school through college is much more harsh than just pointing it out.

But the children are our future. The youths who are yet unborn will inevitably be the leaders of future generations because that is what humans do. Anarchists will always be rare.

I have discussed cigarettes because I as an anarchist understand my role in human society: and i have worked at many different jobs.

I am a canary in a coal mine.

And I have difficulty breathing.

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