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Saturday, 5. March 2005

Indian Scientists Predict 2012 Doomsday

Gotta love India Daily, when they base this piece on the "According to some computer scientists working together with a group geophysicists and astrophysicists" - scientists without names. Oh, and the reporter's name is "Staff Reporter". I think it is all hogwash, but as Fox News says: you decide!

Earth and Sun both will go through a process of Magnetic Pole Reversal in 2012. This last happened millions of years back when the Dinosaurs disappeared. A private research and analysis company in Hyderabad is predicting a major upheaval in 2012.

Magnetic Pole reversal is a process when North Pole and South Pole reverse positions. When this happens, at some point of time Earth's magnetic field reaches zero Gauss which simply means, Earth at that point of time has zero magnetism. When this coincides with a eleven year cycle of Sun's Polar reversal, a major problem arises.

In the modern human history, such happenings are not recorded. Only Computer Models can predict the outcome. NASA recently has brought the public fear down by saying the Polar reversal will make Earth's Magnetism weak and erratic but not zero.

.....Recent extra-terrestrial UFO activities (in the last 100 years) point out that someone out there knows that something severe will happen. They may be creating a scenario where they can silently help us or even remove us to an unknown destination.

Source: India Daily

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Thursday, 3. March 2005

Maya/Atlantis/2012 show on History Channel

An hour long show on the theories of George Erikson regarding Atlantis as connected to Maya myth and the 2012 End Date will air March 7 at 11pm ET/PT, 10pm CT, 9pm MT. It will be called "Lost Atlantis" and will be an episode of Investigating History.

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Tuesday, 1. March 2005

Drinking Robot

The Bar Bot is driven by self interest. Its aim is to drink beer. In order to achieve this goal in bars, the social beer consumption localities of human society, it also deals with money. It asks people for coins and spends them as soon as there is enough for a beer. The Bar Bot is not beneficial for humanity. Rather, it maximises the advantage for itself, like humanity. But to pursue its own, highly selfish objectives, it dependends on others: somebody has to give it coins, somebody has to hand it a beer. This is where it engages in communication, in social interaction with human beings. The Bar Bot is driven by self interest, it interacts socially with humans and is predisposed to alcohol. The Bar Bot is probably the most humanoid robot ever built.

Source: RoboticsLab

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More Nazca-type lines found in Peru

Archaeologists have discovered a group of giant figures scraped into the hills of Peru's southern coastal desert that are believed to predate the country's famed Nazca lines.

About 50 figures were etched into the earth over an area roughly 90 square miles near the city of Palpa, 220 miles southeast of Lima, El Comercio newspaper reported.

The drawings which include human figures as well as animals such as birds, monkeys, and felines are believed to be created by members of the Paracas culture sometime between 600 and 100 B.C., Johny Islas, the director of the Andean Institute of Archaeological Studies, told the newspaper.

No pics to be found unfortunately, but this is from the same area (in German, with pic): Palpa Glyth

Source: ABC

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Sunday, 27. February 2005

Giant Eagles in NZ

Gigantic eagles swooping from the skies to rescue Frodo and Sam in the Lord of the Rings may not be just the stuff of legends and fairytales, according to research published in the journal PloS Biology.

Weighing between 20 and 30 pounds, the enormous Haast's Eagle dominated its environment. It was 30 to 40 per cent heavier than the largest living bird of prey around today, the Harpy Eagle of Central and South America.

...extracted DNA from fossil eagle bones dating back about 2000 years.<

Source: McMaster University

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Wednesday, 23. February 2005

Biggest explosion in 400 years

Astronomers say they have been stunned by the amount of energy released in a star explosion on the far side of our galaxy, 50,000 light-years away. The flash of radiation on 27 December was so powerful that it bounced off the Moon and lit up the Earth's atmosphere.

...If the explosion had been within just 10 light-years, Earth could have suffered a mass extinction.

...SGR 1806-20 is sited in the southern constellation Sagittarius. Its distance puts it beyond the centre of the Milky Way and a safe distance from Earth.

