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Saturday, 31. January 2004

How Bush Could Save His Legacy

once I had this vision: GWB is in Hawaii, wearing a lei and drinking a mai tai. He's retired and people love him. I didn't know how he could get there exactly but I was thinking -- "the USA has so many secrets and so much wealth. All he could have to do is have a Ebenezer scrooge type of moment and decide to turn around and be the peace maker president. You know, share huge sums of money with poor countries...share technology and start waging peace..." but this was a couple of years ago when i was struggling to keep myself from hating the guy and the many people like him. I was pissed about he election: no one will ever convince me that there wasn't a cheat involved.

But it wasn't until i discovered NESARA that i realised how it could ACTUALLY HAPPEN. I mean, this is just hitting me now.

If Bush decided to become the champion of the NESARA it would make a scene on Earth sort of like the end of Return of the Jedi. International celebration, happiness...

Also it would "trickel down" to all his functionaies and representatives who have never known the feeling of SINCERE gratitude and thanks from their constituents. Fact is, a lot of those guys are cold-hearted Scrooges and everyone knows it.

Of course this is all the aftermath of the last play I will ever be in, which was a version of A Christmas Carol in which seen actrors got to play all the parts. I got to be Jacob Marley...

And the Ghost of Marley, well, I have played in dinky little children's theater shows and played cartoon animals -- I was Scooby Doo in a mall tour once, I am not kidding. And I have been in hokey musicals playing comic relief and character parts. Carol was the first play I was ever in where i didn't have a song, i got to be scary and yet still not the bad guy -- It's A christmas Carol and it is part of the fabric of the western culture's archetypal understanding of story. ("They can't see you. No one can see you or hear you but me." How many stories has THAT been in? And where do you think the term cam, "scared the Dickens out of me?)

I was so happy to play that partr I will never be in another play again...i finaly got my artistic rocks off, so to speak. I was always that actor who was thinking "I could paly that role," but as i did all my theater with almost no exceptions in white areas as an actor of color, there were no romantic leads or serious parts for me.

usually I was the one who had to dance. That's not important though.

What's important is the NATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY AND RESTORATION ACT: which basically: among other things, promises to forgive ALL CREDIT CARD DEBT NATIONWIDE. Some very determined people are working to push this through and I think it could make a very big difference in what happens to the world between now and 2012. A HUGE difference.

if you are interested you can check it out at


i don't really know how to do that funky href stuff off the top of my head. don't really appreciate html.


The tragic flaw of capitalists is that they believe that their phiosophy -- that is all capitalism is, a philosophy -- is the easiest way to prosperity. They don't realise that sharing the wealth ultimately makes the whole world wealthier.

I'm very pleased to say that I did NOT come up with NESARA: i don't have thedeep know-how of economics and politics necessary.

deeper and deeper: the fact is that NESARA has existed since 2000 and there have been a lot of moves by people to block its pubicization. But I like it!

Because everyone is familiar with the term "wage slave"...it's not slang, that term. I don't want to get into an indepth discussion of Deleuze and Guattari, but slavery was ALLEGEDLY abolished.

Sadly people have become so depressed they just carry it. They don't expect that the burden of feeling opprssed bu their day - to - day existances can be lifted...so that they often reject good ideas because they are so overburdened.

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