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Sunday, 3. October 2004

2012 and Bible Code agrees

Recent investigations into the actual truth behind the biblical Hebrew code discovered hidden in the text of the ancient scrolled Torah has been very accurate for events in the last century and even moreso in the last 4 years or so. The interesting point to make here is that the code does have a grid that engages the topic of the year 2012 as the year that all life on earth expires because of rock from space or asteroid. It pinpoints a date in the winter of the north continent in 2012 when all life is extinguished and the earth literally breaks into pieces. There are no events coded for any dates after that date which means that the cooincidence that 2012 is in the ancients texts and sent to us from whoever encoded the scriptures and the Mayan theories are pretty fairly obvious even to skeptics. Surprisingly NASA is more recently working on a bit of a conundrum surrounding a visitor heading toward our planet and expected to arrive on a collision course some time between the fall of 2011 and the spring of 2013. Hmmmm, perhaps the North American winter of 2012?????

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Saturday, 2. October 2004

Scientists Say Supernova Is Imminent

Technology like NASA's High-Energy Transient Explorer (HETE-2) might be vital in allowing us to know when to run and hide - that is, if the authorities are kind enough to let us know...

Three powerful recent blasts from three wholly different regions in space have left scientists scrambling. The blasts, which lasted only a few seconds, might be early alert systems for star explosions called supernovae, which could start appearing any day.

The first two blasts, called X-ray flashes, occurred on September 12 and 16. These were followed by a more powerful burst on September 24. The burst seems to be on the cusp between an X-ray flash and a full-fledged gamma ray burst, a discovery interesting in its own right.

Gamma ray bursts are the most powerful explosions known other than the Big Bang. Many appear to be caused by the death of a massive star collapsing into a black hole. Others might be from merging black holes or neutron stars. In either case, the event likely produces twin, narrow jets in opposite directions, which carry off tremendous amounts of energy. If one of jets points to Earth, we see this energy as a gamma ray burst.

The lower-energy X-ray flashes might be gamma ray bursts viewed slightly off angle from the jet direction, somewhat similar to how a flashlight is less blinding when viewed at an angle. The majority of light particles from X-ray flashes, called photons, are X-rays, energetic, but not quite as powerful as gamma rays. Both types of bursts last only a few milliseconds to about a minute.

Source: NASA

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Bird flu may have passed between humans

Michael Hopkin Infected Thai family alerts health officials to fresh danger.

Bird flu: close contact with birds may not account for all cases.

© Punchstock

An outbreak of avian influenza in a family in Thailand has raised fears that the virus might have been transferred directly between humans.

If the strain has mutated to allow easy person-to-person transmission, this opens up the possibility of a large-scale epidemic of the deadly virus. Officials are concerned about the case in Thailand, but say that so far it appears to be an isolated incident rather than the start of a major outbreak.

Thailand's Ministry of Public Health has confirmed that Pranee Thongchan, who died on 20 September in Bangkok, was infected with the H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus. She had been caring for her daughter, who died 12 days earlier of suspected bird flu in the northern province of Kamphaeng Phet.

The daughter is thought to have contracted the virus after dealing with infected birds at her home. But the mother, who travelled to the region when her daughter fell ill, did not come into contact with birds. This has sparked fears that the disease passed directly from one to the other.

Two more family members have fallen ill with influenza, including an aunt who lived with the sick girl and who has tested positive for H5N1. The region is under heavy surveillance from health officials.

Close quarters

Health authorities have raised the alarm about person to person transmission of avian influenza before: during a Hong Kong outbreak in 1997, and in Vietnam earlier this year. In both cases, the virus did not appear to spread very far.

Health officials remain hopeful that human-to-human transmission is still inefficient. In the latest case, the mother is understood to have had extensive, close contact with her daughter as she cared for her.

Nonetheless, the prospect of a widespread human outbreak is real. "We haven't seen any sustained [human] transmission, but this is a concern," says Maria Cheng, a spokeswoman for the World Health Organization (WHO). "It implies that the virus may have mutated to make it more transmissible."

