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Tuesday, 8. February 2005

2012 in Bible Prophecy

The Bible Code hidden within the Torah may suggest final cataclysm in 2012 -- but even more interesting is how prophetic Scripture passages in the "surface" text of Old and New Testaments indirectly point to 2012 as the year as well, once you synchronize prophecied end time events with current affairs around the globe. Case in point:

IF 2012 is the year for this global transmutation, then it must also be the final year of Daniel's 7-year Time of Trouble to be consistent with Bible prophecy. That would make sometime this year, 2005, the beginning of the 7-year Tribulation... this line of reasoning also places WWIII (beginning shortly before the halfway mark where Antichrist sets himself up in the temple as God) sometime in 2008, and the Rapture sometime between now and then (for pre-tribulationists).

Now... what events does the Bible tell us will begin this 7-year period of tribulation the world has never seen and will never again see to such extent? The signing of a multinational peace accord between Israel and many nations, engineered and perhaps even presided over by the Antichrist himself.

[There is strong biblical evidence to suggest that "pre-tribulation" Rapture may actually mean "prior to the last 3 1/2 year period", which the Bible refers to as the "Great Tribulation", NOT prior to the beginning of the 7-year period, as is the widely-held pre-trib stance. Even though Antichrist engineers the false peace with Israel, and some of us may see him/her for who they are, the son of perdition is not actually "revealed" until the abomination of desolation, when he takes over the temple and declares himself to be God, halfway through the 7 years. This is also around the supposed time of the 7th Trumpet, of the 7th Seal, when Paul says we will be caught up in the air with Christ... "at the last Trump". I believe that Christ's "beginning of sorrows" references the first 3 1/2 year period of intense natural disasters, famine and pestilence.]

Now, what do we see in the papers? As of today, February 7, Israel and Palestine have announced that the Middle Eastern Peace Summit scheduled in a few days will herald in an official cease-fire to 4 years of massive bloodshed, and if things go according to everyone's plans, we will see an independent Palestinian state before the year is out, meaning Israel might regain use of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, or might at least begin actively rebuilding the Temple to commence animal sacrifices.

So watch for a Middle East peace accord to become official sometime this year. For all of you "Pre-Tribulationists" out there who think Rapture happens prior to this accord, you may be right... but don't lose hope if you see this accord come to pass and you are still here... it does not mean you have been "left behind", especially if you have not heard reports of people missing around the globe. It simply means the Antichrist has not yet been indwelt by Satan and formally "revealed" himself to be God, and that we will have a short time longer as we live through the beginning of sorrows, and the opening of the 7 seals and 7 Trumpet Judgments.

Long story short, if we see this Middle East peace with Israel come to pass this year, then that would not only confirm end-time eschatology as related to us through Scripture (the beginning of the final 7-year period), it will add much greater weight to the Mayan 2012 date for Earth's final transformation, and bring these two distinct areas of end-time speculation into synchronization. Things WILL become painstakingly more clear, with less room for error, the closer we get to "the end".

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