"Had this happened within 10 light-years of us, it would have severely damaged our atmosphere and would possibly have triggered a mass extinction," said Dr Bryan Gaensler, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who is the lead author on one of the forthcoming Nature papers.

"Fortunately there are no magnetars anywhere near us."

The previous biggest explosion obeserved by humans would've been the supernova of 1604.

Source: BBC

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Tuesday, 22. February 2005

Modern-day Ouroboros sightings!

I have written previously about the Ouroboros, but this is the first time I have heard of people supposedly seeing them, that they could be real... I don't believe it for a moment, but you never know...

I've been getting hoop-snake stories for I guess 50 years. A reptile of this kind puts its tail in its mouth, arranges itself in a circle, and travels by rolling like a hoop at impressive speeds.

All the snake books I ever read, written by experts, say no such creature exists. Yet I keep getting these hoop-snake-sighting reports, from perfectly intelligent people

Source: Houston Chronicle

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Thursday, 10. February 2005

Speeding Star helps prove Black Hole

A star is speeding at over 1.5 million mph through the center of our galaxy appears to indicate that there really is a black hole there. Basically you would need a black hole to generate such a speed...

The gravitational pull of a black hole thought to exist there is likely responsible for the extreme velocity of the star, swinging it around the center of the Milky Way. A companion star may once have traveled with the speeding star and contributed to its velocity before being trapped by the black hole.

The first-of-its-kind finding not only confirms an earlier theory about the existence of such speeding stars, but also reinforces the notion that the Milky Way spins around a black hole, said Warren Brown, a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and a member of the team that discovered the star.

Source: Wired

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Tuesday, 8. February 2005

Magnetic Stimulation Alters Brain

So, there is now evidence that magnetic fields can affect our brains. Imagine what a magnetic pole shift might mess with our heads...

Just two minutes of magnetic stimulation can alter the brain for an hour, according to a University of College London (UCL) study ...

The UCL team has been studying methods to improve a technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). ... Longer-lasting effects may enable TMS to be used to modify brain activity in order to treat a wide range of brain problems, ranging from depression to brain damage.

TMS involves the use of a magnetic coil that's held outside the skull. This coil, which can be moved over different parts of the head, creates magnetic fields that induce tiny electrical currents inside the brain. These electrical currents alter the activity of neural pathways, stimulating or inhibiting activity in different areas of the brain.

Source: Health Central

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2012 in Bible Prophecy

The Bible Code hidden within the Torah may suggest final cataclysm in 2012 -- but even more interesting is how prophetic Scripture passages in the "surface" text of Old and New Testaments indirectly point to 2012 as the year as well, once you synchronize prophecied end time events with current affairs around the globe. Case in point:

IF 2012 is the year for this global transmutation, then it must also be the final year of Daniel's 7-year Time of Trouble to be consistent with Bible prophecy. That would make sometime this year, 2005, the beginning of the 7-year Tribulation... this line of reasoning also places WWIII (beginning shortly before the halfway mark where Antichrist sets himself up in the temple as God) sometime in 2008, and the Rapture sometime between now and then (for pre-tribulationists).

Now... what events does the Bible tell us will begin this 7-year period of tribulation the world has never seen and will never again see to such extent? The signing of a multinational peace accord between Israel and many nations, engineered and perhaps even presided over by the Antichrist himself.

[There is strong biblical evidence to suggest that "pre-tribulation" Rapture may actually mean "prior to the last 3 1/2 year period", which the Bible refers to as the "Great Tribulation", NOT prior to the beginning of the 7-year period, as is the widely-held pre-trib stance. Even though Antichrist engineers the false peace with Israel, and some of us may see him/her for who they are, the son of perdition is not actually "revealed" until the abomination of desolation, when he takes over the temple and declares himself to be God, halfway through the 7 years. This is also around the supposed time of the 7th Trumpet, of the 7th Seal, when Paul says we will be caught up in the air with Christ... "at the last Trump". I believe that Christ's "beginning of sorrows" references the first 3 1/2 year period of intense natural disasters, famine and pestilence.]