WHO officials say they now plan to determine the genetic sequence of the virus to see if it has mutated and acquired the ability to jump more easily between people. "We're still waiting for results to characterize the virus. We don't yet have enough information," Cheng says.

Viral 'oomph'

Health experts fear that the H5N1 strain could mix with human viruses, giving rise to a virus that could infect humans much more easily. H5N1 has also recently been found in pigs, which are known to act as 'mixing vessels' for influenza viruses.

The steady flow of bird flu reports coming from Asia is worrying, says John Oxford, a virologist at Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry in London. "There are too many of these things happening to be complacent," he says.

Health officials need to secure the regions where the latest outbreak occurred before the virus gains the ability to move between humans easily, says Oxford. "For now, it's still giving the impression of being a virus without the necessary oomph to cause an epidemic."

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Tuesday, 28. September 2004

Army rations rehydrated by urine

Well, a few crazy folk drink their urine and say it is harmless, so why not...

Would you eat food cooked in your own urine? Food scientists working for the US military have developed a dried food ration that troops can hydrate by adding the filthiest of muddy swamp water or even peeing on it.

The ration comes in a pouch containing a filter that removes 99.9 per cent of bacteria and most toxic chemicals from the water used to rehydrate it, according to the Combat Feeding Directorate, part of the US Army Soldier Systems Center in Natick, Massachusetts. This is the same organisation that created the "indestructible sandwich" that will stay fresh for three years

Source: New Scientist

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Sunday, 26. September 2004

Oldest American skulls found

Tests on skulls found in Mexico suggest they are almost 13,000 years old... The human skulls are the oldest tested so far from the continent... They came from a collection of 27 skeletons of early humans kept at the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. These were originally discovered more than 100 years ago in the area surrounding the city

The two oldest skulls were "dolichocephalic" - that is, long and narrow-headed.

Other, more recent skulls were a different shape - short and broad, like those from native American remains.

This suggests that humans dispersed within Mexico in two distinct waves, and that a race of long and narrow-headed humans may have lived in North America prior to the American Indians.

Source: BBC

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Thursday, 23. September 2004

Human Head Transplant

"This may surprise you, but I think we're here," said Dr. Robert White, "You have to turn that around and say when the brain is alive, and everything else is dead, the individual, the soul, the component that characterizes us, is still intact, still functioning."
The "heads in jar" technology fetured in Futurama may not be all that far into the future after all. The heads of mokey's have already been transplanted to the bodies of other (less fortunate) monkey's and researchs beleive that the human brain is also capable of sustaining such transplant as well.

"For the first time in the history of medicine we were now able to keep alive a highly sophisticated animal's brain," Dr. White, 76, says. "The next step was to develop a transplant model where we actually took the head to the body of another animal from which its own head had been removed."
Wouldnt it be awsome if some day you could go to the "head mussem" and have a chat with former presidents or the briliant minds from the past? haha.. Thats halfbakery , please forgive me, what happened to halfbakery.com?? That site was revolutionary.

Source: Human Head Transplants, Not Science Fiction, by Bev Wake (The Ottawa Citizen)

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Wednesday, 15. September 2004

query 'My Demise 2012'

In reply to the above, presumably everybody who answers the questions honestly on the site arrives at the same 2012 date? Can you give me the address?

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Sunday, 12. September 2004

French Egyptologists find Pyramid room?

A pair of French Egyptologists who suspect they have found a previously unknown chamber in the Great Pyramid urged Egypt's antiquities chief to reconsider letting them test their theory by drilling new holes in the 4,600-year-old structure.

...."There are 300 theories concerning hidden rooms and other things inside the pyramid, but if I let them all test their theories they will do untold damage to the pyramid, which was built with the blood of Egyptians," said Hawass. "I will not let Egyptian blood be damaged by amateurs."

