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Wednesday, 10. April 2002

Eros - Why NASA visited

Eros "It must be a Time Tomb," declared Dr. Dale. Behind sliding panels they had found a world of objects, devices, papers and pictures, and reels upon reels of what looked like magnetic tapes for recording sound and sight. "A complete record of a civilization that discovered space travel long before there was any life on earth!''

NASA give a reasonable explanation as to why they landed on this asteroid last year:

Learning what near-Earth asteroids are made of and how they're put together is simply prudent. NASA's NEAR spacecraft did just that when it landed on one in 2001.
However, they might be hiding something, as Face on Mars entrepreneur Richard Hoagland explains:

This means that Eros meets all the criteria for the "Hall of Records" asteroid depicted in Corbett View Master reel. And it is obviously an object that has been known about for a long time before the Corbett reels were produced.

So now we know which asteroid to find the "Hall of Records" on, and precisely where the entrance is. The next logical step would seem to be a robotic lander or manned mission to crack the seal and complete the cycle that Von Braun and his friend Willy Ley started 45 years ago. So, how about it NASA?

I am usually immune to conspiracy theories, but this one is very convincing (and not very well known!). I implore you to at least take a look at what he has to say...

The Theory

The Image from NASA

More Eros anomalies

The Viewmaster Reels

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