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Tuesday, 22. March 2005

Tsunami uncovers ruins in India

For a few minutes on Dec. 26, after the water had receded far from the shore and before it came raging back as a tsunami, the fishermen stood along the beach and stared at the reality of generations of legends.

Or so they say. Spread across nearly a mile, the site was encrusted with barnacles and covered in mud. But the fishermen insist they saw the remains of ancient temples and hundreds of refrigerator-size blocks, all briefly exposed before the sea swallowed them up again.

"You could see the destroyed walls covered in coral, and the broken-down temple in the middle," said Durai, a fisherman who, like many south Indians, uses only one name. "My grandfathers said there was a port here once and a temple, but suddenly we could see it was real."

Whatever they saw is back under water and out of sight. But a few hundred yards away, something else came to the surface. In this village on the east coast, south of Madras, the tsunami scrubbed away six feet of sand from a section of beach, uncovering a cluster of boulders carved with animals, gods and servant girls.

...Archaeologists say excavations were already under way before the tsunami struck, and that divers made some promising finds.

Hopefully this news will inpsire more undersea archaeological studies based on "legend".

Source: NY Times

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