Now, what do we see in the papers? As of today, February 7, Israel and Palestine have announced that the Middle Eastern Peace Summit scheduled in a few days will herald in an official cease-fire to 4 years of massive bloodshed, and if things go according to everyone's plans, we will see an independent Palestinian state before the year is out, meaning Israel might regain use of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, or might at least begin actively rebuilding the Temple to commence animal sacrifices.

So watch for a Middle East peace accord to become official sometime this year. For all of you "Pre-Tribulationists" out there who think Rapture happens prior to this accord, you may be right... but don't lose hope if you see this accord come to pass and you are still here... it does not mean you have been "left behind", especially if you have not heard reports of people missing around the globe. It simply means the Antichrist has not yet been indwelt by Satan and formally "revealed" himself to be God, and that we will have a short time longer as we live through the beginning of sorrows, and the opening of the 7 seals and 7 Trumpet Judgments.

Long story short, if we see this Middle East peace with Israel come to pass this year, then that would not only confirm end-time eschatology as related to us through Scripture (the beginning of the final 7-year period), it will add much greater weight to the Mayan 2012 date for Earth's final transformation, and bring these two distinct areas of end-time speculation into synchronization. Things WILL become painstakingly more clear, with less room for error, the closer we get to "the end".

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Friday, 4. February 2005

Crystal skull a fake?

It is pretty famous, and holds a special place in my heart, for it is on the cover of the first "mysteries" book I ever read, when I was a teenager.

The "evidence" revolves around whether or not ancients had the tools to make it or not. Anyone who believes that "advanced civilizations" existed long ago will ignore this news.

I, however, believe it is a fake...

Whatever legends are attached to the crystal skull of the British Museum in London, there is one indisputable fact. No other single object in the museum's extensive collection has acquired such a cult following from New Age devotees.

Now, however, science can finally set the record straight and in doing so shatter one of the most enduring myths of an object steeped in historical fantasy. The crystal skull is a fake.

A detailed analysis of the crystal skull's surface has revealed that it was cut and polished with the sort of rotating wheel common in the jewellery houses of 19th Century Europe but absent in pre-Columbian America.

Historians and scientists believe that the crystal skull was cut from a piece of Brazilian rock crystal by a lapidary in Europe, possibly Germany, and then sold to collectors as a genuine relic from the ancient Aztec civilisation of Mexico.

... The scientists took impressions of the skull with the same flexible resin used by dentists to take precise impressions of teeth. This revealed the minute rotary scratch marks around the eye sockets, teeth and cranium and was clear evidence that the sculpture had been cut and polished with a wheeled instrument - and the Aztecs did not have the wheel.

Source: NZ Herald

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Monday, 17. January 2005

Nuclear Radiation: Good for your health?

In 1983 a group of 180 apartment buildings was completed in Taiwan. Somebody had made a serious mistake. They had mixed into the concrete a considerable amount of highly radioactive cobalt 60.

This meant that ultimately 10,000 people lived in buildings for from 9 to 20 years so radioactive that they received an average of 74 mSv of radiation per year in 1983, declining thereafter as cobalt 60 has a half life of 5 + years. This compares with a rate of 0.5 mSv above background which is the normal maximum exposure for radiation workers & total of 15 mSv maximum safe limit for land fit for habitation according to US government standards.

...A thorough & methodical tracing of all the 4,000 families by a team led by W. L Chen of Taiwan's Director of Medical Radiation Technology of Taiwan's National Yang-Ming University (the full report is available in English on www.jpands.org ) has resulted in an unequivocal & spectacular result. Cancer rates in that highly radioactive building are down to 3.6% of prevailing Taiwanese rates.

This study...has such well-defined boundary conditions & in proving a reduction in cancers of 96.4% has such a clear result that there can no longer be any intellectual doubt whatsoever. Radioactivity, up to 50mSv, is good for us.