He said earlier requests from the same pair were turned down in 1999 and 2003.

....In their book, "The Room of Cheops," Dormion and Verd'hurt write that 1988 study of an area below the queen's burial chamber in the pyramid found what appeared to be an 11 1/2-foot "structure," according to the French magazine Science and Future.

....Verd'hurt laughed off Hawass' "amateur" tag, citing previous close relationships with Egyptian antiquities officials and work that he and Dormion had conducted in 1998 on the Medium pyramid south of Cairo, which dates back more than 4,500 years to the 4th pharaonic dynasty.

The work at Medium, according to Verd'hurt, led to the discovery of two rooms and two passages that had been previously "undisturbed and unknown." They want to do similar work at the Great Pyramid, built by Khufu, a ruler also known as Cheops.

Source: ABC News

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Friday, 10. September 2004

Self-sustaining killer robot

Killer - it kills flies Self-sustaining - it eats flies

Chris Melhuish and his team of robotics experts at the University of the West of England in Bristol are developing a robot that catches flies and digests them in a special reactor cell that generates electricity.

So what is the downside? The robot will most likely have to attract the hapless flies by using a stinking lure concocted from human excrement.

With a top speed of 10 centimetres per hour, EcoBot II's roving prowess is still modest to say the least. "Every 12 minutes it gets enough energy to take a step forwards two centimetres and send a transmission back," says Melhuish.

But it does not need to catch too many flies to do so, says team member Ioannis Ieropoulos. In tests, EcoBot II travelled for five days on just eight fat flies

The only limit to this idea is things they can eat. Nobody really minds if a few robots eat a few flies. I'd like to see a robot that ate seagulls and cleaned our beaches, but not everyone hates seagulls as much as I do....

Source: New Scientist

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Monday, 6. September 2004

A Climbing Robot

The spider-like robot, called Lemur, was developed by engineers at Stanford University and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California, as a prototype for a fully autonomous rock climber. It can already follow a human climber up an irregular surface without any guidance from a controller. And it has a spookily human gait.

At present it doesn't have any skills that supercede humans, and it cannot see (the route needs to be pre-programmed)... BUT, one day it will be super-human, and coupled with its relatively expendable nature, highly useful for search and rescue, exploration, and, dare I say, warfare.

Source: New Scientist

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Friday, 3. September 2004

My 2012 demise

Before I tell my story let me say that I knew nothing about the possible things that could happen in 2012 or the Myan Calendar until this last month (August ’04).

About a year ago I was playing around on the Internet and I stumbled across this site that could supposedly tell you when you were going to die, so for fun I thought I’d play along. The site asked specific medical and health (like, do you smoke?, what’s your general health? What’s your mental attitude? Do you suffer from depression?, etc). I am a healthy optimistic non-smoking male and after I answered all the questions the site shot back to me that I would die somewhere between September and December of 2012 (8 years!!!). I didn’t like that answer so I re-answered the same questions several times only I gave false answers to the questions about my health and I got back varying times of my death all beyond 2012 (2020 and up). Then I answered the questions again (several times) but answering the questions truthfully and each time I was told I would die in 2012. None of this bothered my however as I did not believe it. When I would allow myself to entertain the thought that I’d die in 2012 I envisioned that I would come down with cancer or something and die that way.

Then last month I was watching this program on the History Channel and it talked about how in 2012 the earth was going to go through horrific changes due to severe weather and quakes and the world we know will go through profound changes. I remembered that a year ago that Internet site told me that I would die in 2012. Now I’m interested in this 2012 business, the Mayan Calendar, etc and that’s how I ended up at this site. Now I’m beginning to wonder is there something to all this and if that site (that told me I would die in 2012) was correct would I not die from illness but due to the changing of the earth? If the Mississippi river becomes an inland sea and splits the nation in two (as the History Channel predicted) or California splits off from the rest of the nation (also predicted on the History Channel) will I be killed in all the earth’s upheavals?

