[ News Blog of Survive2012 ]
Saturday, 6. April 2002

Hancock discovers underwater city

Well, his team did. This was posted at his official message board:

Hi Guys,

sorry about the infrequency of the updates but it was hard to get stuff through from Poompuhur, and every update I did cost me a days diving. However in Mamallapuram things are far better (though hotter!).

The first days diving here Graham didn't dive through admin reasons, but after the dive he was waiting on the beach to see if we had found anything, you should have seen his face as we told him of the things we had found, basically I had never seen him so happy, until that was, yesterday when he dived the site himself.

He has asked me to let you all know that he feels the site he has found is a complete vindication of the last 10 years of his work, and that the press conference the days after we get back will tell you everything you need to know about the site.

On a personal note, I will mention that I personally have seen huge towering structures at the site under water with small entryways, long running walls, steps and far more stuff, I can't wait to show you the pics after the press conference.

I will be in the internet cafe here for another half an hour so if anyone posts anything by then I will try and answer questions after that I'm going to have to go and get another bottle of water!

Take care


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