Hiroshima did not appear to fit the predicted scientific pattern, and there are places in India & Iran with background radiation of 15mSv or higher with no observed increase in cancer... So perhaps beneficial mutations are also possible?

Source: Pravda

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Saturday, 15. January 2005

Like a swarm of mosquitos

...there may be as many as 20,000 stellar-mass black holes lurking within a three-light-year-wide sphere surrounding the 3-million-solar-mass behemoth in our galactic center.

Stellar-mass black holes, which contain roughly 5 to 20 solar masses, often give themselves away when they are part of closely separated binary systems. Infalling matter from their companion star piles up in a hot accretion disk, which can produce outbursts of X-rays.

Using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, Muno's team caught seven of these outbursts over the past five years. Each was found within 75 light-years of the Milky Way's center, and surprisingly, four of them occurred within just 3 light-years of the core.

Given the known X-ray behavior of these objects, this high spatial density suggests there are tens of thousands of black holes swarming in that small region of space — some 20 times more holes than expected.

Source: Sky and Telescope

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Tuesday, 11. January 2005

Repeated Instructions create Giants

A puzzle that has intrigued biologists since Darwin’s time is why the fossil record shows new species seem to emerge suddenly and rapidly – in contrast to the gradual process that evolution is supposed to be. Researchers at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, found an explanation in dog genes.

The explanation would be that many mutations occur in regions of the genes where a single, simple instruction is repeated many times. The mutations involve removing or adding one repeat. This differs substantially from what most scientists have traditionally considered the predominant mechanism of mutations, which alters only one “letter” of code changes at a time – a much smaller change.

The difference is somewhat like an instruction manual’s editor mistakenly changing the number of times an instruction is repeated, as opposed to changing one letter in the book. The former action is more likely to meaningfully alter the final result.

The chemical units that make up an organism’s DNA, or genetic code, are abbreviated with the letters A, C, T and G. Strings of these letters spell out the genetic instructions needed to carry out life’s functions. Many scientists believe evolution occurs through “single-point” mutations – a change from one letter to another among the billions of letters in the code.

The researchers found that bigger changes occur in genetic regions, called tandem repeat sequences, consisting of the same series of letters repeated many times over, for example, ACTACTACT. These mutations happen in these regions when such units – the ACT in the above example – are mistakenly added or subtracted as a group.

The researchers found that such changes help explain the length of dogs’ muzzles. The scientists combined genetic data from different dog breeds and data on the shapes of dog skulls, and found that that the length of a dog’s muzzle depends on the number of times specific tandem repeat units determining muzzle length are repeated.

Mutations in tandem repeat sequences occur up to 100,000 times more often than single point mutations, and are much more likely significantly change physical appearance, said John “Trey” Fondon, an evolutionary biologist and co-author of the study.

Which is why, in the past, we had mega-fauna, dragons and unicorns. Each were the result of a massive influx of cosmic rays, which caused mutations of the repeated instruction type - mutations that created giants (megafauna, dragons and biblical human giants) and horses with huge horns...

Source: World Science

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Friday, 31. December 2004

Unknown Energy Surges Continue to Hit Planet; Global Weather Systems in Chaos

by Sorcha Faal

www.whatdoesitmean.com 22 December 2004 www.globalresearch.ca 29 December 2004

The URL of this article is: globalresearch.ca

Editor's note:

The following report was released barely a few days before the Tsunami which swept South and Southeast Asia on December 26.

What is important in this report is that it points to a pattern of major climatic disruptions. In fact several disruptive climatic events took place within the months preceding the dramatic events of December 26.

On December 1, 2004 barely reported in the media, in one of "the largest weather events in recorded human history, 86,800 square miles of China was shrouded in fog, bringing transportation systems (especially air travel) to a virtual standstill throughout the country."