This is frightening and exciting at the same time, but am I making too much of some silly Internet prediction? Should I be concerned? Does any of this really mean anything? Can anyone shed any light?


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Tuesday, 24. August 2004

2012: Jesus returns??

This is from a Bible prophecy website Q&A section:


I have been told that the Inca calendar is one of the oldest and most accurate calendars ever devised. I’ve also been told that the Inca calendar doesn't go beyond the year 2012. If this is true, could this have any bearing on the next coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?


In the light of everything we've said today this is such an important question. I have read the book The Fingerprints of the Gods. It's a tremendous volume and it covers the Inca and Aztec calendars, both ending on December 25th, 2012. Now, what could it mean? When they talk about the end of the world, as far as the Incas and Aztecs are concerned, they don't mean the end of the world because they have five endings and one of them was Noah's experience with the flood. It didn't end the world. Furthermore, as you know and as I’ve said already in this program, the world is never going to end, Isaiah 45:17 and Ephesians 3:21. So what could it mean?

Oh, I'm excited. In Matthew 1 verse 17 it lists 42 generations from Abraham to Christ. 42. Historically, that covers 2,160 years. Divide 42 into that number and you come out to 51.4 years. What's the countdown? Jerusalem being taken by the Jews, for Jerusalem starts the seven-year period of tribulation, Daniel 9:24. Add 51.4 to 1967 and you come out to 2018. But I just saw this, this week: you add the extra six months because it happened in June of '67 and the 4/10 and you come out to 2019 and take away the 7 from that and you come out to 2012.

Could it be on Christmas day Jesus Christ would come at that moment? We don't know the day and hour, Matthew 24:36, but Jesus commands us to know when it's near even at the door.

I'm not dogmatic on this, but could this be the thing that's going to be revealed through the Inca and Aztec's calendars?

Come, Lord Jesus.

Source: Jack Van Impe Ministries International

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Monday, 16. August 2004

Doomsday 2012 Crop Circle

The Crop Circle, which appeared near Silbury Hill in England last month, features a Aztec/Mayan calendar.

Source: Crop Circle Connector

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Saturday, 14. August 2004

Alien message 'may be in our DNA'

This would be one of the most sensible alien theories I have come across:

Professor Paul Davies, from the Australian Centre for Astrobiology at Macquarie University in Sydney, believes a cosmic greeting card could have been left in every human cell.

The coded message would only be discovered once the human race had the technology to read and understand it. td>

It's the same as I suspect for the Nazca Lines - only people who can fly will see them, and perhaps people who fly are also smart enough to decode them...

Source: Mail & Guardian

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Thursday, 12. August 2004

Security Robots are here!

Secom has introduced the "Secom Robot X," a six-wheeled security robot.


  • 24km range
  • top speed of 10 kph
  • 360 degree cameras
  • smokescreen
  • flashing red and blue lights
  • microphone/speaker

It operates remotely, and according the the manufacturers, at around $3,000 per month it is half the price of a human security guard. And this is serious, and it will affect our lives, for they say 500 robots will be produced in the first year!

Sources: New Scientist + Tech Japan

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Monday, 9. August 2004

Atlantis in Ireland

Swedish scientist Ulf Erlingsso's book will be published next month: Atlantis from a Geographer's Perspective: Mapping the Fairy Land.

Just like Atlantis, Ireland is 300 miles (480 kilometres) long, 200 miles wide, and widest across the middle. They both have a central plain surrounded by mountains.

Dr Erlingsson believes the idea that Atlantis sank came from the fate of Dogger Bank, an isolated shoal in the North Sea about 100 kilometres off the north-eastern coast of England, which sank after being hit by a huge floodwave around 6100BC.

