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Sunday, 14. August 2005

More exploration and digging required

The Sahara has recently revealed ultra-ancient finds starting near the "old" shores of Lake Chad and extending hundreds of miles East, Northeast toward Egypt and the Nile. This includes the various Playa (old dried lakes) such as Nabta Playa also. Buried in the sands of Time were great slabs for foundations of long gone complexes. These slabs have ranged from 100(English tons) to slightly less. (Perfectly smooth sculptures weighing almost two tons were found in the Nabta Playa area.) This sophisticated engineering prowess, reminiscent of the monoliths at Balbeck in Lebanon, are so perfectly aligned, that today’s scientist usually ignore reporting such a paradox. These sites have recently been dated from as old as 30,000 b.c. to about 9,000 b.c.

Today, under the Mediterranean, numerous remains of old cities are being excavated that are dating out to 15,000 + years before Christ. More research must expose the interface with this new data, since ultra-sophisticated finds are being exposed off the coast of Malta, and also in that nation’s interior, where underground caverns, mounted by curious buildings such as Mnajdra, are now being explored. Some think that, if this Earth disaster did happen long ago, that the legends of beings living underground could have started with humans escaping the flooding waters by plunging into the caves (such as the Hypogeum where 7000 primeval souls were entombed) as a temporary solution to flood waters that, unfortunately, never ebbed. It is known that some of these caverns which plunge deeply under the Med — have been rumored to exit near the site of old Carthage and in parts of Italy.

The giant slabs, as large as freight cars, in the Sahara, Lebanon, Egypt and other places, show the finest craftsmanship, not unlike the smaller lithic works of Puma Punku at Tithanaco near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. The secrets of this world are literally untouched by any real investigation.

Source: Daily Grail

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