December 22, 2004

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to the Russian Academy of Sciences

An increasingly panicked global effort is now underway by the world's top scientists to understand an unprecedented series of 'blasts', energy surges, which the planet has been taking from an as yet unknown source which has been bombarding Antarctica with cosmic rays and disrupting Northern Hemisphere weather systems on a global scale.

The first of these cosmic ray blasts occurred nearly 5 years ago and have been increasing in their frequency and intensity since the end of November. The once normally darkened skies of the Northern Hemisphere's Arctic regions are now in twilight due to these blasts. Wayne Davidson, from the Canadian Government's weather station at Resolute Bay, located in the Arctic Circle, says about this mysterious lighting, "The entire horizon is raised like magic, like the hand of God is bringing it up."

On December 1, 2004 the largest recorded blast sent not only shockwaves through the world scientific community but also through the Northern Hemisphere resulting in one of the largest weather events in recorded human history when 86,800 square miles of China was shrouded in fog, bringing transportation systems (especially air travel) to a virtual standstill throughout the country.

As reported by the BBC in this article from October, 2002, "German scientists have found a significant piece of evidence linking cosmic rays to climate change. They have detected charged particle clusters in the lower atmosphere that were probably caused by the space radiation. They say the clusters can lead to the condensed nuclei which form into dense clouds."

These German scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg go on to say that their measurements "have for the first time detected in the upper troposphere large positive ions with mass numbers up to 2500", and "Our observations provide strong evidence for the ion-mediated formation and growth of aerosol particles in the upper troposphere."

What they hadn't expected to happen though has been the large- scale occurrences of this over the past few weeks, to include China on December 2nd and 14th and then India on the 21st, which is due to both China's and India's reliance on fossil fuels and the continuing degradation of their air quality.

The effects of these blasts have also been felt throughout the rest of the Northern Hemisphere resulting in such freak occurrences as, hurricane force winds in Paris , Germany, Canada, Russia, England and the United States on an almost simultaneous basis. Accompanying these hurricane force winter winds have been the massive cold fronts following them dropping normal winter lows to record lows throughout the entire Northern Hemisphere.

Though not yet at a point to acknowledge this publicly, some of the world's top scientists are beginning to see an astrophysical correlation between these cosmic ray blasts to our planet and an ever-increasing number of global events relating to atmospheric explosions of inbound meteors, such as those in Indonesia, where a meteorite was picked up by their Air Forces radar, China, where a meteorite explosion turned 'night into day' and Washington D.C. where one police official stated, "It looked like a ball of fire falling out of the sky."

The world's top scientists have begun coordinating with Dr. Eun-Suk Seo from the United States University of Maryland, and her team, in a 'search' for answers to the origin of these cosmic ray blasts directed from an unknown origin in space towards the South Pole and disrupting our global weather systems.

Under Dr. Eun-Suk Seo's and her international team's direction NASA launched a stratospheric balloon on December 20th from Antarctica's McMurdo base and have stated,

"The balloon, following circulation of winds high, will sail around the ice continent for about three weeks. During this time, data of great scientific interest will be gathered. These data concern flows of charged particles of highest energy (cosmic rays) coming from Space."

But as one Russian scientist said to us, and who wished to remain anonymous,

"Why this game? We all know what's happening"

--an apparent reference to the fact though these events are well known to both world governments and the scientific establishments they are beyond the understanding of the general public at large.

Whatever the end results these experiments reveal for these scientists, it remains an undisputed fact that this world of ours is facing a type of global cataclysmic event buried in our common geological past, and maybe, as some social scientists report, in our common ancestral memory also.

source: globalresearch.ca

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Thursday, 30. December 2004

Quake May Have Made Earth Wobble

The deadly Asian earthquake may have permanently accelerated the Earth's rotation, shortening days by a fraction of a second and caused the planet to wobble on its axis

... Richard Gross, a geophysicist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, theorized that a shift of mass toward the Earth's center during the quake Sunday caused the planet to spin 3 microseconds, or millionths of a second, faster and to tilt about an inch on its axis.