Source: The Age

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Sunday, 8. August 2004

OSHO Meditation Pyramid

This is new to me, but is actually a couple of years old. The folk at OSHO (Pune, India) have a large pyramid in which folk can meditate... OSHO meditation pyramid

This building was constructed specifically for meditation purposes. It can hold over 5000 people and it was designed by an Indian mystic and spiritual teacher, known as Osho (osho.com) just before he died. He wanted this building constructed especially to be used for meditation purposes. It is very interesting that many spiritual teachers and mystics from India have always acknowledged the power of the pyramid shape for meditation. This the largest complex in the world today constructed specifically for meditation.

Source and more photos: GizaPyramid.com

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Monday, 2. August 2004

What's happening to the birds?

Linda Moulton Howe has gathered some recent bird news on a page. The most recent is:

Organisers of a race for homing pigeons were still scratching their heads in wonder today after about 1500 of the birds, famous for their ability to find their way home, went missing during the contest

Source: EarthFiles

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Southern Africa: signs of radiation damage

Signs that the reversal is about to happen again are nowhere more apparent than over Southern Africa, according to Dr Pieter Kotze, head of the geomagnetism group at the Hermanus Magnetic Observatory in the southern Cape.

Satellites in low-Earth orbit over Southern Africa are already showing signs of radiation damage suffered as a result of the Earth's magnetic field weakening above our part of the planet. The field forms the magneto sphere, which, like the Earth's ozone layer, protects the planet from the sun's harmful radiation.

Other symptoms destined to become apparent in the years ahead include the aurora australis, or southern lights. Usually seen only over the South Pole, these will become visible closer to the equator as the Earth's magnetic field weakens and disappears. Eventually, on past form, the field will reappear but with magnetic north and south pole changing places, as they have done for billions of years.

The (temporary) disappearance of the magnetic field ahead of its reversal will lead to increased occurrences of radiation-induced cancer, Kotze said.

Commenting on the New York Times report, Kotze said that the decay in the Earth's magnetic field was becoming increasingly apparent in "the South Atlantic anomaly", a huge deviation in the Earth's magnetic field discovered with the help of the Hermanus Magnetic Observatory.

This month, the European Space Agency (ESA) approved a multimillion-euro space mission, called Swarm, to measure the anomaly, which stretches from Southern Africa towards South America. The ESA's scientists believe that this anomaly, as revealed by the occasional "geomagnetic jerk" to which our part of the world is prone, will provide a clue to predicting the next "flip" in the Earth's magnetic field, now 250 000 years overdue - as these things go. Three ESA satellites, flying in low-Earth orbit (400km to 500km up) after their launch in 2009, will measure the variation over Southern Africa.

The observatory has also recorded a faster-growing deviation between true north and magnetic north over Southern Africa during the past 10 years, drifting steadily westward. Taken together, the blip and this drift point to an imminent reversal in the Earth's north-south magnetic alignment.

"W e should be able to work out the first predictions by the end of the [Swarm] mission," Gauthier Hulot, an ESA geophysicist and a colleague of Kotze's, told the New York Times.

Kotze said that, "these are all indications that we have conditions similar to the last reversal, 780 000 years ago. So it means that we are due for another one soon." In geological terms, however, "soon" could mean anytime between tomorrow and the next 3 000 years.

Source: Sunday Times

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Wednesday, 28. July 2004

Galactic Centre: 100-million-degree Celsius

Yet the boffins don't know why... and when they work it out, it might be too late...

NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has revealed new evidence that extremely hot gas exists in a large region at the center of the Milky Way. The intensity and spectrum of the high-energy X-rays produced by this gas present a puzzle as to how it is being heated.

...an irregular, diffuse glow from a 10-million-degree Celsius gas cloud, embedded in a glow of higher-energy X-rays with a spectrum characteristic of 100-million-degree gas.

"The best explanation for the Chandra data is that the high-energy X-rays come from an extremely hot gas cloud, ...This would mean that there is a significant shortcoming in our understanding of heat sources in the center of our Galaxy."

"There is no known class of objects that could account for such a large number of high-energy X-ray sources at the Galactic center," said Fred Baganoff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, a coauthor of the study.

Source: Chandra@Harvard

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