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Thursday, 10. August 2006

David Icke on 2012

Many believe that the culmination of major energy cycles identified by the Maya will happen on December 21st 2012. Others, like Dr. Carl Johan Calleman, the author of books such as The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness, say this date is actually October 28th 2011. Still other estimates I have seen say February 10th 2011. Whatever it may be, it's soon, and it correlates with what I was told many times in 1990, and on numerous occasions since, that a spiritual awakening of fantastic proportions has arrived.

The Maya believed that the earth has been going through nine cycles, made up of 'days' and 'nights' (good times and challenging times) and that each cycle contained 20 times more 'creation' than the last. Calleman says that this does not mean that 'time' passes quicker with each cycle, it only appears to because more and more 'creation' - activity - is taking place.

For me, what we are looking at here is the Matrix computer program, the Time Loop as I call it. I do not believe, as most Maya researchers seem to think, that these cycles chart the evolution of consciousness. Infinite Consciousness, Infinite Awareness, does not need to 'evolve' by experiencing the virtual reality game here on earth. I would suggest it is far more related to the potential of consciousness manifest itself in this realm and thus influence the program.

No mention of Jewish lizard-people!

Source: Mayan Majix

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