... The Earth's poles travel a circular path that normally varies by about 33 feet , so an added wobble of an inch is unlikely to cause long-term effects, he said.

Which means that, in terms of this scientist's theory, a series of greater quakes could make quite an impact on the spin of our planet...

Source: CNN

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Wednesday, 29. December 2004

Tsunami underscores potential 2012 tragedy

As the death toll rises above 60,000, it might be easier to understand why I believe that the human race faces possible extinction in the not-too-distant future. The Earth has generated much, much larger catastrophes in the past, as recently as 10,000 years ago. And if they have happened before, they will happen again.

While I'm willing to admit I don't know what will happen in 2012 or whenever, what I do know is that nobody has prepared for it in any significant way...

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Tuesday, 21. December 2004

Happy Summer/Winter Solstice

I like to keep in mind that ancient cultures, advanced or not, placed a lot of importance on the solstices. The ancient Mayans have selected (in my opinion) the winter solstice for their official end date in 2012. Above is a beautiful ancient chamber at Newgrange in Ireland, where the winter solstice sunrise illuminates the passage and chamber. Follow the link below for more info and pics.

Source: Knowth.com

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Monday, 20. December 2004

"Safe Zone" flooded with radiation

Researchers at the University of Colorado have discovered that a region around the planet, previously thought to be free of radiation, is actually awash with high energy particles. This so-called "safe-zone" sits in between the radiation-stuffed Van Allen belts. This region is normally shielded by the Earth's plasmasphere, but during the particularly intense solar storms last year, this was eroded somewhat and the "safe-zone" was flooded with ions. Some radiation still remains today, researchers have found.

Last year's storms were unusually intense, but that doesn't mean the zone is safe. Once every 11 years, when solar activity peaks, radiation will be more than strong enough to flood the space between the Van Allen belts, and smaller peaks in the intervening years could also cause problems.

Source: The Register

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Friday, 17. December 2004

Mysterious Gamma Rays from our own Galaxy

A European team have discovered a new, unidentified, very high energy gamma-ray source in our Galaxy. I get quite concerned whenever I hear the phrase "suggesting the emergence of a new class of high energy gamma-ray sources of unknown nature"...

The discovery of this source, TeV J2032+4130, is of particular interest because there are only a few very high energy sources in our Galaxy; most of them lie outside our Galaxy.

Additionally, this source does not show any counterpart at other wavelengths, notably at X-ray wavelengths. This team was also involved in the recent discovery of a similar unidentified source, suggesting the emergence of a new class of high energy gamma-ray sources of unknown nature.

The source TeV J2032+4130 has very interesting features. It is most likely located within our own Galaxy, which is remarkable since there are only a few very high energy gamma ray sources in our Galaxy. The centre of our Galaxy is a famous gamma ray source. Another well-known source is the Crab Nebula (see right picture), the remnant of a supernova explosion. In both cases, the corresponding sources also have strong emission at X-ray wavelengths, suggesting the presence of accelerated electrons.

On the contrary, TeV 2032+4130 does not show any counterpart at other wavelengths, notably at X-ray energies. The lack (or at least the low level) of X-ray emission of TeV 2032+4130 suggests that the gamma ray emission arises from the interaction of accelerated cosmic rays with the local ambient matter.

TeV J2032+4130 is located in the Cygnus region, an extremely active star-formation region. It contains a large number of X-ray and low energy gamma-ray sources. To explain the gamma rays emitted by TeV J2032+4130, the HEGRA collaboration looked for sites in this region that could accelerate cosmic ray particles to high enough energy. Such sites could be supernova remnants, expanding clouds of gas that represent the outer layers of exploded stars named supernovae. However, no such supernova remnant has been identified yet in this region. The team believes that TeV J2032+4130 might be related to the “OB stellar association” Cygnus OB2. An OB association is a grouping of very hot and massive young stars. Such an association is named “OB” because these stars have O and B spectral types. Cygnus OB2 is thought to be powering the entire region via the intense stellar winds emanating from its stars.

Source: Innovations Report

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