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Friday, 24. June 2005

Solar system understanding

To understand what is happenning on our planet now in the past, and in the future one has to understand how the our solar system works within our Galaxie and the same for other solar systems, and muti systems ( with more than one active sun)in our Galaxie and other Galaxies.

Each system will travel within its own galaxie each system has its own electric sourse a sun (star) or (stars). When one system gets to near a nabouring sytsem the electrice charge of the higher charge system pumps up the lower charge system. This causes the sun or suns to become extra active which in turns heats up the planets, there is also chance that the higher charge system may require a planet or two from the lower charge system. The increase in charge to the lower charge system will cause the planets in that system to heat up, this in turn will increase vocano activity and earth quakes as we have already seen on this Earth in the past and now. Each diffrent system that our system gets near or passes will be diffrent to the last pass so the effects on the Earth will be diffrent. This is what our history books do not tell us or past tablets that have recorded these diffrent Earth cat.

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last updated: 8/20/10, 3:53 PM
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